• The Lutheran Church believes in baptismal regeneration, the Baptist church does not.
• The Lutheran Church believes that worship should be liturgical, the Assembly of God church does not.
• Lutheran, Anglican, Episcopalians and Methodists (to varying degrees) believe that Christ is present in the Eucharist. Other Protestants believe the Eucharist is just a symbol or that Christ presence is only spiritual
• The Assembly of God denomination uses instrumental music during worship, the Church of Christ denomination believes instrumental music to be unbiblical.
• Presbyterians believe in unconditional atonement and irresistible grace, Methodists reject the two beliefs.
• The Church of Christ denomination believes that baptism is necessary for salvation, the Baptist Church does not.
• The Church of Christ denomination believes that baptism should be administered by complete immersion only, Presbyterians believe pouring is acceptable.
• Methodists believe in the Trinity, Oneness Pentecostals do not.
• Lutherans affirm the fact that Mary remained a virgin throughout her life, Baptists reject this belief and say that Mary had other children.
• The Methodist church accepts female ministers, while the Baptist church rejects female ministers as unbiblical.
• Anglican, Episcopalians, Lutherans and Methodists baptize infants, Pentecostals and Baptists believe infant baptism to be invalid
• The Baptist Church teaches that once a person is saved, he is always saved and can not fall from grace. The Church of Christ rejects this teaching as unscriptural
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