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Religion & Spirituality - 27 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

It's all over the news this morning. Do you really think they found DNA from Jesus, what about what Roman Catholisizm and what the Vatican teaches.....I find this so hard to take.

2007-02-27 12:10:36 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-27 12:08:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anthony B 1

ok my bro ask this question is god real

2007-02-27 12:08:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i believe in god, but have you ever wondered if there wasnt a god and that religion was just a giant hoax, like its just weird to think that there is some guy just watching us and stuff

2007-02-27 12:07:48 · 12 answers · asked by BlahBlahBlah 3


What Would Naomi Do?

2007-02-27 12:07:47 · 9 answers · asked by Laptop Jesus 2.0 5

If the bible was written almost 2000 years ago. Why is it that you were warned of what was to come but didn't change it? If God gave you prophets that told you the future, why didn't christians unite and stop the devil in his tracks? Why would they let the world come to wreck which it is today?

Bottom line God wouldn't destroy the world if there was nothing wrong with it.

2007-02-27 12:07:36 · 30 answers · asked by Kanis 2

I've been told I'm going to Hell because I don't believe by...
Hindus (okay I haven't really been told personally but they do have a Hell,)
So do Pagans have a Hell? I'm sure there have to be some fundamentalist Pagans out there somewhere.

2007-02-27 12:06:32 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recieved an email regarding abortion, which said to repost it if you are against abortion, which I did. I recieved a response from someone on my MySpace friends list, a woman who I am just casual friends with, who was obviously offended by the email, since she had had an abortion. In the beginning, I suggested that we not talk about abortion for the sake of our friendship, since we both have different views on it. My view is based upon the teachings of my religion. Instead of dropping the subject she continued on and on about why I was wrong. I don't believe in compromising my religious beliefs, regardless of the subject, just for the sake of not offending someone, therefore I put in my 2 cents as well. This obviously greatly offended her. However, I don't feel that I should have been afraid to stand up for my religious beliefs, simply to avoid offending her, as I feel she is not the one I am meant to please, I think God is. Would you have done the same for your religious beliefs?

2007-02-27 12:04:35 · 42 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

2007-02-27 12:04:20 · 20 answers · asked by The Church Lady 3

OK the bible says the devil is evil and is against god right? But why doesn't the Devil make hell really awesome so a whole bunch of good people would come? Then he could use his massive army to take over Heaven. And if the Devil is against god why does the devil take in all the bad guys and punish them? Why would he punish all those people unless he was in with god.

Does this disprove christianity?

2007-02-27 12:04:16 · 14 answers · asked by ? 2

I left religion because it didn't make any sense to me. I laughed when I think about what I used to believe. However, I do still believe in God although I can't explain why. Do you think it's just the leftover from religion brainwashing 25 years of my life?

Or is it just in the human nature to need something to worship? According to history, my ancestors in South East Asia hundreds of years ago were animists, proven that they believe in God before gospel. So, could it be in my blood? I'm just coming back to my root?

What's your opinion and what's your story?

PS. When they said 'non-believer' is it us because we don't believe in religion or it's not us because we believe in God?

2007-02-27 12:03:06 · 17 answers · asked by Speck Schnuck 5

There seems to be this odd consensus among theists that there is virtue in simply possesing the capacity to have faith.

To this, I ask, "why?"

What is it about being able to have faith that makes one a better person? Is there some practical merit in being able to suspend disbelief?

Given the choice of only having faith in your god, or having your god appear in the world to provide concrete, tangible evidence of himself, wouldn't you prefer to see him, talk to him directly, ask him questions and receive direct answers, put your arm around him, hold his hand? Would you be any less of a devoted follower? Any less of a believer?

I submit that the reason theists place faith so highly on their list of human virtues is because that when it comes to god, THEY HAVE NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER. What else can they do?

It's like saying vanilla is the best ice cream because it's the only flavor the store carries.

2007-02-27 12:02:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since atheists believe we are animals, like goats and groundhogs, just slightly smarter, can humans be categorized with moral values? If a pack of wolves attack a rabbit and eat it, are they bad wolves? Of course not, they are animals, right? You can't put a moral value on the behavior of an animal, so how can atheists do it with humans? And, if atheists believe that the goal in life of a human animal is to be happy, enjoy the ride, procreate, then die, can they really judge a human animal if it decides not to live this way? Isn't our whole legal, societal, and political system mainly based on "archaic" religious values? Can we still have a law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, atheist-style society and judge human animal behavior? If a human animal wants to sit around all day, do nothing, then steal off of other animals for survival, can we judge that animal? Isn't that the true animal way?

2007-02-27 12:01:11 · 18 answers · asked by Matt 4

Matt 17:20? Aren't we talking a measure of faith to believe here, not literally moving a mountain?

2007-02-27 12:01:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

it seems people like to go to church when there are more doing it.

2007-02-27 12:01:00 · 3 answers · asked by sehoy 3

I bought some dvds from amazon.com, they were scratched so they sent me a replacement and allowed me to pick and choose between the dvds and then send the other set back. They refunded my original offer before I sent the dvds back but then when I sent them back they refunded it again, so basically I got them for free and now I have to decide whether or not i tell them or just leave it as it is. They handled my purchase and return so well but i also am cash strapped and could use the money. What should I do?

2007-02-27 11:59:18 · 26 answers · asked by alias_47 3

I know God made the first clothes but I don't know about the shoes.

2007-02-27 11:58:23 · 8 answers · asked by debbie2243 7

2007-02-27 11:57:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

that was placed there in rememberance of jesus during his walking on water days.

2007-02-27 11:56:59 · 4 answers · asked by DO YOU KNOW WHERE GARY IS? 3

Throughout the Quran it says to deal justly with nonbelievers and to live peacefully with them. I can understand where the misconceptions about islam developed but I do not understand why people say that the Quran is a violent book even after reading it.

"Say : O ye that reject Faith! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. To you be your Way, and to me mine. (The Noble Quran, 109:1-6)"

nowhere in the Quran does it tell you to kill an innocent. it only tells you to kill people who fight with you or oppress you. the most quoted is surah 9:5. Unforunately no one bothers to look at the history behind the battle

do you really think this stereotype of islam is correct? I'm only trying to defend Islam itself, and not the mistakes certain muslims have made. Islam does not teach what they preach. sry abt rhyme :P
please no disrespect. thank u

2007-02-27 11:56:39 · 7 answers · asked by E.T.01 5

If you kill someone, and they just go to Heaven or Hell (where they would eventually go anyway), what difference does it make?

2007-02-27 11:54:56 · 19 answers · asked by Contemplative Monkey 3

Keep in mind they have to follow the threefold law and the Wiccan rede "and it harm none, do what ye will." And It cannot bend or bind the will of another person (this means no love spells).... I want to know the top 10 favorite spells.

2007-02-27 11:53:25 · 8 answers · asked by Halo 1

If hell exists and people really go there. whats the point of it? hell itself. having a hell so people can burn eternally. "god's children" in my opinion. everyone is capable of learning what is right and what is wrong. its easy for some people to sit and point the finger at other "bad" people. but each person is raised differently. people are subjected to horrible things. and neglected. and they may choose a life of hatred and murder only because they're afraid of love. they may not become christian because they are angry at god. but deep down they're only hurt and confused. why should they have to be sent to hell. Hell doesnt teach anyone anything . why would a god create such a place. he gives us "Free will" . but at the same time he plants fear in us with his "Hell".. which makes free will pointless. its like "do the right thing.or burn forever".so it really isnt free will at all. if god is everything then he's hell too. so it isnt really a god of love. more like a god of orders

2007-02-27 11:53:07 · 12 answers · asked by slave 1

What if it was proven?
Would you change your religion, or still deny that it is jesus?
Just a what if question, don't get bent outta shape.

Atheism-the logical choice

2007-02-27 11:52:43 · 24 answers · asked by dino 1

2007-02-27 11:52:32 · 9 answers · asked by DO YOU KNOW WHERE GARY IS? 3

Is committing suicide an act of strength (enough strength to actually go through with the process) or weakness (too weak to deal with the world as it is)?

2007-02-27 11:50:27 · 41 answers · asked by mrb1017 4

I have heard some Christians say that the Antichrist will bring the people of the world together before showing his true side, or something like that. I have looked all up and down the Bible and I can't figure out where they are getting that idea from. Can anybody tell me what book, chapter, verse in the Bible says that? What is the exact quote or quotes? If the words are symbolic, please explain why you feel it means that. Thanks.

2007-02-27 11:50:25 · 9 answers · asked by majnun99 7

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