I've been very agitated this morning thinking about court system so I started Yelling out I'm tired of sin!! I'm tired of sin, I'm tired of wickedness I finally understand why God flushed us down with the flood!! Then I was reminded of how in the world did it begin again, sin?? God cleansed Noah and his family! Then I was reminded of the incident here in GE 9:1- God reestablishes us and says Be ye fruitful and multiply, as he commanded Adam. The problem began again in the 22 v with Ham being ignorant of the judgements of God. WE again didn't understand God restored us to our former state the flesh is our blanket there was no need for atonement. The icying was Noah pronounced a curse on Ham as God did on Eve and Adam, so we again became subject to sin! I can't help but to surmise, Noah didn't educate his son concerning God. This hits home even with me, the importance of teaching he word of God to your siblings! But consider this how much hand holding is needed considering they all were witnesses of the power God! That experience would of been enough to cause me to stand still for years! To tell you the truth my personal experience with him has changed my opinion on life! Not by my own wisdom but by the revelation of who God is. He is one "for-mid-able" adversary if you looking for a fight! This revelation of "Idol" man's imagination is really becoming more and more obvious! The laws of mens imagination are a true problem. These people know they are corrupt, they have even installed cameras all over town, talk about being paranoid! Solomon touched on a rich Ecc 5:1-12v man being robbed of sleep. No doubt like all things are made known by the wisdom of God!! Disparaging is a tripped out word for it exposes the condition of our choices. Disparaging tending to belittle, meaning whatever you, I consume belittles us! Like an alcoholic he is be-littled by the whisky, and the whiskey takes on his form semblance. Outwardly looks like you but inwardly you are being governed by the heat of the whisky's spirit. Likewise if you consume alot of tv, work, human contact whatever you do, it belittles you!! I'd much rather be, belittled by my father Jehovah and Lord and savior Jesus Christ than ignorant man!! For in Christ is life, endeavours outside of him tends to lead to death. JAmes 3:1-18v Have not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. Confusion, delusion and megalomania encompasses us as being the frauds we truly are. Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God.With us who are away from Jehovah we are governed by false beliefs. A false belief is superstiotions, fables, heresis, dreams, illusion our way of thinking. All is vanity there is no truth in you or me outside of Jesus! We speak his word at his admonition we seek his glory, not that of ourselves for we understand due to him. In him we breathe and move and have our well being, and outside of him we die. Friends let us all repent and seek after God whole heartedly for in him is life. I remember 7 years ago I didn't understand life and death, I believed I was alive. So I could not comprehend why my father continued to to say in proverbs in him is life. I give thanks unto him now for I understand now all things outside of him are pointless and I no longer depend or trust man. Nor in his vain inventions Idols, for there is no deliverer outside of my lord Jesus Christ. So I gladly announce my new found understanding given by him. There is none other whom can deliver, there is no point putting all your energy in man, women, father's, mother's, brother, sister, employers, coworkers, money, poltics, government the law just Jesus Christ!! I'm ready to leave here, what gain is there here? What point is there continuing to breathe here?? All things of substancial worth are with our father his insight, his wisdom, his knowledge, his understanding! Who else can cause his fortune to grow naturally?? Who else causes whatever he needs to just grow up from a seed and multiply into abundance for him?? I know none whom has ever done as he has, planted a field, scattered his seed and left the dressing, tilling and raising unto us,of his wisdom. Whom else? Is there any other God out there with wisdom, knowledge, understanding that supercedes Jehovah?? Is there any who he owes? Is there any other greater than he?? As I just mediatate on his genius I can't help but to lift up my voice unto him, for there is no other besides him. When you finally understand be still and know that I am God, meaning come to know him while being in a idle state! When you finally embark on your journey of searching out God and as he begins to unfold his design his workmanship the universe, his handywork and as he begins to reveal to you all he has done alone by his knowledge, his wisdom, his understanding it causes you to wonder and leap out due to amazement!! He has not made known to me all things . But all my endeavours to become an inventor on my own and failures. And he opening up my eyes to his creation all around me. Demanded me to stop and closely examinate Jehovah. He causes all he needs, all he wants to grow up for him. That's truly amazing to me I could not imagine having a treasure just grow up for me out of soil lol. Imagine throwing a gold nugget in the ground and harvest time it yields a serious gold mine lol!! That's what I'm talking, standing still and coming to know God!!!
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