I think they would be sick.
In the days of Paul, the followers of Mashiyach met in synagogues, celebrated the Shabbat and learned the Way of the Torah Mashiyach. It 190 C.E. Marcion built the first "church" and he birthed the theologies of the "Old and New Testament", Dispensationalism and Replacement Theology became a Christian value as it remains to this day.
Today the Christian church at large has adopted the pagan festivals Christmas, Easter and Sunday which where introduced into Christianity many years after Paul, yet Paul is credited for bringing this paganism into "the church"? NO, the fact of the matter is that the Gentile "Church Fathers", like Tertullian and Marcion are responsible for the Hellenism, not Paul.
A saddened Christian...thankful for my blessed Hope!
David T
7 answers
asked by
David T