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Religion & Spirituality - 17 June 2006

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I WONDER ..Why there are a lot of different kinds of church with different kinds of teachings and beliefs???.. why arent u guys united?? Agree in only one teaching...Some says Jesus is THE god, some says he's the son of god, the 2nd god and what ever.. BUT, in ISLAM- They ALL united and believe and know that Allah s.w.t is the Only ONE that they must worshipped and obeyed to.

Have you guys ever THINK of this???

2006-06-17 04:25:35 · 49 answers · asked by MissChievous 6

Id be glad to fill you in.the book of Job tells a fairly accurate account of what happened. Let me get a few things straight with you. the churches you christians attend dont give the whole story never have never will.
1. Jehova is a war God
2. Satan is another God, not a war God
3. Gods are also known as Elders, which are high ranking angels
4. Jesus was the son of a war God, he was no angel but a human soul.
5. satan and Jehova made a bet to see who could get the most people.
6. Jehova, angry that his religion, christianity wasnt working right, banished Satan to another galaxy.

2006-06-17 04:22:36 · 23 answers · asked by brianna_the_angel777 4

2006-06-17 04:20:30 · 20 answers · asked by jokingrose1 1

2006-06-17 04:19:45 · 22 answers · asked by sshhorty2 4

In my case, my wife worked for one a home with children. Her and another worker noticed symptoms that a child in the house was being molested. (The evidence was overwhelming and it too graphic to explain). My wife called CPS and they were investigated. Meanwhile, my wife was pretty much fired for whistleblowing. After CPS did their investigation, my wife heard directly from the CPS case worker that they were "Good Christians."

I was just wondering if anyone else has had similar situations. I might mention that I am a Christian myself, I am not bashing at all. It is just sickening to me.

2006-06-17 04:19:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-17 04:11:08 · 18 answers · asked by gasp 4

I want to live my life in God's will fully, and I don't want it to be all about me in life. I have goals in life but if they're not God's purpose for me. I'll gladly step down from what I'm pursuing in life. That's the type of commitment I want to have with Jesus. Maybe I need to just pray about what it is that he wants for me in life. I feel sometimes like I'm working so hard to get somewhere but going nowhere. That's another reason why I feel like my goals are self will instead of God's will. I'm a Methodist, I believe in God strongly, I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for my sins, and I believe that God has a purpose for all of us here on this Earth. I guess maybe I'm trying to hard or too soon to find out what my purpose is. Anybody ever feel the same way that I do? God's will verses Self will how do you know when you're doing God's will?

2006-06-17 04:03:14 · 26 answers · asked by Shawn J 2

2006-06-17 04:02:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm think the bible says I should not lie with other men, so can I make love to them while I'm standing up?

2006-06-17 03:58:41 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Armegedon, do you believe in it? I just read a post from a myspace.com member (charlesstanleyjones), that has left me perplexed to say the least. What's your take on it?

2006-06-17 03:53:18 · 18 answers · asked by Tammie 1

Just wanting to see how many different people has had a parnormal experience weather it be big or small lets hear it all.

2006-06-17 03:50:34 · 11 answers · asked by baby_blueeyed_girl_2005 1

did allah know that 1400 years down the track that educated civilized people will view his messenger mohomed as a pedophile for having sex with a 9 year old girl?
sounds like allah did not know anything about the future right?

2006-06-17 03:50:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm thinking to have relations with it, but I'm think I should be in marriege first. Could you tell me if the Bible is ok for this?

2006-06-17 03:48:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to know, what are the differences in what they believe?

2006-06-17 03:46:50 · 23 answers · asked by jeff_is_sexy 4

http://www.fathersloveletter.com/fllpreviewlarge.html in my opinion sum's it all up :)

2006-06-17 03:44:06 · 15 answers · asked by I-C-U 5

Abortionists rationalize that a fetus isn't human enough to be considered having the right to live. God formed each one of us in the womb. Is it up to these murderers to decide to end a life??

2006-06-17 03:42:36 · 31 answers · asked by garayfive 2

I can't believe how many questions I've answered that have focused on the conflict between Atheists and Christians today. Any comments?

2006-06-17 03:42:33 · 13 answers · asked by optimistic_pessimist1985 4

In the next week if we could all just do one nice thing every day. Do this without letting others know. get back to me with the results, Thanks

2006-06-17 03:41:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to christians, without ghod(tm) in your life, you must be immoral. Yet atheists live very moral and good lives.
How could this be possible? If the christian model is correct, anyone who rejects ghod(tm) should be living lives of debauchery and crime.
Yet this is very rarely the case.

2006-06-17 03:35:37 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

We both want to do this. Some people say to me the Bible does not allow for this. Could you tell me why not?

2006-06-17 03:32:43 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not pointing to one religion in general, just a supreme being or beings. Many athiests I know say there is no proof of a god, so why believe. So I'm asking if a supreme being asked what they could do to make you believe, what would it be? What could be done that wouldn't be seen as a random phenomenon or other coincidence.

2006-06-17 03:31:53 · 15 answers · asked by professional student 1

2006-06-17 03:21:01 · 17 answers · asked by gasp 4

I read the following quote this morn. Does it ring true to you? Can you explain why or why not?

"A body of a Master is just one small part of the One God, but because of The Oneness Principle this small part is a mouthpiece for the One God. What does it mean when it says, "man is the tabernacle of God"? It means that just as the body of the One God is the Universe, the body of man is a creation of the mind of God and, as such, contains a universe within it."


2006-06-17 03:20:53 · 11 answers · asked by CosmicKiss 6

talking about the past crusades by christians is not an answer to todays problems. muslims are killing people now. today in iraq muslims blew up 23 fellow muslims in a mosque.
i never heard of christians , hindus, jews or buddhists murdering innocent people today. but musims did.
where are the so called islamic apologists?

2006-06-17 03:20:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What I'm going to do is answer all the so-called un-answerable questions and you have a choice of answers either a biblical answer or a modern up to date answer. You choose! Ask me anything concerning: God, Aliens, Bigfoot, Greys, Where God and the Angels come from.What and were is hell? Does Heaven exist? Is the Devil a reptilian? Does God need love?Is jesus God? What race was Jesus/Yashu'a? Who live before Adam and Eve? What planets has/had life on them? Why there so many races/species of human beings?Sodom mis-interpetive. Why there is evil? Has God really blessed America? Wher did the asteroid belt come from?

2006-06-17 03:18:10 · 8 answers · asked by Messenger 1

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