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Other - Society & Culture - 16 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

It is joked often that when Hilary went up the Everest in 1952 for the first time he saw there a tea shop owned by an Indian (Keralite) another (Punjabi)repairing a frozen stove. I am just wondering if there is any part of the world in which there is no Asian Subcontinental Indian or Indian origin. I would like a reply which is in country terms or familiarly defined geographical terms.

2007-05-16 22:58:36 · 15 answers · asked by maradnusro 3

Which 1 of the following sentences BEST describes you, when you go shirtless in the summer? Explain your answer.
1) I will only take off my shirt, when I am working-out outside in the heat.
2) I will only take off my shirt, when I am around girls, so I can show off.
3) I often work outside in the summer heat, and I am allways the first guy to take the shirt off.
4) I take my shirt off, only when I get warm.
5) I am shirtless most of the summer, and there are times when I don't even carry a shirt with me, out in public.
6) It depends on when I want to go shirtless, and I am careful to wear a shirt, where I need to.
7) I never go shirtless.

2007-05-16 22:43:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Be honest and use your full freedom to express your self and show your thoughts on this sensitive issue?

2007-05-16 22:21:40 · 8 answers · asked by lonelyspirit 5

Im asian and i have a really tight parents. From birth to like this age of 17. My family are really in to self-respect and dignity so they want me to be a high-class girl with manners and behave like a good girl. Im really sick because i have like missed out a lot of my social life because of this. Im not even allowed to go parties, hang out with boys, dress up . Im not allowed to come back home late, my time is 5-6pm. I have to be in or like they get really scared and think im killed or raped lol!! Im really sick and tired and im going to be 18 in this december. and on top of that Ive just got a job and it starts from 6pm-11pm and its a really high standard work and im so lucky to get it. But my parents think the time is not good so they dont want me work which really pissed me off. Its like they're going to be like this my whole life. How do i make them realise im old..and i can be independent and i can handle myself. how do i do this ? I desperatly need help...

2007-05-16 21:57:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


Hi everyone,

I'm so fed up today, some people may think i'm exaggerating and need to lighten up but it's really annoyed me. Last night I pulled out of the car park, where the car park is, it's on a slip road of a dual carriageway, I went to change lanes and the guy behind flashed to let me in, he was driving fast so had to slam his breaks on. Now I know it could have been an error on my part because i've only been driving less than a week. Well anyway there's a guy in my office and he was dropping off a girl in my office and he refused to move out of the car park because he wanted to follow me! So he saw all this and followed me half the way home. I was so annoyed because it was putting me off. When I got into work this morning, the pair of them have told everyone at work that I randomly pulled out on a guy and it's really upset me that no one can be descreet in my office. It knocked my confidence. Does any1 understand what i'm saying? Any ideas on how to help me lighten up?

2007-05-16 21:27:24 · 16 answers · asked by ♥ Miss E ♥ 3

I have observed, as openness has grown up more and in abundance in the our livelihood, girls do not take dupatta (cover) over their chest. Simply they put T-shirt or kinda, and stick out their booobs and walk like normal as they do not have feeling that somebody may get aorused or anything or feeling of vulgarity. some girls crosses their limits by showing their curves also. Even I have observed, during riding train/bus, if their boobs gets hit by any person (normally in Mteros), they donot react, they behave like its normal, do they not feel that some body has touched or crashed her booobs. Sometimes I really feel embrassing, when I see some girls sticking out their booobs in t-shirt or their bums in geans, which shows really vulgar to the sorroundings but they show or behave as they are simple parts of body not a special kind of body. In my view, they should respect their parts as we Male protect and cover our chest and bums.

2007-05-16 21:21:31 · 6 answers · asked by Pearl 1

There are so many differant opinions,,, what is a 'success"

2007-05-16 21:10:34 · 3 answers · asked by Scorpio 2

Would you contact the Legal Eagles, or would you just keep it and melt it down for your own use.

2007-05-16 18:48:10 · 4 answers · asked by aotea s 5

I'm an old fart and new to this game

2007-05-16 17:09:46 · 21 answers · asked by Ynot 6

My mom keeps bugging me about my career and what i want to do. i want to become a fashion journalist and travel.
but she says i can do better, i can help someone out in the world and shes forcing me to chose another career.

all my other friends and older brothers and sister are doing something in their lives to help others out, im choosing a career that doesnt help others.
i feel left out and selfish.

beign in fashion journalism is what i want to do even tho it may not help a lot of peopel in the world, but i like it.
give me advice!

2007-05-16 16:42:47 · 14 answers · asked by ? 1

What is the purpose of it?

2007-05-16 16:14:29 · 1 answers · asked by patrick m 1

some pro-lifers argue that the fetus is a potential life and thus aborting it is harming it, cant we use that same argument for men masturbating? like when then guys masturbate and they ejaculate isnt that killing potential lives?? i know this sounds ridiculous but think about it!!! honestly. so if they want to abolish all abortion laws, shouldnt we have anti-masturbation laws for men also?

2007-05-16 14:53:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes I have awaken in the middle of the night because I have a feeling someone is staring at me. When I look up I see a face looking down at me. I know it sounds crazy but it seems like a faint person hovering over me. Sometimes I become so scared that I throw the blanket back over my head. When I look again, its gone. I really think its some kind of ghost and whats even more bizzare is that they seem surprised that I actually see them. Does anyone know or ever heard of this?

P.S. I'm not on drugs!!!!!!!!

2007-05-16 14:20:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

....Native Indians did not call this America or the United States. The Country, as a place of Freedom and Individual Rights exists because of the Settlers - not Native Indians! If the Pilgrims did not do what they did, and the country did not develop the way it did - the "US" would now be part of England, Spain, Mexico, the Netherlands, France, ....take your pick. But it would Not be in the hands of the Native Indians because they were a "low tech" society that would have been over-thrown by a more "advanced" culture anyway. So, can wee all move on and just accept that the assimilation (no matter how unfair) of the Native Indians was a necessary event in order for this country to be born and to move forward?

2007-05-16 14:18:54 · 6 answers · asked by zowar1363 4

what would you do if you were peed off with life in general and just wanted to get a life!! or not and be left alone to just do nothing and sleep or just do nothing at all..... im drunk (again)and had enough of everything

2007-05-16 14:06:07 · 20 answers · asked by confused 6

just curious

2007-05-16 13:37:01 · 31 answers · asked by snozzberries 4

It's from the "Lebanon" category:

I think it's ignorant and tasteless. What do you think?

2007-05-16 13:29:22 · 6 answers · asked by Victoria Love-Williams 5

Heres the thing, I live in a small town in lower Alabama, I am a hairstylist and I had a lady that came into my shop and she was from Wiscosin (we call them snowbirds) and she looked at me and said "OMG, You are so beautiful and you have all your teeth and are a very smart lady" and she went on and on about my country accent WTF!?!?!? and to make things worse I have heard this a couple times before (not in those exact words of course) So my question is Why do alot (not all) people think that southerners are uneducated, toothless, and ugly and should be in our overalls sittin on a porch drinkin moonshine:)?? I just want to know how many people think that and why do they think that??? Thanks in advance.

2007-05-16 12:12:43 · 7 answers · asked by daisydownsouth 4

you woke one morning and the things in this poem happened?

A New World By Semper Fi 83

You sit up in the bed and the clock starts to sing,
And realize for a sec that your clock only rings.
But now there's a song being sung from a clock,
And you here the reaction from just down the block.
You jump from the bed and put you feet on the floor,
Walk to the window and your block is no more.
Your house is suspended as if in thin air,
Your neighbors are flying without a slight care,
Without a mere worry and no signs of fear.
They say Come on out! For Peace Is now here!
The war is now over the troops will come home,
They all put their guns down and broke into song.
You hear that all violence has ceased in the world.
From country to country peace has unfurled.
The Muslims and Jews are now shaking hands,
And some of their kids have made a new dance.
All of the guns and the bombs are destroyed.
To take up their places love is deployed.
And love is infectious.

2007-05-16 11:42:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-16 11:41:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Scientology were following him in America and harrasing his family in England. They even chased away a very sinister stranger at his wedding. In America they were even snooping into his breakfast conversations at his hotel.


2007-05-16 10:50:56 · 5 answers · asked by Teacher 4

lowermybills.com had ads where 2 black girls are dancing like whores at their desk, why is this not protested by jessee jackson or arnold sharpton?

2007-05-16 10:50:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever seen anyone buried in the sand at the beach with only their head and feet sticking out of the sand? Did you see them having their feet tickled? If so, was it someone you know or was it a stranger? Was it at a public beach?
I was just wondering because I love it when that happens!

2007-05-16 10:46:29 · 15 answers · asked by ticklish Jen 1

We are trying to find out where the best place on earth is for a stag weekend ? and why ? what made it so great ? How long did it last ?

We're slightly biased to budapest in hungary only because we organise stag weekends here but really want to know where is the best place on earth.

2007-05-16 10:40:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it all women, or is just my daughter, but she seems to expect me take her out for lunch and dinner all the time, regardless of what meal I have cooked.
Now, don't get me wrong here, but I don't fix hamburger helper, or crap like that, but steak, chops, chicken, pork roast, and such with all of the trimmings, however, my child would rather that I give her money and let her go to resturants like Texas Roadhouse, as if it is required that she be allowed to eat out whenever she wants.
Now, is it just her, your do all of you think your that special and that we should take you out all of the time.

I am a great cook, and I even do the cleaning after word, so that she has more time to spend with her friends, before she has to report for duty with US Army.

2007-05-16 10:02:08 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Be honest!

And please tell me where you're from.

2007-05-16 09:31:12 · 27 answers · asked by garik 5

It seems to me that the evolution/creation debate is more about money, power & sociol positioning than just two differant personal beleif systems. It seems to have turned into "politicking" as usual. Wheather one or the other is right is not the issue any more. The results only seem importent if some one garners money or a sociol position increase from all the hooplah vented. I mean the NRA needs Hand gun control Inc. & visa versa. The anti smoking crowd needs the smokers & visa versa. The republicans need the democrats & visa versa. The enviro's need the oil company's & visa versa. These are all PERSONAL beleif systems, why start "politicking" them? I mean there's a LOT more to life than just politicking, sociolizing & other people, like fishing, horseback riding, drag racing, golf etc. What's with all this "I gotta make sure other people see it my way" mentality? Is anyone else seeing the politicking as an out of control power grab by the "stick my nose in your business" crowd?

2007-05-16 09:31:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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