....Native Indians did not call this America or the United States. The Country, as a place of Freedom and Individual Rights exists because of the Settlers - not Native Indians! If the Pilgrims did not do what they did, and the country did not develop the way it did - the "US" would now be part of England, Spain, Mexico, the Netherlands, France, ....take your pick. But it would Not be in the hands of the Native Indians because they were a "low tech" society that would have been over-thrown by a more "advanced" culture anyway. So, can wee all move on and just accept that the assimilation (no matter how unfair) of the Native Indians was a necessary event in order for this country to be born and to move forward?
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Society & Culture
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The US has done some horrible things in its past - I'm not denying that. We have "grown" over the years and are improving all the time. What I'm saying is that the Native Indians were destined to go bye-bye whether at the hands of the English, Spanish, etc. The US should not feel guilty for the Native Indians becvause the US wouldn't be here today if events did not play-out the way they did!
14:39:00 ·
update #1