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....Native Indians did not call this America or the United States. The Country, as a place of Freedom and Individual Rights exists because of the Settlers - not Native Indians! If the Pilgrims did not do what they did, and the country did not develop the way it did - the "US" would now be part of England, Spain, Mexico, the Netherlands, France, ....take your pick. But it would Not be in the hands of the Native Indians because they were a "low tech" society that would have been over-thrown by a more "advanced" culture anyway. So, can wee all move on and just accept that the assimilation (no matter how unfair) of the Native Indians was a necessary event in order for this country to be born and to move forward?

2007-05-16 14:18:54 · 6 answers · asked by zowar1363 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

The US has done some horrible things in its past - I'm not denying that. We have "grown" over the years and are improving all the time. What I'm saying is that the Native Indians were destined to go bye-bye whether at the hands of the English, Spanish, etc. The US should not feel guilty for the Native Indians becvause the US wouldn't be here today if events did not play-out the way they did!

2007-05-16 14:39:00 · update #1

6 answers

I think most of us have. The thing is, no matter that we did it, or someone else would if we didn't doesn't make it right. Yes, it would of happened. It just doesn't make it right. That's the problem, People have become more aware that other cultures have the same rights that we do. Low tech and Hi tech doesn't mean I'm Superior. Just different.

2007-05-16 14:35:57 · answer #1 · answered by punch 7 · 2 0

Yup, they didn't call it America and had it first and foremost and were above being "true" on this land then any newcomers.

Seriously...if a guest moved into your home for an extended amount of time, would you eventually consider them the "true" owner of your home?

1. Since when does "advanced" mean better?

And who says "advanced" only has one definition?

2. Do you even realize that this "freedom" you speak of is LESS then what Native people had here BEFORE everyone else came?

I mean...this "freedom" is nothing compared to the freedom Native people had here some generations ago. That was real freedom, this so-called "freedom" we have today is much more of a societal CAGE then you realize.

2007-05-16 21:52:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Does the USA ever feel guilty over bringing Africans in Chains to work the fields? Gee that was such an improvement? along with small pox, polio, desintary, and a host of other diseases. If they would have stayed home polar ice caps wouldn't be melting from polution. They didn't hurt the enviroment. Your progress at all costs was pretty brutal.
You could have been a little nicer about how you stold the land. You brutally took another countrys land and murder the herds of buffalo they depended on for survival and then stated this country has always been founded on God.
As they tortured Indians to convert made them speak their language and killed any who objected.

2007-05-16 21:47:42 · answer #3 · answered by cloud 7 · 1 1

Most of the native Americans was wipped out by murder and disease so those pilgrims didn't really do anything for the Indians. In 1500 there was 1,002,000 Indians Most believe there were twice that amount and only those who were captured and converted were counted.
In 1650 there was 379,000 Indians and 58,000 Europeans and 1,600 Africans brought here in the most unhumane way on slave trips. Were most died of disease.
By 1800 178-000 Indians and 4,763,000 Europeans and 1,002,000 Africans. Reading this out of the map portion of the National Geographic Magazine for this month.
It also goes on to say that most of the Indians were killed by murder and disease down to a small number on a few reservations. So how did the Europeans do us this great big favor by saving us from who? Spain was busy murdering all the Indians in Mexico and forcing them to speak Spanish.
thanks for the small pox blankets.

2007-05-16 21:34:21 · answer #4 · answered by Vanessa 6 · 1 2

I agree with the point that to get to the state this country is in today (yeah, isn't it fab??) the settlers had no choice but to procede as they did. However, I still don't believe it was necessarily right to begin with that the crowned heads of Europe decided to allow people to settle here when there was clear evidence that the land was already inhabited (regardless of who inhabited it or how technologically advanced they were).

2007-05-16 21:35:33 · answer #5 · answered by Jane D 4 · 2 0

yeah americas long tradition of freedom and peace. regular gated house on the hill.

2007-05-16 21:32:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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