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Other - Society & Culture - 16 May 2007

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He continues to mow this one strip of grass after KNOWING I take care of it at a certain length......Becuase He does this, it ALWAYS looks uneven.....am I overreacting becuase it is just grass?


2007-05-16 09:06:39 · 23 answers · asked by Dick Richards 3

From smoking to swearing, we are all annoyed by different things, what 3 things set you off?

2007-05-16 08:57:35 · 9 answers · asked by happydema 2

For example, when you are black and meet a white person with your last name or vice versa.

My last name is far more common for black people than white, and when I meet them, I ask what part of the country their family is from to see if we're related.

A black checker at my grocery store noticed my last name on my club card is the same as hers, and now she calls me cousin.

I wonder if other people think of it the same way or at all.

2007-05-16 08:44:54 · 51 answers · asked by yurbud 3

Public schools in America?

2007-05-16 08:37:59 · 11 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

2007-05-16 08:33:48 · 3 answers · asked by Lindsay Jane 6

What do you think is socially wrong in society that has contributed to the sex addictions? Do you think men that have had sex addictions can ever truly be trusted? What kind of experiences have you had related to this type of thing?

2007-05-16 08:32:51 · 11 answers · asked by Soul saviour 4

They just seem to growl at me everytime I do.

2007-05-16 07:52:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

In other words, are we all born good or bad or is it something that happens in our life that makes us good or bad? Please provide proof!

2007-05-16 07:43:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have noticed i my last question people are asking why they should pay for thier medication.

So why should we be paying for medication. I do understand there is a cost to these but surely the fact that some is healthy enough to work pays off any medication that they may need through taxes. Here we have a set amount a family can pay set at €72/month. Therefore if my family need to pay €1000 on a particular month, after you cover the first €72 everything else is payed for by the government.

The other problem is that when a company makes a really effective drug, they charge silly money for it. Making the desease market very worthwhile. Why not use the GAP or WTO to make a set percentage of profit on these drugs instead of messing people over non stop, they would finally help us out for once.

A sub question is why are people so stupid as to keep electing governments that make us pay for medical care when IT IS as basic human right?

2007-05-16 07:38:36 · 13 answers · asked by Ray E 1

I would like to know more about the monks who sacrificed themselves in Vietnam i believe. Anti Communism thing , I don't know , please show me links to more info.

2007-05-16 07:13:05 · 1 answers · asked by O Kongeriket 2

I need more detail about DeMolay

2007-05-16 07:06:45 · 8 answers · asked by lisa 2

Whats happend to kids ? im sure i had more respect and disipline when i was a kid and it wasnt that long ago

Whato do u think? has it changed or have we just grown up?

2007-05-16 06:49:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-16 06:47:53 · 3 answers · asked by Waineo G 1


I'm 27 & live with my parents: not by choice mind you. I was laid off & had to move back home & it's taking longer than I expected. I contribute financially & try not to be a "moocher". I want to relocate soon I don't see the point in moving out until then. I see people my age with college degrees & owning their own houses. Had I made different choices maybe things would be different. If you call me names I will report so don't say anything if u can't say anything nice!

2007-05-16 06:41:10 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

i got to admit that it feels good not wearing any clothes! and i love being in the sun relaxing so i may visit a nude beach when i go to Spain next year! for those of you who HAVE been to a nude beach, how was your experience???

2007-05-16 06:20:18 · 33 answers · asked by ILoveGreen ZipZapZop 4

Please give your views on this

2007-05-16 06:17:25 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

as it refers to macroeconomics

2007-05-16 06:06:44 · 3 answers · asked by tampa 1

2007-05-16 05:53:40 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

looks or money?

2007-05-16 05:43:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

could you kill a loved one for doing something you consider evil?

2007-05-16 05:41:49 · 9 answers · asked by balanbalis 3

Back in the 60's before separation of church and state, you never heard of school shootings and such, since the dawn of teaching evolution and lack of religious backgrounds in the schools, we are seeing more and more violence in schools and with our youth. Do you think the two are related? Lack of religious beliefs and violence go hand in hand?????

2007-05-16 05:18:22 · 14 answers · asked by Penelope 4

Because if they want equal rights, then buy me dinner and open the door for me. I argue that they want selective equal rights - only the ones that even further promote their place in this world.

2007-05-16 05:10:17 · 7 answers · asked by liver_n_jello 2

2007-05-16 05:04:44 · 18 answers · asked by Poppi 2

Same language and similar(ish)culture obviously, but there must be more to it

2007-05-16 04:55:51 · 18 answers · asked by dennis 2

In 1856 the Speak of the House said: I personally chose not to own a slave..but I would NEVER stand in the way of another man's LEGAL RIGHT to own one..the House erupted into a standing ovation. His Pro-Slavery view was wrong then and his ancestors the Pro-Abortion movement is wrong today. Both agree that they don't respect human life, one was "just"a slave another "just" tissue, forever linked in history together. The slave master argued that we can't set free the blacks because they weren't able to care for themselves...the Pro-Abortion's say's no one could care for these children...even though blacks can care for themselves & there is a waiting list for years for adoptions..BOTH are liars..BOTH don't respect human life. Both will go down in history together as the worst human tragedy America has ever faced...slavery and murder of children. Both refuse to hear another view point, BOTH will fight tooth & nail to enslave & murder.

My God..what have we've done?

2007-05-16 04:52:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-16 04:32:57 · 6 answers · asked by Steven I 2

2007-05-16 04:30:07 · 10 answers · asked by ! 5

It would be impractical to control but that's not the point. There are many cases of parents abusing their children to make them quiet or compliant. The world is massively overcrowded. There are too many more reasons to list. Commonsense tells us that reproduction should not be a right.

In contrast (and please don't base your entire answer on this point alone) many countries have requirements for a person to own a dog. If you don't pass the requirement you have no right to own the dog.

What is the right to reproduce based on ?

2007-05-16 04:29:28 · 6 answers · asked by Dharma Nature 7

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