get some sleep huni things always seem worse at night. Things will look better in the morning once ur hangover is gone.
2007-05-16 14:12:11
answer #1
answered by juicy 4
Don't make any major decisions while you are drunk.
When you are sober, take a community or college course in a subject that interests you.
Try to find something else to do during the time you usually drink.
By some paints, a journal, or craft supplies and try to create something.
Volunteer an hour or two each week at a rescue mission, or a home for the sick or disadvantaged.
Join a church. Sing in the choir.
Write letters to the editor of the local newspaper about news and editorial topics.
Buy some new clothes, and start walking everyday.
Make a list of people you want to contact and call or e-mail one or two everyday.
Life is short, but it's hard to remain productive. A lot of things can wear us down and steal our time. Most problems can't be solved by worrying about them, but when we reflect on them and our answers, we can learn to better people and share what we have learned with others.
Good luck!
2007-05-16 14:18:16
answer #2
answered by Calvin James Hammer 6
Don't get mad with life. Everybody has bad days and sometimes bad weeks. Drinking never has solved a problem. Get some rest and sleep and when your mind is clear, try to figure the best thing to do in your situation. By the way, I'm having a glass of wine right now, so I'll toast to you having a good day tomorrow. Good luck and be careful.
2007-05-16 14:21:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First of all alcohol is not your answer, find something that you enjoy doing,go out with some good friends to a movie and relieve some stress, life is only what you make it,yes,it can be rough and you might question it at times but life was not promised to be a bed of roses for us,we all go thru struggles and hard times in life but how we deal with our struggles is our key. Dont let life get you down,you might want to talk to your doctor about depression we all go thru depressing times it is nothing to be ashamed of,there is medical treatment that you can receive and possibly you may need an anti-depressant. Good-Luck Friend.
2007-05-16 14:57:36
answer #4
answered by lil frogger 2
I went through somethign very similar the best thing I would suggest is go see your doctor about it they can offer lots of help for you and it will be confidential. I have a great group of friends who helped me through things aswell aswell and what you need to do is take charge of your life instead of this drinking and wanting to sleep all the time decide what you want and have it. Drinking may seam great at the time getting drunk stop yourself from feeling so much think your cool but it's not and your damaging yourself at the same time. So chill out and take steps to get yourself out of your rutt!
2007-05-16 14:18:05
answer #5
answered by Super Saz 3
do you know i have been there so many times and done all the same things you are doing,then my liver gave up on me after 20 odd years-(yes thats roughly how long you live with it)-i nearly died (had 10 mins left)-they saved me but told me one more drink will kill me out right-i still feel pissed off..........its called depression ....go and see your doctor.
oh and life is a wonderful gift -turn your life on its head-stop now what your doing-try some 'long term' voluntary work away from your present enviorment.feel free to cotact me for more advice.
2007-05-16 14:23:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Your not going to get a life with drinking! Your making poor decisions while under the influence. Sober up and hit life like you ain't ever hit it. Take the energy you take to drink into getting yourself together. You need to make a doctors appt. asap and see if he can help. You sound like your suffering from depression and the doctor CAN help trust me on this one.
2007-05-16 14:12:29
answer #7
answered by Luv2no is in the house 7
depending on what one you want to do if it be the 1st one stop feeling sorry for yourself get help with your drinking and get of here and start going out
however if its the second one take the phone plug out the wall and go to sleep then come on here and answer some more questions and ask a few toif you have messengers and want to go on them sign in invisible and dont i.m anyone
2007-05-16 15:04:30
answer #8
answered by jen 3
Quit drinking is the first step to get a life... with the eyes and mind clear for sure you will know what you want, what you need, who are you and where you want to go, so then you Will think how.
If you fool yourself for starting then you just will make a joke of yourself...
2007-05-16 14:54:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Change it! Your life that is, not your empty bottle.
Why do you think your life is crap? get some new interests, get involved in charity work, do something that will give you some self worth.
Failing that go visit your Doctor cos you may be suffering from depression and booze doesn't help :S
2007-05-16 14:10:56
answer #10
answered by Adele P 3