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you woke one morning and the things in this poem happened?

A New World By Semper Fi 83

You sit up in the bed and the clock starts to sing,
And realize for a sec that your clock only rings.
But now there's a song being sung from a clock,
And you here the reaction from just down the block.
You jump from the bed and put you feet on the floor,
Walk to the window and your block is no more.
Your house is suspended as if in thin air,
Your neighbors are flying without a slight care,
Without a mere worry and no signs of fear.
They say Come on out! For Peace Is now here!
The war is now over the troops will come home,
They all put their guns down and broke into song.
You hear that all violence has ceased in the world.
From country to country peace has unfurled.
The Muslims and Jews are now shaking hands,
And some of their kids have made a new dance.
All of the guns and the bombs are destroyed.
To take up their places love is deployed.
And love is infectious.

2007-05-16 11:42:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Semper Fi! Kooties! You Old War Horse! I'll look into that!

2007-05-16 11:56:51 · update #1

Thank You Emily!

2007-05-16 11:57:20 · update #2

Thank You Buffy! I do write a lot. I have since I was a kid. I sing a lot better. If i find a way to put my music online you'll hear.

2007-05-16 11:58:59 · update #3

Thanks also to you Kevin's Virtuous Woman!

2007-05-16 13:32:36 · update #4

Thanks Binki!

Thanks Jay!

2007-05-16 13:33:38 · update #5

10 answers

This probably means that we've all died and gone to heaven. Seriously!!!

2007-05-16 11:46:18 · answer #1 · answered by Ocean Soldier 4 · 2 0

Wow! You wrote this?! That's some good writing Devil Dog!
I'm serious! I like it! I forgot that you're a teacher. Writing is your thing! ( ^ _ ^ ) I'd have to agree with the first person who answered your question. Sounds like we're in Heaven! Semper Fi Devil Dog! Semper Fi!

Dude, have you ever thought about getting published if you're not already? You need to look into that ASAP! ( ^ _ ^ ) You've got skill!

2007-05-16 11:51:17 · answer #2 · answered by Kooties 5 · 2 0

Whoa.........I am just in awe of your talent! My gosh! Beautiful....just beautiful. I can't wait for that day to come. Peace.....finally all over the world.

I have to agree with Kooties......you need to publish them! Seriously!

2007-05-16 12:47:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

some issues like "on occasion i've got faith like i do no longer deserve you considering which you're so eye-catching" is fairly candy, yet issues like "I wish my arms ought to do what your outfits are doing. retaining you tight as your physique's shifting" is creepy. particularly creepy!

2017-01-10 02:58:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that is a good poem and to be truthful i wouldn't know what to do in that world i've gotten used to fighting one thing or another with world peace where would i put my aggression?

2007-05-16 12:07:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No more poor, no more hungry, there will be no more lack,
For just as He promised, the Lord has come back!

(Sorry, I had to add that)

2007-05-16 14:10:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hmm...I'm not sure....At first I would think that we all died and went to heaven...but my discerning feeling tells me that would only be the beginning of the end times.

2007-05-16 14:05:32 · answer #7 · answered by leeshberry 2 · 2 0

I would think i was in a wonderful dream and hope not to wake up bliss!!

2007-05-16 12:06:18 · answer #8 · answered by binki 3 · 2 0

it would be awesome.
wish that would happen.
by the way, do you write poems a lot? they're really good!

2007-05-16 11:51:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

that is an awesome poem

2007-05-16 11:51:14 · answer #10 · answered by eMiLy 2 · 2 0

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