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My mom keeps bugging me about my career and what i want to do. i want to become a fashion journalist and travel.
but she says i can do better, i can help someone out in the world and shes forcing me to chose another career.

all my other friends and older brothers and sister are doing something in their lives to help others out, im choosing a career that doesnt help others.
i feel left out and selfish.

beign in fashion journalism is what i want to do even tho it may not help a lot of peopel in the world, but i like it.
give me advice!

2007-05-16 16:42:47 · 14 answers · asked by ? 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

14 answers

Um wouldn't you being a fashion journalist help people with their fashion? So in a way you are helping others :-P. Always do something you want not what others want you to do, even if that other person is your mom, you'll regret it if you don't. I'm 25 years old and still have no idea what I want to do with my life I wasted some money on college and don't even do what I went for so don't make the same mistake. I'm happy with what I do so it all works out. Good luck

2007-05-17 11:03:20 · answer #1 · answered by livewire_usa 7 · 0 0

Not everybody is a helper in the traditional sense so don't worry about what everyone else is doing. Do what you want to do because then you will be successful. I think being a fashion journalist sounds interesting so go for it. Follow your own path in life; not everyone is the same, even if you are from the same family.

2007-05-16 23:48:20 · answer #2 · answered by cat 4 · 1 0

sometimes just being a happy person is your gift to the world. not being a mindless droid or some robot living a monotonous meaningless existence IS being unselfish. it is very difficult to know what you want to do in life and if you are lucky enough to know then you have to fight for it. as wonderful as your family sounds they cannot force you to be just like them. being in the 'rut' people always talk about is emotionally, and usually financially, draining. if you pursue a career you love and succeed in a different way than the rest of your family you are still giving. you are not TAKING from others emotionally or financially. too many takers drain the quality of life from others, some of those probably the ones your family helps. tell your mom that you want to take care of yourself and if she persists agree to volunteer regularly or something...find a compromise but don't give up your dream.

2007-05-16 23:52:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

do what you want to do. is your mom going to live your life for you? do you want to spend the rest of your life in a career that you're not happy with just to make someone else happy? If you ever have kids, do you want them to do things just to make you happy? Or would you want them to be happy doing what makes them feel good? I think the answer is obvious. Become a fashion journalist.

2007-05-16 23:48:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Tell your mom that it's not good to mix religion with business... that just like Jesus said, you aim to give Caesar what belongs to Caesar but that this won't stop you for a moment to give God what belongs to God! and that since the true God wants to be worshiped in spirit and truth, and you can even show it to her from John 4:24... that it is in your heart, as you do what you do because of the fact that you like it and would be good at it... and that even in this, you can still do all things to the glory of God! As he loves a good worker and believes that all workers are deserving of their wages... Tell your mom that you may or may not marry and that in the event that you don't, you'll need to support yourself and that your opportunities to do just that are much greater if you do a job that you are passionate about and that it is not easy to get ahead for promotions and salary increase, etc. if one is stuck in some sort of dead-end job that they resent on a daily basis... She should understand!!! I think you'd do good to do the best that you can to understand how she is thinking so that you can be better equipped to reason with her, in a manner that she will see your point of view as well as hers! In the end, it is your life! and unless she makes some suggestions that you could truly be happy with... you are the one who will live hopefully a long time with your decision!!! This is what life is all about right now... the choices we make for ourselves... one choice at a time! Did you remind her that you love her lately? Why! I'm sure you did! Take care!

2007-05-17 00:01:00 · answer #5 · answered by Terisina 4 · 1 0

There are lots of different ways to help lots of different people.

For instance - if you help to spotlight a change in fashion that emphasizes using fabrics made by villagers in poor countries, you can help many more people than someone who works every day in a soup kitchen. Is one better than the other? Nope, just different.

There is no grace in spending your life helping others if you do it grudgingly, or because someone else forces you to. Findi what gives you joy - and if you love it, sharing that will open the other doors to help others.

2007-05-16 23:47:01 · answer #6 · answered by Uncle John 6 · 2 0

Earning money and a good reputation in your chosen field will allow you to contribute to, maybe even found, charities that help others. In your travels you will see the places with the greatest need. Your reporting/designs will help the self esteem of girls and women everywhere.

2007-05-16 23:48:29 · answer #7 · answered by lollipop 6 · 1 0

Who nominated you to be mother teresa? Be what you want. One day mommy will be dead and you'll have to live your own life. If she has a hangup about saving the world.... it's her problem and not yours. Do your best at what you were meant to do...

If she gives you a hard time, remind her that charity which is coerced ain't charity.... it's blackmail.

2007-05-16 23:49:17 · answer #8 · answered by squeezie_1999 7 · 1 1

if you are going to college, choose fashion journalism, but also a minor or another major in what you want.... if you are going to be on your own, do what you want, instead of what your mom wants, God bless her soul...

2007-05-16 23:54:08 · answer #9 · answered by Eskimo Hammer 4 · 1 0

if you like being a fashion journalism than pursue it. don't let other people decide about what you're going to do with your life.

2007-05-16 23:47:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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