"ach übrigens, ich bringe meinem vater jetzt english bei. jeden tag eine halbe stunde. das macht voll spaß nund er konzentriert sich auch vool. er kann jetzt fast so viel english wie ich spanish,
na gut jetzt erzähl du erstmal, was du so schönes gemacht hast!"
ok, I pretty much get what this says, except for the last sentence. this is what I got:
" oh by the way, I am teaching my dad English every day for half an hour, it is really fun and he totally concentrates himself. he can almost understand as much in English, as I can in Spanish. now you tell for the first time what you have been up to!"
is that what it says? the last sentence is what I kind of don't get...
I speak Spanish, and she is studying Spanish. so does it sound like she wants me to write back in Spanish? I usually write her in English. "jetzt erzähl du erstmal" is what I'm getting from that...
what do you guys think?
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