Rampi: well, we don’t want the guests at the party to leave hungry?! What kinds of dishes will be served at a party?
Harpreet: you’re right, we don’t want the guests to be hungry, and that’s why everyone who is planning a party needs to have enough food prepared, and set on tables in a fun way.
Rampi: ok, so I never know which kind of food my guests will enjoy. Can you give us some tips on that?
Harpreet: sure, let’s start with the main dishes. First, we have cheeseburgers and pizza, or any other variety of foods, such as hotdogs or sandwiches for lunch. Place the burgers on a large platter and place it in the center of the table. With the pizza, separate the pieces and place it on another large plate and put it beside the cheeseburgers.
Rampi: Great!
Harpreet: after you’ve done that, move on to the appetizers. Some examples of those might be cookies, chips, candy, pastries, or ice cream. Only take out the ice cream when your guests arrive, so it doesn’t melt. For beverages, my mom used to have many varieties of drinks. You can have fruit punch, juice, coke, or milk to serve to your guests
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