I`m learning Spanish as my 4th language, and I have No teacher...so I have a LOT of difficulties. I want to ask you some questions.
which one is correct?
no entiendo
no yo entiendo
no soy entiendo
I want to say that "I don`t understand"
What is the difference of idioma and lenguaje?
Can u give me some example of imperative verbs in spanish?
do we always ommit subject pronoun in a Spanish sentence?
I`d like to compare Indonesian and Spanish.
in Indonesia, people NEVER speak formal language. They created new style of languages (slang words), that are grammatical incorrect, and a "crazy new" words. Only 20% of legal Indonesian words that are taught to us from school are being use in daily conversation
I have ever heard a tourist from USA who spoke Indonesian with me, and it`s very funny because we never use those formal language in daily conversation.
My question is is that things also occurs in Spain? or Spanish speaking countries?
14 answers
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