I work at this part time job where i have my own schedule and can leave and go to work whenever i want, and my boss doesn't keep track of my hours. Lately, i've been really selfish and took advantage of him never counting my hours, so i put down hours on my time sheet that i never worked and basically have been stealing hours. So now this week, i skipped a day and put down hours for that day and one of my co-workers told my boss that she didn't see me at work, now im afraid that my boss is going to get suspicious and start asking other co-workers if they saw me there, although they don't really pay too much attention since im practically invisible to everyone else, im afraid that someone might notice i didn't work. What should i do to avoid getting fired, or what should i say to my boss if he questions me about this next time i go to work??? And yes, i already know what i did was wrong, and has already been done so there is nothing that can take it back....ANy good advice??
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