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Other - Cultures & Groups - October 2007

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when an australian or an american dies in iraq there will be news on it all over the worlds days on end, but when there r innocent iraqy people murdered everyday there is no news. A really great way 2 make a race seem inferior dont u think?

2007-10-10 02:43:37 · 11 answers · asked by Jayyyz 2

There seems to be a lot of fuss being raised over the incident in Louisiana where several black youths fought one white youth. Why is it that they were charged with attempted murder? Could it be that white people fear an imagined black tendency to fight as a group, that is, several black people against one white? There have certainly been images (real and scripted) of many blacks attacking one white. Are there images of the reverse? One magazine made the point that blacks are trying to make up for all the attacks they received at the hands of whites in the segregation days.
But is it even true that black people are more likely to "gang up" when they fight, be it against a white person or otherwise? Is this fair, or is there even such a thing as a "fair fight"? Do white people claim that blacks are too afraid to fight man to man?

2007-10-10 02:12:07 · 27 answers · asked by pomosimulacrum 2

What is meant when it said that someone "has no lips"? I was once offered lunch by someone who when he had his mouth closed it looked like a line drawn on a smooth surface. Is this the kind of person that is meant? Are very tiny lips also considered as "no lips". This description is not commom in African countries so it's new to me but I've pondered over this issue ever since I first read of it here.

2007-10-10 01:43:05 · 5 answers · asked by Mrs. Midnightbully 4

and the reverse racism card?
Why are they telling each other how they've been victimized by others?

2007-10-10 01:34:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are they all named after porn stars?? Or is it because they have very little history as a country and infact America is made up of immigrants from a wide selcetion of countries over years and years and years?

I prefer to think they are all named after porn stars!

2007-10-10 00:33:16 · 21 answers · asked by juicy_satsuma 3

i have this white friend and she (and her family) hates inter-racial relationships and foreign people. we go to the same uni and guess what? she fancies some good-looking black guy and a mixed-race boy but she keeps denying it. 'i said to her why don't you just admit it like i'm gonna judge you!'

and to top this off she has only dated black and mixed-race men yet she 'claims' that inter-racial dating is disgusting and (OMG this is DUMB!) anybody who inter-racially dates she insults them and turns her nose up to them behind their back and TO THEIR FACE! like wtf??! (btw all of her family are the same as her)

2007-10-10 00:31:51 · 6 answers · asked by ♥SPARKLES♥™ 5

At least we wash regularly!!!

2007-10-10 00:27:19 · 7 answers · asked by Sweet thing. 1

When the Europeans arrived on the Mayflower.

I've also seen the odd reference to fair haired Eskimos and native South Americans. Can anyone provide me with info and non-wiki links?

I also had an afrocentrist claim that you get red haired sub Saharan Africans. Is it true?

I'm not a white supremacist nut, I'm into anthropolgy.

2007-10-10 00:04:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

western people r copying yoga ,blending it with aerobics, usage of INDIAN AYURVEDIC medicines has been increased in all western countries etc...........................

2007-10-09 22:56:21 · 7 answers · asked by khag r 1

They gave me a fish and a book called the Holy Bubble. I was intrigued but nervous so I said I was very busy right now but they could call back after 2 pm if they liked. They seemed very keen and went of clicking and whistling.
Well I put the fish in the fridge for later and had a skim through the Holy Bubble. It seems that their God was a whale who was crucified to save all cetaceans. He was apparently nailed to the forehead of ............. hang on I think that's them at the door. I'll be back. Any ideas suggestions I'll try to sneak up and have a look while I am making them a cup of tea.

2007-10-09 22:02:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Americans only speak English???
i mean like they don't know any other language???

2007-10-09 21:36:37 · 17 answers · asked by amazed !!! 4

Do you agree or disagree to expose children to the realities of life through stories in books based on the following issues and what do you think is the most crucial issue?
1. Issue of Violence
2. Issue of Sexuality (Sex – man and woman relationship)
3. Issue of Sexism (Gender issue)
4. Issue of Racism
5. Issue of the Changing Image of Family
(Separations, Annulments, Divorce, Abandonment, and
Single Parenthood )
6. Issue of Death, Aging, and the Handicapped

2007-10-09 20:50:59 · 1 answers · asked by liza 1

Especially when it comes to Hispanics? I am not a racist, my wife and adopted son are both hispanic, and they came here the legal way, they applied, my wife took up nursing so she could have a valuable skill so she would be able to come to the US easier. I know it isn't fair that everyone can't come here but the US has to be selective. I do agree that day laborers contribute a lot to our economy, but there should be a better way of the 2 countries to help each other than for people to just come over.

2007-10-09 17:53:41 · 9 answers · asked by cubensis2k 2

Why are all the white countries of the world well off.. and others are seem to be poor?

2007-10-09 17:29:51 · 20 answers · asked by Nick L 1

I'm an officer of my high school's french club, and we (my friends and I) came up with a game that might be fun. What do you think?
Here's how it works. The entire game is a scavenger hunt.
Since we will be going to a cafe, next month, this idea will work. The cafe is next to a movie theather, a library, an ice cream shop, some clothing stores, and many more stores. We wanted the club to divide in groups of 3 or 4 they will each find a club officer or one of the native speakers in one of this stores, their goal is to collect an item from each store by speaking french (ONLY FRENCH) Dictionaries are allowed. There will be a time limit of course, and the winning groups will obtain a gift card in one of the stores. The idea is in the early stages of development but do you think it'll be fun?
Any suggestions?

2007-10-09 14:57:59 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

At my school, a lot of students have been secretly meeting in a so called 'white pride club' to celebrate european heritage. My friend encouraged me to go so I went thinking it was what they said it was: just to celebrate and learn about history and heritage. The turnout was huge with so many students we had to change the meeting to some one's house. All was well until this: The club members are encouraged to hold their nose whenever they walk passed a black person. These students are doing this and luckily only a couple of black students have noticed something odd in the behavior of some of the secret club members but aside from a curious look, they have not really caught on yet. Membership is rapidly growing and hundreds of white students are doing this. To be honest, I think this is the very reason why a white club, or a white channel, or a white anything for that matter would never work because it would ultimately become a way to hurt someone else of another ethnicity.

2007-10-09 14:27:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are some physical characteristics of turks or people from around that area? ex.: hair types, eye color, face shape, etc.

2007-10-09 13:38:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

why??? dogs are loyal

2007-10-09 12:21:57 · 36 answers · asked by orange_crush_05 6

Are there any special customs, different from other countries?

Thak you for your answer! :)

Have a wonderful night/day! :)

And a very Happy Birthday, Jack! :)


2007-10-09 11:30:07 · 18 answers · asked by Moon :) 7

we get lied to so much about wat they are going to do when they are elected it is sickening the people of america. they cant do any thing without going to congress first. i am sick of the lies, corruption, and unfaithfuness that i just want to forget all there lies and money minded policies and find a goverment that will and can be for the people not the money or speacial interest. i know these days it does not exist but wha the heck.

2007-10-09 11:20:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I prefer the 100 meter dash.

2007-10-09 10:34:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dry cat food! I was told to feed my cat 1 cup daily! My cat is gaining weight! I make him exercise and he is still gaining! How much do you feed and how big is your cat? Thank you

2007-10-09 10:22:31 · 12 answers · asked by Bailey 6

Specifically, how is life treating you.

2007-10-09 10:20:37 · 5 answers · asked by pinacoladasundae 3

Why did the slaves (before) brag about the wealth of their masters?

2007-10-09 10:13:39 · 12 answers · asked by Juan C 6

Thank you for your answer! :)

Have a wonderful night/day! :)

2007-10-09 10:13:04 · 16 answers · asked by Moon :) 7

Does being young outpower being youthful, even if you are not that attractive?

Just wondering.

2007-10-09 09:30:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-09 09:29:22 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I realize that everyone is different, but in general, there are groups that are distinctively more rude and obnoxious than other people.
Are they trying to make up for something? Pretend they own the place because of their minority status?
Share your thoughts.

2007-10-09 09:13:53 · 9 answers · asked by Umma K 4

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