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Other - Cultures & Groups - September 2007

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"I Love seeing my friends, they are great people/they are funny"

2007-09-10 08:45:18 · 3 answers · asked by olliemagik 2

I now date only Black women, I find I can date better educated, more pretty woman with much more to offer than woman of my own race(white) Do you black women find more white men asking you out?

2007-09-10 08:38:59 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems as if this simply gives hateful people a platform to spew their bigotry. Perhaps it is just me but it seems that before the new system these questions were deleted in a much more timely manner. For the record I am a 50 year old white southern male and I am very much offended by bigotry.

2007-09-10 08:30:51 · 11 answers · asked by toff 6

Stop trying to fit what "white america" says is beautiful

2007-09-10 08:08:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-10 08:00:37 · 28 answers · asked by reelperspectiv 5

2007-09-10 07:53:40 · 1 answers · asked by la_la_blue_eyes2000 1

I have heard that Asian women have about A-sized breasts. Is this mostly true?

2007-09-10 07:40:29 · 15 answers · asked by cookinghamusa 1

I personally am happy for her but i think that she will still have the same problems with this boyfriend that she had with her past husbands she's the common denominator in all these relationships i think that she made herself look desperate which is sad cuz she seems to always be looking for love getting a white boyfriend isn't going to change her problems though i hope she doesn't do like some blacks who have mixed kids and surround their children with only white culture and then they learn very little of their black culture and try to identify more with whites. Thanks for answering!

2007-09-10 07:26:07 · 12 answers · asked by dt 3

Is it? There are alot of Americans coming to Canada and I didnt understand why, the longer I stay on here the more I see.

2007-09-10 05:16:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

female following in droves ? is this a risk on her part or do you get the feeling that she has acheived all she wants to achieve and does not care about peoles feelings anymore since she is permanently moving to south africa soon. like, ok now that i have it all and i dont need the white man to get me into the inner caucasian fold so i can take all these white peoples money because i already have taken it and am made, so let me be me henceforth. what say you ?

2007-09-10 04:47:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not black, I'm Indian. But there were some geniuses in the 60's and the 70's who invented the actual rock like blues and rock n' roll like Hendrix, Bad Brains and B.B. King. Sadly there has not been any black artist or band who came with something even close to rock. And I hate hip hop. No offense but its REPETITIVE!.

Anyways If you're black and you like people like Smashing Pumpkins (Mellon Collie and Siamese Dream era), Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alanis Morisette, Radiohead, Beck and Oasis and hate hip hop (that part is optional) then please reply

2007-09-10 04:03:14 · 5 answers · asked by Sudharshan 2

claim child benefit for kids that don't live with them and send it back to the country of their origin? This is a question for the UK only.

2007-09-10 02:55:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm tired of hearing about Michael Vick as much as anyone else. The new thing that has made me upset about the situation is the likes of Whoppi Goldberg and Terrell Owens. On the View, Whoppi stated that dog fighting is a part of our culture. T.O. basically said the same thing during an interview I saw on ESPN yesterday. I don't know about any of you, but that is FAR from anything I identify with my black American culture. Soul food? Yes. Blues, jazz and R&B? Yes. The Harlem Reinassance? Yes.
Dog fighting? Absolutely not! It's illegal and inhumane. I'm highly offended that W.G. and T.O. would say this. Anyone else feel that way?

2007-09-10 02:44:03 · 14 answers · asked by YSIC 7


2007-09-10 02:05:20 · 7 answers · asked by Trid 5

After watching the trilogy i've come to the conclusion that the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy paints a "racist stereotypical tapestry" that does a disservice to young viewers everywhere.

people of color are all associated with the Dark Lord Sauron in the movie and the elephant-riding mercenaries too closely resemble the cultures of Africa, Persia and East Asia. The Uruk-hai also too closely resemble Native Americans, which is sure to cause "a great deal of cultural and racial alienation.

The fact that King Theoden, a white guy, calls his troops the "great warriors of the West" clinches it.

Can you imagine how people of skin color, of Persian, Arab and East Asian ethnic background feel when they come out of these films where all the heroes are white and all the 'evil doers' are of dark skin?

saruman is almost like a race-traitor and this is emphasised by the fact that he kept reffering to sauron as "my dark lord".

2007-09-10 01:15:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My aunt married a man from India. He has been living in the U.S. since college years and is now in his 50's. They have been married for like 30 years. I love him, he is the best uncle ever! But it seems like he acts kinda weird when we are around. He kind of seems nervous or like he is trying to avoid us. He is not like that all the time so I was wondering if we are doing something to offend him? He seems to have addapted to U.S. culture but he doesn't eat some foods that we do. When we are at his house what can we do to respect his beliefs?

2007-09-10 00:53:26 · 2 answers · asked by honeybear 5

2007-09-10 00:48:38 · 14 answers · asked by Leoni V 1

2007-09-09 23:00:55 · 25 answers · asked by PW 2

I just read that these two 16 year old goth girls murdered their friend last year just because they felt like it and wanted to know what it was like to kill someone. do you think that being a goth is dangerous and can lead to murder.

ok this q sounds stupid but if you understand what i mean please answer

2007-09-09 22:24:09 · 5 answers · asked by Blitzkrieg 4

I mean like kids do or when you were a teenager, even? Would not that be nice? And what makes you laugh nowadays? Couldn't be tv, can it?

2007-09-09 22:10:17 · 7 answers · asked by JIM 4

we are still struggling for equality in this nation. When will the strong black man rise up?

2007-09-09 18:10:18 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-09 18:08:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why not help the people in need that live in your own country?

I am just curious about this if thats where they want to contibute thats fine with me. Just wondering.

2007-09-09 17:42:45 · 11 answers · asked by KC 3

My problem is that as we are an English speaking country and that, as this is the language we were taught in school, I find it disrepectful and at times frustrating that some, not all, but quite a majority of our new Australians as welcome as they are, do not find it necessary to learn basic English to assimilate into the Australian culture. I respect their religious and cultural beliefs but find it only fair that they learn the countries primary language to be able to live, work and operate a business here.
There are businesses being run where they can't understand you and you cannot understand them. Not to mention the fact that they offer continuous interpereter services for Welfare even after 12 months when newcomers should have learnt basic English by then. If I chose to live in a Foreign country, the first thing I would be expected to do, is learn the language why not here. My mothers parents were Dutch and learnt English. Please tell me what you think. Serious answers only.

2007-09-09 17:00:57 · 8 answers · asked by Walks 2

2007-09-09 16:50:53 · 12 answers · asked by mary h 1

why do people(white) bully muslims so much? is it because of 9/11 i want your opinion?

2007-09-09 16:36:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-09 16:32:03 · 10 answers · asked by nanna 5

You may not like to admit it, but certain races of people have certain behaviors, and in our country majority rules. We develop our stereotypes by observing certain groups of people behaving in simular ways. It doesn't just form out of thin air. So why do people deny that certain races act certain ways? Obviously there are exceptional people that don't fit the stereotype, but many do.

2007-09-09 16:17:33 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

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