My problem is that as we are an English speaking country and that, as this is the language we were taught in school, I find it disrepectful and at times frustrating that some, not all, but quite a majority of our new Australians as welcome as they are, do not find it necessary to learn basic English to assimilate into the Australian culture. I respect their religious and cultural beliefs but find it only fair that they learn the countries primary language to be able to live, work and operate a business here.
There are businesses being run where they can't understand you and you cannot understand them. Not to mention the fact that they offer continuous interpereter services for Welfare even after 12 months when newcomers should have learnt basic English by then. If I chose to live in a Foreign country, the first thing I would be expected to do, is learn the language why not here. My mothers parents were Dutch and learnt English. Please tell me what you think. Serious answers only.
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