When the Ali G character first came out, most people seemed to think that the joke was about a white guy who was trying to be black> How many white or black guys do you know called ali, not many I bet, however Ali is well known to be a muslim name and the joke was infact about british muslims who act black, not whites. Nobody picked up on this even though the character was called Ali. Then we get Borat also a muslim character. Ive heard the argument that the joke is on america, but come on, if this was an african country being made fun of and not a muslim country being targated, for so called humor, would it not have rang racist alarm bells. Why is a Jewish comedian allowed to get away with blatant racism???? I am catholic as it happens so I am not bias in any way, I think this kind of bigotry is unacceptable in this day and age and whats worse its getting huge media hype, it should be banned, there is enough tension and hate already.
9 answers
asked by
james l