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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

What do you do when everyone keeps ditching you for stupid reasons and you have nothing to do?

2007-01-14 14:01:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-14 13:57:26 · 4 answers · asked by renew69 2

My girlfriend is hella afraid I'll reject her just like her othrer ex's. I know I sure as hell won't. I love her infinity guys, it's not gonna happen. I've told her 1,ooo times I won't, but it still scares her, we've been going out since september, how can I convince Her I won't. Seriously I LOVE her I'll do anything to prove to her I won't

2007-01-14 13:46:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a husband who is a marine, and i am worried that he is gay. i notice my husband was always going on gay dating sites. I mean i know it was wrong for looking at his email but he left himself logged on and i just needed to know. I lloked at his profile and he had 50 guys saved and he said he was looking for a man for 1 on 1 sex. Recently he dosn't want to kiss me or spend time with me. We have two lovely boys together. And it seems like he never wants to have sex, and when we do he acts like it kills him, and he never initates sex. I am worried that are marriage is just a cover up for him to be a marine, because you are not allowed to be gay. ANY ADVICE?

2007-01-14 13:45:14 · 10 answers · asked by jessica johnes 1

2007-01-14 13:32:23 · 7 answers · asked by Rose 2

If I am not discrimatory to them and do not promote unkindess towards them?
READ DETAILS FIRST (I know many do not)

I truely do not agree it is healthy and normal. I know this age I am supposed to accept it is good but my opinions are my own and politically correct thought cannot change that.

I do not harm homosexuals but if asked about them I will not support homosexuality though I would not give in to hatred and spite towards such people because that is wrong regardless.
I would not point them out to mock but if I cannot with my heart felt conscious agree then I feel that is okay and if others like minded did too.
What do you think if you are homosexual? Would you respect my mind?

2007-01-14 13:20:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you saw god and he said the whole time you were stupid because you disliked gays and he made them that way what would you do?

2007-01-14 13:19:50 · 8 answers · asked by renew69 2

I prefer gender-queer or queersexual, rather than the word "gay". "Gay seems to be a thrown around label, slapped onto anyone who isn't a 100 percent hetrosexual person. Also, I have noticed lately that people are using the word as a criticism (as in "that is so gay") Perhaps this question is two folded.

2007-01-14 13:17:23 · 11 answers · asked by Orditz 3

have sex with them selves could they reproduce with themselves? would it be a clone or a inbread?

2007-01-14 13:16:08 · 9 answers · asked by Steven Colbert 4

First off...I'm 15 ...and I'm bi....and I am totally sex driven...and I have a girlfriend, my parents know, and I'm under house arrsest. we live 9 miles away so yeah. my dad works at the school which is the only place we can see each other, so it sucks there too. ANd her parents are sorta mad at her too. so everything is messed up thats the picture. BUt I'm truly in love with her. and would marry her even. but, right now, I just wanna have sex with her really really rEALLY bad, I don't even think she knows how bad. anyway, How can I do this!!!!???

2007-01-14 13:04:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-14 13:00:45 · 7 answers · asked by Ashley 3

i'm just wondering...it's a question out of my curious nature, not bigotry...

why is it called homophobic? if someone doesn't like gay people, they're not necessarily afraid of them...right?

like, i don't like it when people wear those ugg boots...does that mean that i'm afraid of people who wear ugg boots? no...

they're a bigot, not homophobic...right?

2007-01-14 12:59:46 · 14 answers · asked by DeceptiConservative 4

I am at work, so I love coming to this section to help/answer questions. Today for some reason I have seen a lot of ignorance (ex. gay mint loaf, etc.). I do not like to answer these questions because I feel like I am demeaning myself. How do you guys/gals cope? (Sidenote: Would anyone hold it against me if I became ignorant once in awhile? LOL)

2007-01-14 12:54:10 · 12 answers · asked by The Gay Argentian Seal 5

Is there ever a gay person who comes on to any site to proclaim that being straight is just not normal or an abomination according to a book written by man? It's always the straight people who act abnormal & ask such ridiculous childish questions. Maybe before people start calling others "not normal" wouldn't it be smarter not to show your ignorance & just seek help?

2007-01-14 12:49:27 · 29 answers · asked by gitsliveon24 5

2007-01-14 12:48:12 · 7 answers · asked by bmchaffee 1


2007-01-14 12:46:30 · 19 answers · asked by miss_thang_fa_sho_05 1

I've been hearing allot about transwomen on the news. They take hormones, have facial feminization surgery, get breast implants, have sex reassingment surgery even butt implants. In the end it's quite scary how some of these men look like women.

I'm going to say this because no one knows who I am. A couple of nights ago I brought home a weird looking girl. I was drunk and even though I felt that something was wrong I still went ahead and had sex with her. She had a very rough voice and I just thought that was from smoking too much. Now two weeks later I still break out into a cold sweat when I think about that night.

Has this every happened to anyone?

2007-01-14 12:41:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over this summer, I watched that show on dateline...bout being gay, if it was through genes. Well before I worried bout it I was loving this one guy and very girlie. Well eversince I got myself depressed I feel like doing nothing...I worry all the time about it. I am not attracted to women an anyway. So..how do I put it all behind me..and get out of this depressins?

2007-01-14 12:16:02 · 13 answers · asked by Becca C 1

2007-01-14 12:14:20 · 14 answers · asked by Mohammed E 1

if u have thoughts about being with another woman for quite some time but never acted on it, does that mean that i have "tendencies" of wanting to be a lesbian?

2007-01-14 12:12:10 · 14 answers · asked by blue 4

2007-01-14 12:03:46 · 11 answers · asked by CoolSmasher 1

Basically I have this friend, and about a week ago things started getting really weird, I found out that she had had a girlfriend, BUT they broke up because she didnt like being that way, atleast with her ex because today she told me that she likes me.

I dont consider myself a bi, but I don't want to shut that idea down either, I hate it when people have an opinion really on something that they have never done/tried but yea... and if I were to do anything with anyone that wasnt exactly straight it would most likely be with her but I dont know anymore, I never really thought about it before about a week ago & If we do anything it'll totally ruin the friendship but if I dont like her back... it'll still most likely change. Any suggestions?

2007-01-14 12:00:22 · 11 answers · asked by Annabelle M 1

I worked in adult entertainment for 6 years. I danced, did magazines and video. I can't explain even to myself what made me make those choices then. I have been out of the industry for 8 years, and have become a completely different person mentally and spiritually. I am embarrased and ashamed that I let myself sink that low, but more importantly, I hve met man that I love with ll of my heart, and even though I told him about my past, I did not go into explicit detail the way I should have. My son found pictures of me in a suitcase I intendeed to burn, bu he foud it efore I did. Now my boyfriends entire family, including his teenage son know about my past. I have tried to explainn to him that I am not the same person who did all of those things and have accomplised so many things I am proud of since then. I do not even recognize the person I was then and wish I had the clarity and conviction and self-respect I have now, but he vehemently hates anything to do with that business. help

2007-01-14 11:59:41 · 8 answers · asked by james s 1

im 17 (male) and my sister has this really hot 23 year old husband, he has blond hair with huge green eyes and a nice six pack. So i was crashing at their place and when my sister was out we sort of got horny and had sex. I never meant for any of this to happen. He told me never to say anything or he would kill me. Should i tell my sister, i just don't want her to know that im gay.

2007-01-14 11:55:51 · 21 answers · asked by goldwinner 1

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