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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I have seen guys who are claimed to be straight but having sex with other guys and he is paid. One of my friend said that they are all gays, my other friends said if paid straight guys can perform gay sex.

2006-06-22 02:12:28 · 25 answers · asked by teddybear1268 3


2006-06-22 00:50:05 · 9 answers · asked by gdhgfgfj g 1

What about your attraction toward men and women is different??

2006-06-22 00:46:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my parents know that I'm in relationship with a girl (my dad kinda accepted the fact, but my mom reacted totally oposite - please check my earlier questions for details). my mom, even tho sh'es TOTALLY against my relationship decided to have a talk with my gf. it ended horribly,because not only my mom asked my gf to tel me go (if she trule loves me, then she should do it, to save me from this kind of life which awaits us if we continue in this relationship) but also my gf.. she talked to mym mom in disrespectful way, she rised her voice while talking and what's even worst didn't think at all when accused my mom of destroying me if she won't let go of me!! god... when later (I wasn't present during the talk) my mom told me how did my gf act I wanbted to run away from there.. it was terrible..she screw up everything by acting that way! now my mom not only doesnt like her but also has terrible opinion about her

2006-06-22 00:45:06 · 8 answers · asked by bara_no_seido 3

2006-06-22 00:13:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know the old testament rules that Moses wrote for the Hebrew nation condemned it, as it did masterbation and cooking meat and milk together. I want to know where it says in the new testament that it's a sin. My understanding is that Christ released us from the old testament rules when he died for our sins. My understanding from Christ's words is that the big 10 are the rules to live by (first 4 being man's relationship to God and the last 6 being Man's relationship to man). I would like to know where in the bible it says it....

2006-06-21 23:54:09 · 9 answers · asked by Arlene06 4

It seems like it will happen soon... this century I hope. Less than a hundred years ago a majority of Christian churches including the Southern Baptist convention still supported segregation and Jim Crowe laws. It was considered an abomination for a mixed race couple to marry and have children, and fifty years before that slavery and disallowing negroes from having marriages or living together as families was justified and sanctified by scripture from some of the same books and letters that modern day Christians use to marginalize and villify homosexuals. How much longer do we have to graciously tolerate and forgive your spiritual blindness and bigotry guys? Ten, twenty years? Another century, a few more millenia? Oh, who cares. It doesn't really matter in the end. God can do anything.

2006-06-21 23:51:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Six months ago, my old roommate was dating a girl & happy. I've since moved. We spoke last night, & he admitted to being bisexual, but not wanting to be. I told him that whichever way he goes; I'm still his friend...but I could hear his frustration...his confusion...his fear. What else could I have done? He admitted to being really stressed out 'cuz he doesn't like this part of himself. Help!

2006-06-21 23:47:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

homosexuals might argue that love is love no matter what and love can find anyone and has no limits

if this is true, then, in theory, shouldn't we all be bisexual?

i am completely strait and do not believe this, but am i not right?

i can say right on spot that a good reason for strait people to be strait is because we want children to call part of us (genetically).

basically, my question is, are homosexuals only homosexuals for the sex since if they really believe that love could find anyone, they would be bisexual? (ruling out strait people only being strait for sex since there is a reason as i have given for this)

2006-06-21 22:08:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


do any of you believe you can be born gay?

as a strait individual (which isn't relivent at all), i believe it is impossible to be born with a certain belief already in mind

please comment, i don't mean to insult anyone or to be insulted

2006-06-21 21:54:32 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, so I'm straight. I am. But I went through this phase of about a year where I was OBSESSED and nearly IN LOVE with the most adorable little red-head punk rock girl. And yeah, everyone thought I was lesbian, or at least bisexual, but I swore up and down that I wasn't because I never had sexual thoughts about her, I just wanted to kiss her and cuddle with her and know that she was my baby (guys, you may not understand a non-sexual attraction, haha). And I waited for her for a year, during which both of us got boyfriends (she stayed with hers for nine months while I was only with mine for two before I realized I was too interested in her for anyone else). But in the end, she realized that she couldn't keep me waiting forever. So she asked me out. And you know what, I was the one who broke it off after two months. We weren't as close as I had wanted to be, you know? It didn't feel right. And now she's chasing after me. So to avoid putting her through my previous pain, what can I do?

2006-06-21 21:22:34 · 7 answers · asked by The Lady of Shallot 3

Obviously search specifically for questions dealing with homosexuality. I mean, I see the same people post over and over again.

2006-06-21 21:02:37 · 9 answers · asked by collegedebt 3

Bet alot of people expected something bad lol. Anyways. A scientist (when trying to come up with why there are gay people) theorized that back in the caveman days straights would reproduce and the gay people would be the caretakers of children. Like since they can't reproduce they would stay in the cave and care for the children when the other men hunted and the other woman fixed meals cleaned up etc.. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this theory. I thought it pretty intersting myself.

2006-06-21 20:19:52 · 7 answers · asked by korngoddess1027 5

just curious. cause i never hear of them involved w/anyone.

2006-06-21 19:45:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

This topic makes me so mad and i just want to know why some of you think it is wrong OR right that gay marriage should be completley banned or unbanned.

I think it should be completley legilized because some of the things in the bible are out of date and CHRISTIANS dont even obey and go by some of the stuff. It use to be wrong from interacial couples to be together and have kids but now look at the world it is full of them?

What do you think?

2006-06-21 19:07:15 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please, no BS answers!

2006-06-21 19:06:42 · 10 answers · asked by careercollegestudent69 4

ok i'm bi, but let's say that i had a partner, or something.. is there any way that someone could be like gay without ever coming out to their family? I know it would be hard, but could it happen? is anyone LGB and hasn't came out to their family?

explain please.. thanks, and i'm not trying to get into peoples personal lives.

2006-06-21 18:16:20 · 16 answers · asked by Me lol 2

2006-06-21 17:26:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is very warm tonight here in socal ,I hope you dont mined I have to walk by about 300 houses to get to the park and its a full moon ,I feel so sexy right now.
What do you think love....................

2006-06-21 17:12:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

you see, i think im gay ccause im attracted to guys bodies with abs, but then i think im straight cause i really like girls..... then when i see both girls and boys at the same time, i dont feel anything...... am i gay,straight, or bi.... and if i am, how do i tell my parents, im just 14..... and is my penis to small? its 5.5 '

2006-06-21 17:11:51 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-21 16:50:12 · 12 answers · asked by patric 3

I am a gay 22 year old guy I should have the same rights as any straight person but yet I don't

2006-06-21 16:00:42 · 29 answers · asked by brian/bridget 2

I also heard they can tell by doing this if that person is packing a big one, I dont think by doing this you will be able to tell, do you agree or disagree? answer all questions in detail sirs

2006-06-21 14:48:02 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK, an immature question from me for once. Who do you think is gayer? Andy Dick, Cojo,George Michael, or that blonde headed guy from "queer eye?" If you can think of anyone outside this category, please submit.

2006-06-21 13:44:49 · 13 answers · asked by careercollegestudent69 4

2006-06-21 13:14:05 · 13 answers · asked by make_me_sweat_692002 1

2006-06-21 12:01:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-21 11:47:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was invited to join a neosexual group, and have no idea what it is and what it means.. anyone know?

2006-06-21 11:29:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

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