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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Heres why first animals in the wild are not attracted to the same sex humans are animals therfore they should not be attracted to the same sex.

Next gays lesbians ect are only popular in canada and america some other countrys dont even know people are attracted to the same sex because its simply not natural

Which is why i believe you cannot be born gay its a learned behavior.

2006-06-24 05:02:20 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-24 03:43:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there sumting in the str8 male brain that ignites and suddenly makes him aware of the gorgeous guy on the opposite side of the dancefloor or room, even though his completely str8, do completely str8 guys sometimes think about doing the deed with other guys when tossing around the monster. Ive heard of the stereotypical 'you were born that way' and 'its your own decision' or even going as far as 'your possesed by a demon' I have seen a documentary on Discovery Channel that states that the 'hipotalamus hormone gland' in the front lobe of the brain of a gay guy is underdeveloped against the fully developed gland of a completely str8 guys. What turns a str8 guy gay? Could it be that he doesnt see himself as hot enought for girls and feel that he will never have a chance with a girl and then maybe revert to guys for love and attention. Could constent teasing and bullying at school create an unconscious gay persona leading to a guy thinking he might be gay.


2006-06-24 02:25:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

does that mean she wanted me to know because she liked me or did she tell me because she wants to be accepted as who she is

2006-06-24 02:07:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i didn't know where to post this question, but i heard the word is somehow linked with gays. i just think it's a cute way of saying boy :)

2006-06-24 01:57:50 · 21 answers · asked by Keops 2

I truly love my gf, but this whole situation of mine (please check my past questions,cause it doesn't make much sense writing everyhing again and again - shortly - my mom does'nt accept my relationship and my gf, she's desperate to do ANYTHING just to keep me away from her and stop me from, as she said, destoying my life) is eating me alive and I get more scared now about what will future bring. I'm not sure of anything, except that I love my gf and that I don't wanna hurt either my mom or my gf. I scared of what my mom will do, I'm scared of what she can make me do and what's more that in the end, even tho I love my gf with all my heart, I'll obey my mom... then my mom won't get hurt, but me & my beloved.. each solution will bring pain to someone..

2006-06-24 01:07:59 · 9 answers · asked by bara_no_seido 3

Did it always mean that?

2006-06-24 00:30:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

So, I am just wondering, why do gay men like dudes butts do much? Do they actually look at butts? or do they just need somewhere to ****?? Do gay men find a mans butt more attractive then straight men find a womens butt attractive?

2006-06-23 23:27:52 · 15 answers · asked by Rose Johnson 1

If a certain guy attracts with the same sex what do you call on him?

2006-06-23 22:52:00 · 4 answers · asked by eidderf 2

why do people get so pissed off when talk about or they wont hang out w/ u if u like ur own gender?plz explain!!

2006-06-23 21:58:32 · 18 answers · asked by *~BeA$T~* 2

show the straight world how proud you are by saying yes or no and why your proud.

2006-06-23 21:45:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-23 21:03:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-06-23 20:38:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really like being a bottom and get it a lot... will I have problems later in life because of it?

2006-06-23 20:27:22 · 11 answers · asked by CJ 2

startight people do not go out of there way to tell eveyone there straight. we do not have our own little bumper stickers or little secret code. what is the deal.

2006-06-23 20:21:47 · 24 answers · asked by panther_nut 3

They say you choose to be gay and we all say no that isn't true. So do they think we are all lying to them or something? Do they think we're all part of some conspiracy to trick them? Are they all that obtuse?

2006-06-23 20:03:00 · 12 answers · asked by korngoddess1027 5

Not as harsh as I thought(and I hope!)
Any good sites for me to browse through? Was thinking of going there for a short stint...

2006-06-23 20:02:29 · 5 answers · asked by alshearer 1

Yes, lately I've been bad mouthing, wisecracking and discriminating against others w/ my bothersome questions & answers. If I missed you before I would like to again apologize for all the crap that you had to put up with just because I was having a bad day/week/month/year. I am sorry and I promise to never talk/write about gays(male or female) in a bad way again. And any remarks that anyone wants to make towards me just let me have it 'cause I sure deserve it! So, can someone, with time, learn how to get along with others that are different?

2006-06-23 19:47:58 · 16 answers · asked by kika 2


howcome homosexuals are so quick to call people homophobic, when i express that i don't like one they assume it's because they're gay and call me homophobic, how does that make me homophobic, maybe i just don't like you as a person and not because you're gay, but noooo, i have to be homophobic, i really think this expression is over used and you need to think before you say it, really. (i know i'm generalizing right now, but i don't support prejudice in any form) answer the ?plz

2006-06-23 19:46:53 · 14 answers · asked by ? 4

This simple question is not aginst gay people.If you get offended real easily,then do not read.This question is for people who will give positive answers.Well I know a couple of homosexuals,and they always blame god made them that way.But I wanna let you know god would not do that to you.He loves you no matter what if your gay,straight,stupid,smart,bad,good,black,white,men or women.If you made that choice then thats you! I have nothing aginst you,guys if you wanna sin,Sin! It's your life and I don't think people should tell you how to live it.If someone thinks otherwise then they are just plain ignorent.Because no one should be angry at gays because by doing that,people are telling you how to live your life.Do what you wanna do its a free country.Am I right or am I right?Im not gay im just pissed at people who judge others.

2006-06-23 19:32:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well if your gay and a christan tells you that they hate you,then they are not christan's.We christans should not hate, because they unfortanatly have'nt been reading the bible.Because it say love thy neighbor,I know you heard this statement hundreds of times.But right now I feel like expessing my feelings on this subject.We don't hate you it's just that,most of us think it's wrong because the bible says homosexuality is a sin.But who cares everybody sin's,even us straight people.And must of us straight people are sinning by hateing you.I just wanna let you know that,im christan and I don't hate yall.It's just that we beileve what god said.And that were not aginst you,we just pray for you.

2006-06-23 18:49:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard about this program called NNDB. The program tells you a lot about known people in the U.S. and it tells you all kinds of things about celeberties,athletes,presidents,known people It tells you where they were born,if they died,the cause of their death,occupation,Ethnicy,Risk factors and sexual orientation.I heard about but im not sure.And if know one knows who James Earl Ray is he was known for killing Martin Luther King,jr

2006-06-23 17:48:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I get really sick of all the homophobic protest the gays chant about. They are always crying equal right, but they talk about other people like they are dogs. I know A LOT of gay men,( I own a theater in the southern district) All they do is talk about others. They make fun of the special Olympic children I invite to matinee shows, they make fun of every person who is fat, they mock and taunt the winenos who congregate in the parking lot. They are down right crule to the old toothless janitor who cleans the dressing & green rooms. (he does a great job I might add). They treat the ushers & ticket sales reps, (older very bright women) like they are dogs. They are just down right nasty...but 10 minutes later they are screaming equal rights. I try to be a good employer, and hate to fire them because of I'm sure I'll be slapped with an EEO lawsuit. I just can't take it any more. Why the double standard?

2006-06-23 16:27:22 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

im a female but do u have to be bisexual or a lesian to mess around with a gurl or if you do does that make u bi or lez? Email me if you wanna " discuss " it.. :)

2006-06-23 15:51:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's not like I'm participating. It's no different than attaching a radiator house (yes, my friends are hung that well).

2006-06-23 15:04:16 · 26 answers · asked by Salvador R 1


I'm a lesbian but these days i have feelings for boys i mean there is no way that i'm not a lesbian i had sex with three girls what is with me then why am i getting horny by boys????!!!!

2006-06-23 13:44:41 · 22 answers · asked by Jesse 2

Some people like to equate homosexuals with child molesters, but I'm not aware of any evidence that homosexuals are any more likely to abuse children than heterosexuals. In fact, if anything it seems less likely - A gay man is going to be turned on by all the features of adult men which children (of either sex) don't have.

Are there any reliable statistics on the subject?

2006-06-23 13:36:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


God does exist.I brought up the topic because every time I speak to someone gay they say."Why did god make me like this?" He would'nt want you to go through things like that.God loves everyone of his children.Even if your a Homosexual! But he did not ment for people to be like this! He made a plan a plan that was designed for Men and Women.Im not judging you because once The devil gets people to beileve they're gay he has they're mind.But your right I have no option of who goes to hell.I go by what the bibble tells me,and sometimes I get a lil crazy.But I may be christan but im not perfect,no one is.So im a huge pain in the boody.I know saying boody is kinda lame but I don't curse.Good Luck! I realy mean that.Sorry again!

2006-06-23 13:35:36 · 20 answers · asked by bannaman50 1

I have no problem what so ever with gays.God made each and everyone of us,you think im trying to be offensive,im just telling youYOU WERE NOT BORN GAY! thats physically inpossible.God made every single person,black,white,green,blue,bad,good,young,old,short,tall,every single person no matter how different.Why would he go aginst his own word.By makeing someone gay.Think you were not born that way.Women and Women or men and men.Were not designed to be together.That was not his plan! I know millions of gays,and half of them are in my family.I know millions of gays and half of them are my freinds.First of all every one tell me when they knew they were gay?

2006-06-23 13:19:50 · 20 answers · asked by bannaman50 1

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