I understood the question as What do you THINK about gay marriages. When an opinion or thought is ask for then have enough courtesy to NOT thumbs down the answer because of the opposing Thought, but, because the answer was incorrect/or wrong. My answer did receive 11 (thus far) thumbs down....because, I had a thought about the question and it was in opposition to the majority. The thought was the belief in the God of my choice. That was so stated in my answer. Those that display that type of mentality or the ones that apparently don't believe in my God or maybe any God for that matter.
Well guess what? What I believe and my answer probably received some ♫ Hallelujahs! ♫ from topside.
I could be wrong about my interpretation of the question. Just as I could be about anything else in life.
Could anyone else out therebe wrong?
Upon entering the question and this idea in this particular category I realize will greatly offend some. The best I can say, It's not meant to.
8 answers
asked by
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender