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Society & Culture - 25 September 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

What about the 4000 books of coded information that are in a tiny part of each of your 100 trillion cells? If astronomers received an intelligent radio signal from some distant galaxy, most people would conclude that it came from an intelligent source. Why then doesn't the vast information sequence in the DNA molecule of just a bacteria also imply an intelligent source?

2007-09-25 02:22:44 · 19 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I have learnt so much from them on here.......

You see I had tried to live a life not believe the bible, I had worked with young children, In childrens homes and with kids who I had to rescue from parents who were collapsed from drugs..... But I didnt believe in the bible, I would not be saved.

Now I have decided from the guidance on here to spend the next 5 yrs understanding the bible and whilst studying it I shall seek to make my life more comfortable materialy, so I can sit out my saved years in comfort......In order to do this I must spend my 5 years studying in self indulgancies, giving in to my temptations and sinning, I may commit a crime or 2 hurt others in this selfish gain but ultimately I will be saved from these selfish sins ............

Thank you for enlightening me, I nearly wasted my life trying to be good to everyone, I didnt realise we didnt have to to bask in eternal life!!!


2007-09-25 02:22:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It can cause many to be confused..not knowing what is true and what is not..Do you think that God understands our hearts, and mind and will "read" our hearts if we are just not sure ? Would the ones that truely believe in Christ as our Savior be saved by the Grace of God even if they were unsure of that part?

2007-09-25 02:22:00 · 7 answers · asked by Katelynne 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm in unfamiliar territory with this one. My children have some friends who, over the last few days, have been sharing their food with us as part of ramadan - I've been told that as a westerner it is possibly one of the best compliments they could have paid me and my children. Kind of an acceptance thing, which is awesome! I would really like to buy the children a little something for Eid, as a way of saying thankyou for thinking of us, but I have no idea. What sort of things do you think would be suitable? I really don't want to mess this up!

2007-09-25 02:20:58 · 9 answers · asked by Tish P 6 in Other - Holidays

2007-09-25 02:20:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Is that something that has to be understood in order to be born again? Or not?

2007-09-25 02:19:28 · 12 answers · asked by Katelynne 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I have this friend, he was watching something talking about this guy who deliberatly blasphemed the holy ghost, and deliberatly sinned against God, because he is terrified of living without pain. He says he can't go a day without pain, but must have to have something that is hurting him. He cuts ciculation in his veins for pleasure, stabs himself for pleasure, burns himself for pleasure, i couldnt believe it. He says the idea of hell is so wonderful he cant wait until judgement day to laugh at god saying he god want he wanted and is going to be rewarded for breaking the laws. now since pleasure is sin, and someone in hell being masochist is having pleasure, wouldnt they be sent to heaven in a pain free world?

2007-09-25 02:19:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-25 02:19:02 · 13 answers · asked by Semp-listic! 7 in Other - Society & Culture

How did Judas die?
How was there light before the Sun?
How is Earth the center of the Universe?
Is God peaceful or a God of War?
Is Jesus peaceful or does he come with a sword and to break up families?
Where are the pillars that hold up the Earth?
Has there ever been a just person?
Did Jesus tell his disciples everything?
Where did Jesus first appear to his 11 disciples after the resurection?
What was in the Ark of the Covenant?
On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
Where did Mary and Joseph live before the birth of Jesus?
Who makes people deaf and blind?
Can God do anything?
Is childbearing sinful?
Did the cock crow before or after Peter's denial?
Is God the Author of Confusion?
Is death final?
Does God help in times of need?
Does God apporve of human sacrifices?
What were the 12 tribes of Isreal?
Does Jesus judge people?
What were the last words of Jesus?
Should we love or hate our brother?
Is money good or bad?
When did Noah enter the Ark?
need more room!!

2007-09-25 02:18:37 · 11 answers · asked by klover_dso 3 in Religion & Spirituality

What about your relationship with, or ability to talk to God? Did that come easily, or did you become better able to recognize his communication with you over time?


2007-09-25 02:17:48 · 14 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Adam lived to be 930 years of age.

What was the original diet of man? Why haven't we given it any real consideration in our modern society? Could it be that the primary cause for poor health in our world is largely due to our failure to return to the original diet before sin entered our world?

Your thoughts.

2007-09-25 02:17:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I just heard a report on the news that cancer diagnoisis is down. and I was thinking that more americans are now uninsured than in the past is it possible that people still get cancer but cant see a doctor. Maybe that should be considered before telling the world that there is less cancer.What do you think??

2007-09-25 02:16:42 · 2 answers · asked by MaryandZ 3 in Other - Society & Culture

WWJD.(.What Would Jesus Do)? If you think about it..They are one in the same..Agree? or Disagree?

2007-09-25 02:16:23 · 11 answers · asked by Katelynne 1 in Religion & Spirituality

You know, the kind you look at and you go blind. Or did the creators of the posters/leaflets have to dumb it down a notch for the masses so that they could all get a wee glimpse of god's brilliance?

2007-09-25 02:15:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

When you for example have a birthday card through the post with money in it.Do you go out of your way to thank the sender? Or, if your child has a card with money in it, do you make sure they write a thank you note?

2007-09-25 02:14:25 · 31 answers · asked by CMH 6 in Etiquette

If there is no Heaven or Hell for a Wiccan what is to be expected if he or she commits suicide? Would Summerland and reincarnation continue its normal cycles?? I read all this literature on what people think when a Christian commits such a sin but what if your religion does not consists of these beliefs? Is it what you make it, or will it make you?

2007-09-25 02:14:03 · 13 answers · asked by ka0tix 2 in Religion & Spirituality

This Marcel Proust used to say -

2007-09-25 02:13:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2007-09-25 02:13:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know pleading the blood is very important in christianity and a vital part of many of your prayers but do you really think it is necessary to plead the blood over everything? Don't you think the idea gets carried away sometimes? I have seen people plead the blood over their cars, their cats,their motorcycles, parking lots...I really can't imagine all christians think this is normal and what you should do.

Does it not show lack of faith in god if you have to keep constantly pleading the blood over everything. I don't see anywhere in the bible where it tells you to do this over and over again.

2007-09-25 02:13:03 · 9 answers · asked by pr0tegemoi 2 in Religion & Spirituality


An atheist was walking through the woods.

"What majestic trees!"
"What powerful rivers!"
"What beautiful animals!"
He said to himself.

As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the
bushes behind him. He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly charge

towards him.

He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder

and saw that the bear was closing in on him.

He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear was even closer. He

tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up
saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his

left paw and raising his right paw to strike him.

At that instant the Atheist cried out, "Oh my God!"

Time Stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.

As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky.

"You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't
exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident."

"Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count

you as a believer?"

The atheist looked directly into the light, "It would be
of me to suddenly ask You to treat me as a Christian now, but
You could make the BEAR a Christian?"

"Very Well," said the voice.

The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear

dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head &


"Lord bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty
through Christ our Lord, Amen."

2007-09-25 02:11:49 · 21 answers · asked by I speak Truth 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Just curious....

2007-09-25 02:11:36 · 10 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I think my friend sent in a letter or card to them and filled it out with my information as a joke. However, they've been calling for the last few weeks. I've already told them I'm not interested. It seems like a different person calls each time. How can I get them to leave me alone?

2007-09-25 02:10:57 · 22 answers · asked by guess 5 in Religion & Spirituality

It is believed Mary Magdalene may possibly have been the woman caught in adultery, about to be stoned to death, when Jesus Christ intervened and told the crowd, "Let him without sin cast the first stone." Everyone in the crowd dropped their stones. None was without sin. Jesus asked Mary Magdalene where her accusers were. She said they've all gone. Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."

If you read deeply, it contains Justice, Advice, and Forgiveness coming from humble, relaxed, self corrected and above all knowledgeable being. Interestingly, He did not make an issue out if it. After all he brought a choice; he knew he could only positively influence the world by emulating a superior character and not by controlling others. His credibility was complimented by his actions.

Similarly soon our journey of life will come to an end. All our dreams will be part of the dirt since all will meet death one day. Our opportunity to Love and serve will come to an end. World today needs more courage, love, understanding, tolerance and compassion. As we know, it is better to light a candle then to curse the Darkness. Similarly, it does not matter who we are to the spiritual World. All are welcome, Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Pagans, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikh or anyone else. How can we play our part? What could be done to help generations to follow? Any ideas! Think twice before you write a thing. Words indeed tell who we are!

2007-09-25 02:10:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

is what we reap what we sow?
are our difficulties our punishments?

2007-09-25 02:09:32 · 28 answers · asked by hazei_2000 3 in Religion & Spirituality

The South = AL, AR, LA, TN, MS, GA, NC, SC, VA, WV, KY and 1/2 TX
Everybody should know the source of our problems:
Woman Deaths http://www.vpc.org/press/0509wmmw.htm... South has 5 of top 10 states, 6 if you count Texas.
ACT Scores http://www.act.org/news/data/05/states.h... South has 7 of 10 lowest states, 8 if you count Texas
High School Grads http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2006/2006062.pdf... South has 6 of lowest 10 states
Violent Crime http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius_04/offenses_... Per 100,000 people, the Northeast had 390.7 offenses; the MidWest had 391.1; the West had 480.7; and the South had 540.6.
Divorce Rate http://www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/02st... South has 6 of 10 states with highest rates, 7 if you include Florida
Teen Mothers http://www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/02st... South has 6 out of 10 highest, 7 including Texas
STDs http://www.cdc.gov/std/stats00/2000figna... South leads in Chlamydia, Syphilus and Gonorreah)

2007-09-25 02:07:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

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