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Society & Culture - 20 September 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

God wants you to know that telling someone they are going to hell for any reason whatsoever is wrong. God wants you to know that the Old Testament was written by many many people and they were using the same divine inspiration as I am right now. God wants you to know that he doesn't want to be worshipped. God wants you to stop killing each other in the name of God. God wants you to know that The New Testament was written by people that had not wittnessed the miricles of Jesus and did not know if he was a real person or not. God wants you to explore the scientific world without using words supposedly written about God as a hinderance of the scientific process. God wants you to be kind to everyone. God wants you to stop destroying the planet we live on along with over a trillion other species of plant, animal, insect, and bacteria. God wants you to help those in need. God wants you to have good moral character not because of God but because of your conscience. Tell me what else God wants

2007-09-20 15:05:50 · 29 answers · asked by klover_dso 3 in Religion & Spirituality

This one guy has been coming on to me for the longest time. I finally gave him the chance and we messed around but we didn’t have sex. When I told him I liked him, he quickly told me he doesn’t want a relationship. I was upset because I felt used, to avoid further heart break, I stop talking to him and moved on. I try to avoid him, but I keep seeing him everywhere I go. But he does something that aggravates me. When he see me talking to someone girl or guy he walks around the area checking them out, and try to talk to them. Even though he doesn’t know them. He does this all the time and it annoying me. I don’t hate , I just don’t want to deal with guys that play games. Can someone explain why he does this? (by the way am a guy)

2007-09-20 15:05:45 · 2 answers · asked by Carlos 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Here is a simple statement of my beliefs:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell. [See Calvin]
The third day He arose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy *catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.

Now.. I also believe that the Genesis story is basically an allegory. I believe that the theories put fourth by modern science describe God's handiwork.
I'm pro-Life. Pro-Gay Marriage. Anti-Death Penalty.

Would you call me a Christian?

2007-09-20 15:04:28 · 53 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-20 15:04:13 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-20 15:02:46 · 6 answers · asked by k 1 in Languages

Okay, I have a part-time, just over minimum wage job as a photographer in a portrait studio. When I get off work, and the manager goes in next, she calls me to discuss my work, how much money we made that day, and other work-related matters that I feel can and should be discussed either with the person on hand (our every transaction is on a sheet by the register, and the girl who relieved me this afternoon would have been able to tell her exact dollar amounts) or with me the next time I am working.

As in, when I'm working, I don't spend my time on the phone with my husband or my kids' school or doctor, or I don't do any other personal business. When I'm at home with my family, I don't want to have to dread my cell phone ringing to talk about work with my boss.

Is that something that sounds alright to you, or is it reasonable to want to not have her call me on my time off unless there is some emergency or she has a question that can't wait?

2007-09-20 15:02:18 · 8 answers · asked by CrazyChick 7 in Etiquette

2007-09-20 15:01:29 · 19 answers · asked by ydnem1 2 in Religion & Spirituality


Well I've been raised jewish- hebrew school, bat mitzvah, the whole bit. And I HATE it. I honestly dont want to have any religion whatsoever but my parents make me do all this stupid jew stuff. Whenever I tell them I dont want to be jewish they just get really mad! How can I ditch my religion?

2007-09-20 15:01:14 · 19 answers · asked by Alyson♥ 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Like flowers, a bottle of scotch, etc.

Any other good pointers for this situation worth sharing?

2007-09-20 14:59:35 · 10 answers · asked by I'm Still Here 5 in Etiquette

I wanted to get your thoughts about Jesus as a Muslim. I was watching a documentary about Muslims and how they view Jesus. There were some striking similarities such as miracles, and similar stories to the Bible. Although Muslims beleive in Jesus their views on him differs from that of the Christians.

Correct me if I'm wrong but according to the Quran, God warned the Christians not to worship Jesus because he was a prophet and not God in the flesh. It was interesting to hear that God will question Jesus if he told people that he (Jesus) was God. Also, they claim that Jesus was not crucified, rather than rescued and sent to the heavens. And that Jesus will come down and declare himself as a Muslim and tell people to follow Islam. As a Christian I find this view on Jesus to be interesting.

Anyways I would like to get your views on this subject. What do Muslims really think of Jesus and how do Christians feel about this?

2007-09-20 14:57:57 · 35 answers · asked by g-money 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Whoever sees all beings in the soul
and the soul in all beings
does not shrink away from this.
In whom all beings have become one with the knowing soul
what delusion or sorrow is there for the one who sees unity?
It has filled all.
It is radiant, incorporeal, invulnerable,
without tendons, pure, untouched by evil.
Wise, intelligent, encompassing, self-existent,
it organizes objects throughout eternity.

– Isha Upanishad Verses 6-8

We reside at the meeting point between two fields: matter and consciousness, which is found in the electromagnetic field around us. What if God was just an unseen energy field? Would you be less in awe of Him because he asks nothing of you but to exist?

2007-09-20 14:56:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Every time any non-christian references something in the bible, or points out a contradiction, there's a flood of answers that boil down to "you can't understand the bible unless god helps you, reading it doesn't mean anything." One direct quote was "You have to pray and be willing to accept the Holy Spirit into yourself in order to understand the Bible." 1 Cor. 2:14 is frequently cited.

To me, this is insane. If it is only possible to understand the bible with direct help from god, then there's no point in the existence of such a book. God could just as easily pass on the "truth" directly to everyone, without bothering with a book that makes no sense on its own. If there are billions of copies of a book floating around that claim to explain the nature of god, and it's not possible to understand what those books say by simply reading them, then they will inevitably create massive misunderstandings.

Or is this just an excuse to ignore anything nonbelievers say?

2007-09-20 14:55:58 · 33 answers · asked by au_catboy 3 in Religion & Spirituality

And other denominations say they are the "ONE CHURCH" how come they keep branching off and making their own rules? Also, why do people say Catholic is a "Denomination" when it means "a sub-group within a religion? Because Everyone else branched off Catholisism....

2007-09-20 14:51:14 · 11 answers · asked by mintypeppermint7 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Is hell just bad because some pissed off jailed person said it was?

2007-09-20 14:51:12 · 4 answers · asked by necro 3 in Religion & Spirituality

My belief is that there is some kind of deity who created Earth, & all of the people & animals that inhabit Earth. And then some of those people & animals evolved into more advanced life forms. Am I the only person who thinks that?

2007-09-20 14:50:45 · 66 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

They certainly didn't want democracy (they keep rebelling), and still hate the westerners ( sending malicious tapes periodically). What do we do if we tolerate a group, yet they keep on threatening us?

2007-09-20 14:47:56 · 13 answers · asked by Jerry 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Desperate need of help for physics homework listed below, in addition to the answers I also need the formula.?

a). The work done in holding a 50kg object at a height of 2 m above the floor for 10s is?

b). A total of 4900J is used to lift a 50-kg mass. The mass is raised to a height of?

c). A 1-kg object has kinetic energy of 1 J when its speed is

2007-09-20 14:46:55 · 3 answers · asked by TwiggyRamirez 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Maybe the black kids were frustrated for the fact that those racist white boys went a little too far this time...nooses...come on??
With this day and age, black folks May feel the need to retaliate for all of those painful years of hate, torture and Consequent belittlement they have endured by the white folks.

Slavery wasn't justifiable...yet lasted for many, many years
Hangings weren't justifiable....yet was a major pride system that was highly reinforced by many white people.
Why are white people so shocked when things like this occur today...wake up folks! Black folks of this land have not fought their battle yet...
Seriously... if it is not Jena Six….it’s OJ….or perhaps Vick. Some of us need to reflect on what it truely means to be a human being, have peace and justice....and wake up from our “whites only” fantasy world….lets begin with the media!!

2007-09-20 14:46:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

famouse question but id thought i'd ask it again, in your opinion why does size matter

2007-09-20 14:46:07 · 5 answers · asked by butterfliekiss86 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Did you know that the black skin has power in it that white people lack? Its called MELANIN!!!! Melanin is the BLACK pigmentation that is found in the skin, hair, eyes, etc. Melanin is present at the inception of life. It produces a sheath covering over the sperm and the egg. It shows the protential to reproduce itself.The sun sterilizes as it fuses thru the body, since melanin is not present in white people, it accounts for their low birth rates. Is it enough to say that people of color depositing melanin energies into the earth accounts for the continuous survival of the white race? Take a stand my black people.. Know who you really are and take your place. Not to control, but to be accepted. You can be the one "in charge" You can be the leader and have the big company. you dont have to be in jail, be in school. Educate yourself and know who YOU are!! TOTAL IGNORANCE CAN BE FOUGHT BY OBTAINING PROPER KNOWLEDGE!!!!

2007-09-20 14:44:20 · 21 answers · asked by its not that serious 2 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-09-20 14:42:53 · 14 answers · asked by truly_blessed80 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I don't think He really does. He wants a relationship with each one of us. He doesn't care how we look or smell.

However, I do think that you should think of it like you are going some place special for an hour or two. You wouldn't wear your ordinary, everyday clothes to your daughter's wedding, your friend's funeral, an important business meeting, or to a court appointment. Why is this? I guess its all about showing respect. We present ourselves as best we can for those events. We do so to show respect for others. We want to send the message that we feel this event is very important to us and we have respect for the proceedings. And, historically, dressing well and being properly groomed is a way that we show this respect. Therefore, one should dress well for Church. They should dress according to their own custom of what it means to dress nicely for something which is somewhat formal, but also celebratory.

What do you think?

2007-09-20 14:42:43 · 18 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Does anyone know of any volunteer programs in Mexico or Central America that a high school student could participate in for one or two weeks?

2007-09-20 14:42:43 · 3 answers · asked by SuperCee 2 in Community Service









The key things I find here is an acceptance of responsibilty for one's own actions while recognizing our connection to the Mythic, Heroic realms where humanity interacts with the Divine.

What do you think? Does this Credo have value for everyone, whether Pagan or not?

2007-09-20 14:37:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anne Hatzakis 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm just really curious, it seems like everyone has their own reason for being in this topic. It could be that you can be trying to prove yourself right, or you can be trying to prove others wrong. I'm a Christian, and religion is very important to me, but I think this religion topic on yahooanswers is pointless. All people do is argue with these controversial topics, and it goes nowhere. What are your reasons for being in the religion and spirituallity topic?

2007-09-20 14:35:36 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Can demons give diseases to non-believers AND believers.

2007-09-20 14:35:09 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Desperate need of help for physics homework listed below, in addition to the answers I also need the formula.?

2007-09-20 14:35:03 · 7 answers · asked by TwiggyRamirez 2 in Other - Society & Culture

fedest.com, questions and answers