Christians say they want to save people from hell. Why? Do you honestly care about others that much? Because if you did, you wouldn't mock and insult them. You'd show Christ-like love and compassion for them. You can't say "we want to help you" in one breath, and in the next breath brag about how you'll be looking down on the bad atheists one day, and how it'll be too late for them. That's not compassion. That's self-righteousness.
Also, where does it say that you're supposed to constantly bother nonbelievers? Jesus told people to pray in secret, not making public spectacles of their beliefs. He also said that not all who say to him Lord, Lord, would enter the kingdom, and that you should tend to the plank in your own eye instead of the speck in your brother's. In other words, worry about your own salvation, not everyone else's. AND, if you come preaching and you're not accepted, you should leave that place and shake the dust from your feet.
What part of any of this is unclear?
5 answers
asked by
Cap'n Zeemboo
Religion & Spirituality