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If this was Jesus way of saying he was God, wouldn't this ALSO mean that the Father was God too? But if God is ONE, who can there be TWO of him?

2007-09-12 03:36:40 · 33 answers · asked by LineDancer 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Anthony B, you are incorrect. Neither Jesus nor the holy spirit knows the day of judgment like the Father. Matt. 24:36

2007-09-12 09:23:19 · update #1

33 answers

Actually God is three in one. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

2007-09-12 03:40:12 · answer #1 · answered by Fish <>< 7 · 5 8

If you read John 1:1-5 it might help you, and if you read the entire chapter of John 17, that sheds a lot of light for me.

You see, before Jesus became the Son of Man, He was the Son of God. He was with God from the beginning and will be with God throughout all eternity. It was through the Son of God that all things were created.

Also read specifically John 5:19.

They are different physically, but they operate in one accord.


2007-09-12 03:59:55 · answer #2 · answered by Theophilus 6 · 5 0

There is a concept in Christianity called the Trinity.

Basically, it means that God is composed of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God, the Father, is the creator and author of existence, both physical and spiritual.

God the Son is Jesus, sent in flesh to be a sacrifice at the altar as a payment for all sin. He was born, lived, preached for 3 years, died, arose after three days, and then ascended into heaven to sit on the throne and prepare the way for the arrival of His Flock.

God the Holy Spirit, is the intervention Jesus sends to us to help and inspire us. The extreme was on the day of Pentecost when the disciples of Christ were consumed by the Spirit and talked in languages that were not known to them but were the primary language of those they were talking to. More commonly, when people say they can feel God in their heart, that is the Spirit descending from heaven to inspire and instruct.

Another way of looking at it is this; I consider my son an integral part of me and who I am. It would not be far fetched for me to think of us as one entity. He is, after all, the flesh of my flesh. Now God is not flesh, but Jesus is of God, His Son and progeny, therefore they are One.

2007-09-12 03:47:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I always enjoy reading people's scientific views of Jesus and how hard they've tried to prove God the Father is actually Jesus Christ.

Ice, water, and vapor? Wow! We got a human genius. Think for one second...if Jesus is ice, God is water, and holy spirit is vapor...when Jesus melt to become God and God vapor away to become holy spirit, what happens to Jesus and God? When Jesus was down here on earth, who was Jesus praying to? For himself to melt to become God answering himself and quickly freeze himself back to ice and receive his own word as the word of God? I rather stick to the simple truth. The Father is God, the son of God is Jesus Christ (two separate beings).

Egg shell, egg white, and egg yoke? Again...if Jesus is egg shell, God is egg white, and holy spirit is egg yoke, so God and holy spirit formed a chick and cracks open Jesus...now Jesus is dead, God and holy spirit emerged to a whole new species. What do you call that species? Goddess, demon, Satan?

When people are using this scripture John 10:30 to prove that God is trinity, they are implying John 17:21 and 1 Cor 11:3 that 6 billions people that are alive today are part of God. So now trinity becomes billionity.

For the geniuses, please read this Isaiah 55:8 “For the thoughts of YOU people are not my thoughts, nor are my ways YOUR ways,” is the utterance of Jehovah. 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than YOUR ways, and my thoughts than YOUR thoughts."

No one created God but God created Jesus as the firstborn of God's creation (that's before angels and the universe were created).

2007-09-12 09:00:40 · answer #4 · answered by My2Cents 5 · 0 1

They are "one" in union of understanding. Jesus was a perfect reflection of his Father; his kindness, qualities and love. Jesus said "He who has seen me, has seen the Father"
They saw God's qualities in His Son.
Remember.......no man has EVER seen God.....man cannot look upon the brillance of God and live to tell about it. But mankind saw Jesus THE SON OF GOD.

Refereence scriptures: John 1:18 " No man has seen GOD at any time, the only begotten god {jesus} who is in the bosom position with the FATHER, is the one that has explained HIM."

John 14:8-9 "Phillip said to him..."Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us." [9] Jesus said to him.."Have I been with you men so long a time, and yet Phillip, you have not come to know me? He that has seen me, has seen the Father also."

John 14:28 "You heard that I am coming back to you, if you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am."

Finally, before Jesus' death, he prayed for his followers that they too would be in union with one another and with him and his Father.
Jphn 17:20...." I make request, not concernign these only, but also concerning those putting faith in me through their word." [21] " in order that they may all be one; just as you Father are in union with me, and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with US" in order that the world may believe that you sent me forth."

Jehovah God is the Father; Jesus Christ is his Son and the Holy Spirit is God's active force....the power of God that makes things happen.

2007-09-12 04:22:34 · answer #5 · answered by sugarbee 7 · 2 0

I am at a loss, I am afraid, to explain how Jesus could be God while on earth, with his Father being God in the heavens, and yet at the same time there is only one God. Moreover, if the fact that Jesus and his Father can be construed to mean that Jesus is God, then it reasonably follows that we too can be God and become part of the Trinity - which must, of necessity, create much more than a triune God.

What I mean is this: at John 17:20-23, Jesus earnestly prayed to his heavenly father on behalf of his beloved disciples. In that prayer, he asked God that his followers all become "one" just as he and his Father were one, that they also become one with him and with his Father. Therefore, if John 10:30 can be construed to mean that Jesus himself is God, doesn't that also mean that all true Christians can themselves become God as well? And since disciples number into the millions, what is the word that would replace triune? However, if our construing scripture erroneously violates the inspired word of God (as indeed making Jesus God would naturally do), God is not unjust when he vents his wrath is he? (I am speaking as a man does. Indeed, I am speaking as did the apostle Paul at Romans 3:5)

Of course, many believe that this scripture speaks of the wonderful unity between Jesus and his father. Indeed, they are one in purpose; particularly in connection with God's human creation. Just as a married couple become one: they do not literally become one body or person do they? No, but they become one in goals, attitude, purpose and so on. Now we can understand why Christ prayed that his followers become one with him and his heavenly father. Thus, we would all be unified in the same mind and in the same line of thought, even as the apostle Paul, under inspiration, spoke at 1 Corinthians 1:10.

Other than that, dear Linedancer, I am afraid that I cannot help you.

Hannah J Paul

2007-09-12 05:21:08 · answer #6 · answered by Hannah J Paul 7 · 2 2

'who can there be 2 of them' ?


3 parts- not equal, God the father, Jesus the word, Holy Spirit the conviction...

2007-09-12 21:56:02 · answer #7 · answered by jesusisking51 2 · 0 0

Jesus Christ is part of the Holy Trinity of God: God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

2007-09-12 03:47:12 · answer #8 · answered by BowtiePasta 6 · 1 4

You are still on THAT?....Who Do you Want to Convince? We Know that JESUS IS GOD. That's
enough for Me. If He Isn't God, then We do Not Have A Savior. (smile) Right?
I was taught as a child how to understand this. Very simple. "Like an Egg has 3 parts>The shell, the white, the yolk> But is ONE Egg." (3 in one)
There is God, the Father> God, the Son> & God, the Holy Spirit>>>>Three In ONE.........".Blessings to You."

2007-09-12 03:54:34 · answer #9 · answered by minnetta c 6 · 0 5

That verse goes on to say (paraphrasing), make them (the disciples and believers) one as we are one. So my interpretation of this is that Jesus was saying we can all have the "Christ" mentality, which is higher than the fleshly , animal mentality we were born with. I don't think Jesus ever wanted us to worship him as God.

2007-09-12 08:06:00 · answer #10 · answered by Dianna P 2 · 0 0

Well Linedancer,
Many people will try to persuade you Jesus and God are one and the same.
They will show the text you cite as proof.
If that happens, invite them to consider the context.
Point out John 17:21 where Jesus said to God about his followers:
" . . .in order that they may all be one, JUST AS you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us......"
The original Greek word 'one' meant 'at unity'.
God is not 2, nor 3 people ....He is one, just as Deuteronomy 6:4 states.
So does 1 Corinthians 8:6

2007-09-12 03:54:13 · answer #11 · answered by Uncle Thesis 7 · 4 1

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