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Society & Culture - 28 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2007-07-28 03:19:34 · 41 answers · asked by amylthree 1 in Etiquette

how do you look now..are you happy with that. do you care what people think about that..do you care

im a mix of lots of styles..i love most things in this life.i love fashion and music which i mix alot and retro..theres nothing more annoying than people who dont know me labeling me as something im not for how i dress. i had every lable under the sun thrown at me..

so this leads to the question do people care too much about what others think about how they look

and another thing why does everyone seem to be bothered by how I look..i wouldnt mind if theywere friends but there not!

2007-07-28 03:17:51 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Face it; the R&S is as crazy a topic as they come on Y!A!
This is an informal list of the don'ts and the do's.

1: Do not ask why atheists are here. It's been asked too many times. Don't complain either, they bring the needed humor.

2: If you don't have an excellent sense of humor, you should stay away from the R&S, period.

3: No flaming! Down, you dragonbeastie, down!

4: Scientology is the only religion you expect to get unanimous answers on. We all think they're nuts.

5: No, you are not allowed to answer questions with 10000 characters of soild Bible, Torah, or Qu'ran verses. Do you see atheists spewing out Dawkins? Didn't think so. Moderation.

All I got, for now. :)

What do you think we should slap on here? Let's get some answers!

2007-07-28 03:14:33 · 13 answers · asked by pamiekins 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Are you like me? Can you share your experience with life?

2007-07-28 03:13:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

For me,either Ellen Degeneres,Ivanka Trump or Julia Louis-Dreyfuss come to mind first.

2007-07-28 03:10:31 · 7 answers · asked by nofear_intrepid40 1 in Other - Society & Culture

That you have the full power / can use power to any extend to eradicate the so called Fight in the name of GOD / Religious wars, what / how will you excute using the boon granted, to eradicate the religious fights and wars.

Thanks for your replies.

2007-07-28 03:09:53 · 5 answers · asked by senthil r 5 in Religion & Spirituality

in a kibbutz or in a japanese capsule hotel?

2007-07-28 03:08:33 · 33 answers · asked by witchfinder general 3 in Religion & Spirituality

"No man is my enemy."

We battle not against flesh and blood but against the powers and principalities that rule in heavenly places.

2007-07-28 03:08:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A few minutes ago, I opened the door to walk my dog and as soon as I opened it, a bird flew at us! I slammed the door shut because I did not want an angry mocking bird stuck in my house! It turns out though that it was just a baby! The mockingbirds have been attacking us lately because I have a dog and they see her as a threat, so I assumed it was another bird trying to fly at us as soon as I walked out of the apartment. (which happens a lot lately.) As me, my dog, and my bf walked back to the door, we saw this baby bird sitting there! I don't know if he was hurt or just shaken up, or if he'll make it or not! My bf said we shouldn't touch it or the mother wouldn't take it back, but it's not like we could put it back in the nest, and we had to pick it up to move it, so we just set it by their tree. If it is still alive and out there, (unless a cat got it or it flew off and is ok) should I try to bring it in and take care of it or does it have a better chance if I just leave it be?

2007-07-28 03:07:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

If other people can help you by praying for you, can they harm you by doing the opposite - wishing ill on you? If so, how can you protect yourself?

2007-07-28 03:06:57 · 4 answers · asked by Pascha 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Do you know how Jesus said in the last days you will see signs in the moon stars and the Heavens? Guess what? As I was taking the rubbish out to the bin just before I saw the moon, and do you know how the moon as light around it? I saw a huge circle so wide around it. The rest of the night sky was dark blue, but around the moon was a very large dark black circle and around that was light. I have never seen this before christians. I wished I had a camera, but I guess even if I did it would not have fitted in the film anyway. It was too large. I just though I would share this with you. a few years ago this man had a vision of God opening up the Heavens wiht his large hands and took the picture and sent it in to the weather buro and the person that saw it said it was amizing and could nto beleive his eyes. I have the picutre on my internet to proove this. It was two very large hands opening up the bright Heavens around dark clouds. Awsome. And if you want me to send it to you as proof let

2007-07-28 03:05:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Angry answers are welcome.....sincere answers appreciated....
Not by good works of righteousness which we have done but by His mercy...........

2007-07-28 03:04:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If so, please tell your experience.
Thank You !

2007-07-28 03:03:03 · 14 answers · asked by Michael Knight 1 in Religion & Spirituality

ARE.......WE........ TOLD ... TO? Commanded TO?

(1Corinthians 2:15) But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, = = yet he himself is judged of no man.

(1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove all things; = = hold fast that which is good.

(1John 4:1) Beloved, believe not every spirit, = = but try the spirits whether they are of God: = = because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

I..... Always.... TRY THE AGENDA.... and the Person.... Asking the QUESTION!

To be OTHER than that.... IS JUST TO BE.... A BANANA!

Should ...... " YOU "..... Judge... Everything?

Thanks, RR

2007-07-28 03:02:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

to have blind faith. or be blind to faith.

2007-07-28 02:59:59 · 13 answers · asked by The true face of religion 4 in Religion & Spirituality

i don't understand why the number 13 follows me continuously...my birth date,all my school results(very often my grade aggregate is 13),i'm very often ranked thirteen...moreover when i was thirteen years old an important event occurred in my life(positively) and it was the most fruitful and beautiful year of my life...

2007-07-28 02:58:07 · 21 answers · asked by onella 1 in Religion & Spirituality

In the spanish Alphabet there is a the letter N that has this sign on top ( ~) does anyone know how to do this? to get the sign on top of the N?

2007-07-28 02:57:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

this site for a reading or even in real life.
If you have the time (serious psychics please)
can you tell me what you forsee for me from now to the near future in my love life,work,relationships or any other info you feel coming through strong for me?
Thanks so much,all the best!

2007-07-28 02:56:06 · 4 answers · asked by n 3 in Mythology & Folklore

It seems pretty clear to me that marriage should be supported and encouraged. People walk out on their children far too easily and it does make more financial sense currently for people with children to live apart. It is also a fact that children in single parent families are less likely to succeed academically and more likely to become involved in crime.

Of course, I am not saying that this is the case for all single parent families, but the sense of this policy seems indisputable. In spite of this it has come under some serious fire, mainly from the kind of wishy-washy, socks and sandal wearing Liberals that have caused this colossal ****-up in the first place. What are your opinions on the matter?

2007-07-28 02:50:50 · 11 answers · asked by sallybowles 4 in Other - Society & Culture

to be doing on this fine sat eve?

2007-07-28 02:50:39 · 10 answers · asked by taharniegsi 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

The First Book of Adam and Eve. Part 9 Chapter LXXIV 4 - 8 The birth of Cain and Luluwa. Why they received those names.
But when Adam saw the distress in which Eve was, he got up and prayed to God, and said, "O Lord, look at me with the eye of Your mercy, and bring her out of her distress." And God looked at His maid-servant Eve, and delivered her, and she gave birth to her first-born son, and with him a daughter. Then Adam rejoiced at Eve's deliverance, and also over the children she had borne him. And Adam ministered to Eve in the cave, until the end of eight days; when they named the son Cain, and the daughter Luluwa. The meaning of Cain is " hater," because he hated his sister in their mother's womb; before they came out of it. Therefore Adam named him Cain. But Luluwa means "beautiful," because she was more beautiful than her mother.

2007-07-28 02:48:34 · 18 answers · asked by zurioluchi 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Human beings created God similar to them.Hindus(including myself)who worship God may answer.

2007-07-28 02:48:31 · 18 answers · asked by krkabadi 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I mean we dont know anyone's circumstances. Lets take for example someone who has been in an abusive reltionship, wondering why they deserved that and are in need of help. If you didnt know what happened to he/she, for them having such an average mood since you dont know their past. Should You judge them? or is it that the unconditional love you may share with them will bring much needed joy to their Spirit. Similarly now we do not know circumstances of so many people around the World. So why is okay to Judge and not to Love?

2007-07-28 02:48:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

but won't bless you for the right things you do? My answer is yes for this question, what's your answer? If you say no, explain please. Don't just quote from the bible but tell me your own experience.

2007-07-28 02:47:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Would someone that actually knows explain the differences in Sunni and Shiite? Sorry if this has been asked before.

2007-07-28 02:47:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Football is a very famous game on this globe .
So Gods should be there.
It is my logic.

What is your opinion?

2007-07-28 02:46:02 · 18 answers · asked by cosmic kiran krishna 2 in Religion & Spirituality

The dress is a black statin empire waist, from david's bridal.

2007-07-28 02:43:39 · 13 answers · asked by seharra819 1 in Etiquette

I haven' been able to locate such a person or organization through google searches.

2007-07-28 02:43:04 · 13 answers · asked by TruthSeeker 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I can't explain how indifferent I am about the religion - I just don't care. It's neither positive, or negative. And I haven't even stepped into a church in 5 years!
I just want my name off their records, but I'm afraid to do so.

2007-07-28 02:42:18 · 39 answers · asked by C'est Comme Un Rêve 3 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers