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Society & Culture - 19 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

They say "Money is the root of all evil." Have you ever thought about if life would be easier without money?

2007-07-19 08:36:39 · 12 answers · asked by Soda 4 in Other - Society & Culture

ale ty denna laska jesteś ...
dziecko jak masz jakiś problem to idź do specjalisty...
a no i zgadzam się z Evie znajdź sobie jakieś inne zajęcie bo wiesz jak czytanie cięmęczy to forum nie jest miejscem dla ciebie

Lol does anyone know what that says and what language this is??

2007-07-19 08:36:23 · 7 answers · asked by Beautiful Disaster 2 in Languages

Why do Xians get so mad when I spell it "Xian"?


2007-07-19 08:36:22 · 18 answers · asked by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I mean, like if a body was cremated or burned to a crisp and there is no body left. Would a person, Christian or not(but still a good holy person), still be 'resurrected'(i don't know the term used), and taken to the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is a serious concern of mine, I'm not kidding. I hope some learned persons could give me insight into this. I don't want to mention details, but i've had loved ones that have been lost at sea, or bodies never found in some tragedies, and another was accidentally cremated before we could claim the body. I don't mean to offend anyone.

2007-07-19 08:35:36 · 26 answers · asked by spaced out muppet 1 in Religion & Spirituality

is hard enough trying to get out the church as it is. they are like a little kid and members are parents getting them off are legs and having them scream don't leave me. They really are sad. anyone else had that experience? any ex mormons out there?

2007-07-19 08:34:27 · 10 answers · asked by dangergirl_711 2 in Religion & Spirituality


2007-07-19 08:34:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What acts of futility have you commited recently?

2007-07-19 08:32:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

This entrepreneur is just about to give £1 billion pounds to charity. At a time when the gap between rich and poor in the UK is widening, is Sir Tom unique?

2007-07-19 08:31:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

when someone misspells "atheism" There are some of you who don't but the majority of you guys forget my question and start complaining about my spelling. You should be able to grasp the meaning of my question without having to have every question spelled out perfectly

2007-07-19 08:29:37 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What is the essence of Ambition?

And, is there a difference between the two?

{{{{{{{ Ambitiously Passionate Love }}}}}}}

2007-07-19 08:29:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

For our annual Christmas Party, we will be playing a variation on the game "Family Feud." As you may know, this game requires people to guess at that the results of various public survey's. We thought it might be a good idea to post some of those survey questions here, and see what kind of results we get. So please feel free to respond with a single answer choice; all earnest answers are greatly appreciated.

Today's question is "What one food item (please pick only one) do you think of when you think of the TRADITIONAL American Thanksgiving dinner, besides Turkey?" Thanks!

2007-07-19 08:28:47 · 32 answers · asked by A_Akes 2 in Thanksgiving

I am Sirius about this question.

2007-07-19 08:27:11 · 14 answers · asked by Gaymes Last Orchestra 6 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

A Christian friend of mine was complaining last night about how it seems that all the good Christian girls were taken by atheist men. It didn't make sense to me, but he seemed to think it was a fact. Atheist guys, do you date Christian girls?

(I'm a Deist, and I don't care about religion, I'll take what I can get!)

2007-07-19 08:26:15 · 21 answers · asked by Drake the Deist 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-19 08:24:55 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I also find it to be an akward situation....

2007-07-19 08:24:23 · 27 answers · asked by Sublimetink 1 in Etiquette

Some bands I've seen are
as cities burn - 4 times
fear before the march of flames
norma jean
heavy heavy low low
armor for sleep
he is legend
gym class heroes
the fall of troy
the number 12 looks like you
theres more i just cant remember
what about you? and what was your favorite?
mine was as cities burn

2007-07-19 08:23:16 · 6 answers · asked by alfredhitchcock 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Everytime my brother thinks something is funny, he says "LOL" instead of just laughing. And he isnt even on the computer. I hate it. I just want to kill him everytime he does it.

2007-07-19 08:19:42 · 28 answers · asked by MJMGrand 6 in Etiquette

Please explain

2007-07-19 08:19:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

does it? anyone willing to share past experiences?

2007-07-19 08:18:19 · 13 answers · asked by juliamr4 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

To those who want to understand the marriage of our prophet peace be upon to Aisha read this

There is no doubt that in most countries today it is not acceptable for a 53–year-old man to marry a 9–year-girl. Why? Because it is against the law and against the traditions of the people. This means that if we want to label any action as wrong, then we need to ask: wrong according to what, the law or the traditions?
The Prophet (peace be upon him) never violated the law, the Qur’an descended during his lifetime and never prohibited the Prophet’s acts. Also, the Messenger never violated the traditions and customs of his people, as we all know that he was attacked vigorously by the idolaters, the Jews, and the hypocrites.They lashed out at him boldly and continuously attempted to defame his personality, but they never claimed that he was a pedophile or a child abuser.Y? In fact,using hismarriage to A’ishah,when she was so young, could have been an excellent opportunity to destroy him and to convince his Companions and followers that he was not worthy of following.

The answer is simply because these kinds of practices wre the norm at that time of the Prophet. Therefore, he didn’t violate the traditions of his people in his time. Prophet Muhammad was also married to Safiyyah, the daughter of Huyayy ibn Akhtab, the leader of a Jewish tribe in Arabia. The Prophet married her when she was 16 years old and guess what? He was her third husband; she was married twice before him. So, how old do you think she was when she got married to her first husband? Probably around 9, just like `A’ishah.

It is mentioned in authentic hadiths that our Prophet got engaged to her when she was 7 years old and waited for two whole years until she reached the age of 9. Then, when she reached puberty, he married her. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica—which is a Western source written by non-Muslim scholars and scientists—puberty is “in human physiology, the stage or period of life when a child transforms into an adult normally capable of procreation,” which essentially means “sexually mature.”

Another surprise is that when he got engaged to her at the age of 7, he was not the first man in her life. She was engaged before him to the son of Uqbah ibn Muayt. He was one of the idol worshipers of the Quraish, who had abandoned her because of her father’s strong position in supporting Islam. What I want to say is that it is unfair to sit in air-conditioning, enjoying popcorn in 2006, and to judge the actions of people who lived 1,400 years ago, in a completely different environment.

You can imagine how a girl would feel if she was abused by an old man. This is completely different from the beautiful stories that `A’ishah narrated about the gentleness, kindness, and romanticism of the Prophet of Allah. Whenever you read the story of the Prophet and `A’ishah, you get the feeling that this was a perfect love story, the kind that Shakespeare was trying to write when he wrote Romeo and Juliet. Except that his story had a sad ending since Romeo committed suicide along with his beloved Juliet.

Make sure to keep in mind the words of Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), a Scottish historian, critic, and sociological writer who said, “The lies, which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man [Muhammad], are disgraceful to ourselves only.” Many lies were told about God’s Messenger, as well as other messengers and prophets. In addition, our religion tells us that the prophets are the best of mankind, simply because when Allah chose certain people from among His creation, He chose the best.
lastly , i wish those who wanted to understand got the pic now and those who want to take that against muslims , JUST STOP IT.

FURTHEMORE, It should be noted that in the hot regions, it’s normal for a girl to attain maturity at a very early age. Thus the case is totally different from that which does exist in the cold regions where a girl does not attain puberty before 21 [Physicians maintain that the age of puberty in the hot regions normally ranges from 9 to 16]. At all rates, it should be stressed that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, on marrying `Aisha, never aimed at fulfilling a lust or satisfying a desire; rather, his aim was to strengthen his relation with the most beloved Companion of his.
Had it been true that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, aimed at fulfilling a lust or satisfying a desire, he would have done this while still in his youth when he was still free from the responsibilities of delivering Allah’s call. At his early age, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, accepted to marry Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, who was 15 years older than him

He also never married a new wife until after her death. Even after her passing away, his new wife Sawdah bint Zam`ah was an old-aged widow who possessed no particular appealing qualities. This adds to our certainty that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, had many great lofty aims behind his marriages. Also, when Khawlah bint Hakim suggested to him to marry`Aisha, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, thought thoroughly whether to accept or to refuse. He took into consideration his relation with Abu Bakr.

i don't know why it is hard for some ppl just to x-press their opinion in a civilized way?!!

if they understood it , that is great , if not , just leave it DON'T OFFEND.

AND I would like to thank every one really agreed with me and appreciated our love to the prophet(pbuh) and the understood the circumstances of his marriage.

peace to all.

note: Muslim rose i got this from one of your questions i really liked it and wanted to post it again, thanks

2007-07-19 08:18:15 · 33 answers · asked by Nourhan 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Or is the grass always greener for you?

2007-07-19 08:16:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2007-07-19 08:13:59 · 11 answers · asked by Lestat 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-19 08:13:52 · 21 answers · asked by AKON 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Serious question here. I read many of these questions and comments daily that blast the military are regurgitating ideology about what we should and should not do. Yet hardly any of the ones speaking like this has the courage or seems the intelligence to join the military. So why is it that so many who know so little about what it is like to be a service member claim to know what is best for those who truly serve. "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." --Mark Twain.

2007-07-19 08:11:50 · 2 answers · asked by Jason J 6 in Other - Society & Culture

Long hair or short on women? straight or curled? makup or no make up?

2007-07-19 08:09:18 · 14 answers · asked by finkle1234 1 in Other - Society & Culture

* His books lead tens (hundreds?) of thousands away from christianity.

* If he became a christian, he would likely have the opposite effect.

* according to the bible, if two or more people ask god for something, he'll do it.

So... how many christians praying does it take to make him a christian? It should be easy enough to arrange, shouldn't it?

2007-07-19 08:09:16 · 29 answers · asked by Dreamstuff Entity 6 in Religion & Spirituality

My friends were not talking about the wierdo at the school yard. That was clear. They meant the guy who just thought, wow, and decided to show them he thought so. i personally would be pissed if someone did that to my wife, but my friends poinded out, "if the guy is risking public humiliation and embarrassment as well as police to problems" just to let me know how much he thinks of me, instead of the fifteen other guys that saw us and are waiting to get back to the office washroom or home tonight. Well, maybe it is a compliment. I can see her point. Don't agree with it but I can see it.

2007-07-19 08:08:37 · 6 answers · asked by Sam_77 1 in Etiquette

Please give your opnion and tell your story about it!

2007-07-19 08:07:53 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

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