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Society & Culture - 24 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Because He would have had to have known we'd screw things up eventually,would'nt He?

2007-06-24 20:21:54 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Falsification test of crucifixion: Can falsification test of crucifixion perishes the falsehood of crucifixion?
He had worked out a strategy of defence to repel the Jews. Because he wanted to remain ALIVE!
With strong crying and tears for God Almighty to keep him ALIVE!
Which means that God accepted his prayers to keep him ALIVE!
In the hope and belief that God will save him ALIVE!
Good reason to keep Jesus ALIVE!
"No harm should come to this just man." In other words that he should be saved ALIVE!
According to the system in vogue, no man could die by crucifixion in so short a time which means that even if he was fastened to the cross — he was ALIVE!

2007-06-24 20:21:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

God dwells in light
Tim 6:16
God dwells in darkness
1 Kings 8:12/ Ps 18:11/ Ps 97:2

God is tired and rests
Ex 31:17
God is never tired and never rests
Is 40:28

God is all powerful
Jer 32:27/ Matt 19:26
God is not all powerful
Judg 1:19

God is to be found by those who seek him
Matt 7:8/ Prov 8:17
God is not to be found by those who seek him
Prov 1:28

God is warlike
Ex 15:3/ Is 51:15
God is peaceful
Rom 15:33/ 1 Cor 14:33

God accepts human sacrifices
2 Sam 21:8,9,14/ Gen 22:2/ Judg 11:30-32,34,38,39
God forbids human sacrifice
Deut 12:30,31

God tempts men
Gen 22:1/ 2 Sam 24:1/ Jer 20:7/ Matt 6:13
God tempts no man
James 1:13

That's quite a lot of contradictions in my opinion, anyone elses?

2007-06-24 20:21:11 · 13 answers · asked by Adam L 5 in Religion & Spirituality

How can a man say he is a prophet of God and call God a liar at the same time? How can he accept the names of the prophets and disagree with the prophets of God? Moses taught the tree of life...Abraham was first mentioned by Moses...Abraham said God would provide himself a lamb...Isaiah taught the Messiah would atone for sin...Jesus agreed and said he and the Father wer one and the only way to the Father was through the Son...yet Muhamad likes the name Jesus too just not his teachings...How can you call Muhammad a prophet of God and clearly see he disagreed with God and the prophets?

2007-06-24 20:19:27 · 9 answers · asked by djmantx 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Because it seems like He gets His kicks out of making things difficult for us down here.Do you think He watches us like some big sitcom or something?

2007-06-24 20:19:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality


2007-06-24 20:17:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) does not allow any homosexual activity in the military. Gays are not allowed to state their sexual preference, or have any intent to engage in homosexual acts reguardless if their partner is in the military or not.

2007-06-24 20:15:47 · 19 answers · asked by USN 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I am studying for Latin next year. What are some of the tips when studying for that language. What should I pay attention to? What should I look out for? What aspects of the language are used again and again? and etc. (other tips)

2007-06-24 20:14:36 · 5 answers · asked by Aurora 2 in Languages

believe that they have physical bodies?

2007-06-24 20:11:09 · 12 answers · asked by Lprincess 1 in Mythology & Folklore

As an atheist, if you were president, would you deny the freedom to religion, since you think it's the downfall of humanity? You accuse religion to be the root of all evil, so wouldn't it make sense to stop something you view as harmful?

If you'd let people practice as they wish, wouldn't that be horrible of you since you'd be letting us "poor fools" ruin the planet and everyone else included?

2007-06-24 20:05:49 · 18 answers · asked by Jmyooooh 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Before he died he did become christian and believed everything was created by God

2007-06-24 19:59:50 · 24 answers · asked by Savannah 5 in Religion & Spirituality

jesus also a creation like that couple,so plz study religion islam to know real one GOD for all and be grateful to HIM only!!!

2007-06-24 19:57:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

In America without alot of money?

2007-06-24 19:55:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Community Service

I'm head over heels crazy over a particular guy... he's sweet, sensitive, perfect, attractive, everything I could ever want in a guy... And no, I did not just meet him, I've known him for over a year and I have absolutely no doubt that he's THE one.

A couple of minor details, though... I'm Catholic, he's not. He's divorced. These things don't bug me at all, because we respect each other's differences. However, I've had some people tell me that Catholics can't marry non-Catholics within the church... also, there's the little rule about divorced people remarrying becoming adultery/fornication?

I'm sure there must be some way to work around these things, STILL get married in the Catholic church (my family will shun me if I don't) and NOT get excommunicated....

Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated!!!

2007-06-24 19:49:29 · 15 answers · asked by ashleythequestionasker 2 in Religion & Spirituality

So some claim that suicide is a sin. They they quote Exodus 20:13 "Thou shall not kill". Suicide is killing oneself...

So what about the people that that take their own life in their hands? Are the people that are into extreme sports, high risk jobs or just not heath conscious classed as sinners? Since their taking their lives in their own hands for pleasure, money, fun, etc

What's the difference if a person takes a bottle of sleeping pills or drive their motorcycle beyond it's limits at a high rate of speed? Both have a great chance of doing the person in. Both of the people were controlling their own destiny.

2007-06-24 19:47:08 · 13 answers · asked by acidcrap 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-24 19:46:10 · 19 answers · asked by konsultant 3 in Mythology & Folklore

I was just wondering how you think the actual life came into us

2007-06-24 19:45:35 · 25 answers · asked by Savannah 5 in Religion & Spirituality

The fact is Atheists are more likely to be miserable unhappy campers. I mean they go out of their way to respond back to Christians like bratty, angry, ignorant, unintelligent children. Most Atheists try to use a large vocabulary to show their intellect. "Like it shows Christians how smart they are". "Laugh" The fact is that Christians are better people and more happier people because of God. Chrisitans like me always see miracles and the blessings from God. It is so silly how Atheists talk about judging them incorrectly. How stupid! Atheists are filthy sinners according God. God says all unbelievers will be put in the lake of fire. Revelation 21:8 Atheists always try to rationalize miracles. Atheists you will never see or receive the miracles and blessings of God. God promises the wicked unbelievers mulitplied sorrows. God does say he will mulitiply your sorrows here on earth and in the next life. How pathetic and self centered for Atheists to thank themselves during "Thanks Giving".

2007-06-24 19:42:08 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

didn't create things is right. Why? Because I found out that the Ford Mustang just "came about" Yeah, it seems that the Mustang created itself. Any changes made in the Mustang are done all on its own. There is no such thing as a factory / auto plant that makes the Ford Mustang. For no apparent reason, the metal, plastic, rubber, etc. just come about and turn themselves into a car. This vehicle just came about and continues to materialize all by itself. Sounds kind of like the theory of evolution to me. Isn't that about the way the world came into being? Sure it is. Just ask Mr. Darwin.

2007-06-24 19:41:43 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Since it leads to crime and all sorts of disintegrations in society.

2007-06-24 19:41:12 · 13 answers · asked by carl 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Why are so many people enamored by the royal family in England? Arent they just like everyone else? Was Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorced before her death?
What is the big deal about the royal family anyway?

2007-06-24 19:41:00 · 10 answers · asked by encourager4God 5 in Royalty

especially on the religion section, lol...questions that people ask for clarification on an issue (e.g., a question i answered about predestination) are littered with answers from people who seek to do nothing more than rebuke the person that answered the question. if i ask a question to a bunch of believers like myself, im going to get a majority of answers just saying stuff like "God doesn't exists."

if these people are so logical in their belief that God doesn't exist, why can't they be logical in the sense that they don't need to answer a question that doesn't pertain to them? some of us aren't here to argue, you know...sometimes we like to discuss things.

2007-06-24 19:35:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I have heard that Agnostics believe that there is no God. I have noticed that they are always spitting hate at Christians. Can someone tell me why?

2007-06-24 19:34:09 · 19 answers · asked by Jonathan H 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-24 19:33:57 · 11 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I've known God all my life, but as i grew up, i've drawn a lot away from Him. Now, i've tried anything to go back to God, i've tried prayer, ANYTHING but nothing works. Even when i go to church it's as if i'm just hearing words, nothing else- nothing that i can actually live my life upon.

I know for sure that deep in my heart i've become so numb to God- i think i gave away so many chances, that God almost seems like He doesn't even have a place into my life anymore. What can i do to go back????!!!!!!???? Is there any chance? (i've tried reading the Bible, but like i said, it just feels like it's words, nothing that i can base my life upon, and prayer- it's as if i'm talking to myself) HELP!!!!!!!

2007-06-24 19:29:23 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

In 1999 I moved with my mom and sister. This is so funny. Right after the move, a guy I knew from living here before comes into my yard and says "yeah, you never want to kill something unless you have to." (I was looking at kittens from the cat that belonged to the previous renter)I was confused, thinking that you would never have to. That night a dog wondered out in front of me while I was driving. Trying to avoid the dog, I hit the ditch, unfortunately, the dog did too. A girl I knew pretty well and her boyfriend just happened to be the next car by. I was waving for someone to stop. They did and they let me use their phone. The cops showed up and I had been speeding so I guess I could've been ticketed for reckless endangerment or something like that, although I had no idea at the time. Anyone relate to this?

2007-06-24 19:27:57 · 6 answers · asked by shhhhhhhhhh 3 in Religion & Spirituality

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