ok. poeople say that Joseph smith was a false prophet, this may not be a question but i HOPE everone reads this. i am so fed up wiht those lousey, uneducated freaks out there that say oh! ill just say that Joseph Smith wrote the Book of mormon, or oh! this is so untrue! he drank! i know all aabout him when they dont. (even if they think they do) the bible says FALSE PROPHETs produce bad fruits of themselves. it also says, true prophets produce good, worthy wholesome and delocious fruits. He produced nothing that was evil, dirty, immoral, of unclean in any way! and all that DUMB STUFF about him is not true!. he was a good respected leader and anyone who tries to deny that i will pesonally give a talking to! people can line up from New york to utah and when the last person passed me, trying to convince me that i was wrong, and that Joseph was a false leader, i would still KNOW that he was true and strong and real.i LOVE him and anyone who will deny me......... BRING IT ON
18 answers
asked by
**~Dancer 4 Life~**
Religion & Spirituality