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Society & Culture - 27 January 2007

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When Jade Goody said Shilpa Poppadom, people are calling me "Racist" how the hell is that Racist?! If that was Racist then when Jermaine Jackson called Jades mum white trash why didn't people say he was racist?

2007-01-27 00:24:09 · 27 answers · asked by Underpants. 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I myself being an Indian use toilet paper. But it it true that most of th Indians don't use toilet paper ?

2007-01-27 00:22:58 · 7 answers · asked by bublu_boytoy 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Please tell me at least 10.please, please

2007-01-27 00:21:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It used to be a city of several religions, they would likewise make a pilgrimage to this city. Muhammad had a very rough time spreading his word amongst the followers in Mecca, and I would have thought he would understand freedom of religion. Instead now the City refuses entrance to anyone who is not a Muslim. If a non Muslim is found within Mecca they risk public execution. Is there a valid reason why?

2007-01-27 00:19:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

would you like to see your free and democratic western lands converted in to barberic muslim lands where no one has any freedom? if the answer is no,

then why do you keep apologising to muslims and islam?

(by the way i am not a westerner and i dont live in a western country)

2007-01-27 00:17:43 · 14 answers · asked by EXMUSLIMAH 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I am just asking questions! Nowhere did I deny the Holocaust or say ANYTHING badly about Jews, their faith , etc! And NOWHERE did I say that they are bad people! But I swear if you ask a question with the word JEWS in it, you have all of these people say stuff, like "they are just people" . IT IS MADDENING!

2007-01-27 00:16:00 · 7 answers · asked by Charles R 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I can understand if you don't agree with something. There are plenty of things I don't agree with. Why is it, when a group of people find something they don't like, they try to get it taken away. Example: Years ago when Howard Stern started getting big, people tried to take him off the air, because they deemed him offensive. Why couldn't that group of people, just not listen to his show? Just because they found him offensive, doesn't mean other people didn't. There are plenty of other examples out there. But my question is, why should other people suffer a loss of something they enjoy, just because another group of people dislike it? Why can't the group that dislike it, just not watch/listen to it. Freedom of speech is a wonderful gift, but yet people try to take it away. What makes one group, more right, than the other?

2007-01-27 00:15:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

the tone of the future bible and human history?

2007-01-27 00:13:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Nowadays, every one used to say if iam rich i will get the respect, name, recognisation etc.,

2007-01-27 00:13:24 · 21 answers · asked by Udaya 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Abortion is a medical procedure that should ONLY be discussed between the woman & her doctor. I have no right to infringe in her privacy. I wouldnt want anyone to violate MY rights and tell me what to do with MY body. I have no right taking away a person's rights, born or unborn.

BUT, I am AGAINST abortion. I totally DESPISE abortion and if I were a woman Id never have one. BUT I am not a woman and would never know how it is to be one & wont JUDGE the circumstances of their abortion: whether they were raped, whether the pregnancy will endanger her or the baby, psychiatric problems etc. It is NOT my business. It is a sensitive medical issue btwn the patient & doctor, an MD.

Im not pretentious to think that others cant think for theirselves to be morally right. I've belief in other people & the choices they make. Taking away freedom to choose would kill the idealogy of what America stands for.
I'm pro choice, since Jesus taught compassionate, love & not to judge.

2007-01-27 00:11:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

In the face of Ford Motor Co. falling down in the market through loss of sales, etc. Why do they continue to support all the gay issues? Don't they realize that might be one of their problems?

2007-01-27 00:10:01 · 11 answers · asked by George O 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Entry is guaranteed. All you have to do is report this Q for whatever you find violating about it, but IT'S TRUE!!!!

Many years ago, in the late 70's early 80's, when computers were becoming commercially ubiquitous, there were no accepted qualifications in the field of programming. This was before "Political Correctness".

Simple demographics empirically demonstrated that certain racial groups showed different talents. e.g. Black guys are good at athletics (etc etc etc)

It was also demonstrable that "Asian" People were the most intelligent. What is not well recorded is that "Asian" in those days meant "Japanese and Chinese". As China was pretty much closed to the outside world at the time, what it really meant was "Japanese".

But now India has a reputation for being the home of super-smart outsource staff. It's a load of bollox. Stop buying from companies that outsource to India.

They're racist, classist, and not very bright at all.

2007-01-27 00:09:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I've come across a lot of questions where muslims are being considered as 'slayers', 'the ones who want to kill the infidels if they do not convert...'
Is it that anybody who follows Islam is a killer, a terrorist? I have many people in my country who have converted into Islam, is it that they wish to kill people n thats y they r following Islam?
This is a three dimensional world...Look at all the sides before you comment.
Just because of some incidences we are being branded as slayers?
What about Prez Bush he killed Iraqi's, Afghani's is he something different? even he made the american soldiers slaughter men, women, children who were innocent...But the world says he fought against terrorism...
I'm really disappointed by such statements.
Is every muslim a terrorist? have a 3d view people, look at others too...

Dont blame Islam for this and the people who follow it, blame the ones(MUSLIMS) who go against the teachings of Islam and Holy Quran n resort to killing people...

2007-01-27 00:07:10 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

any ideas what a 20 year old girl can get for her 35 year old husband for valentines day?

2007-01-27 00:06:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Valentine's Day

hello everyone this is RIDHIMA BHASIN an INDIAN this side and a true patriot at heart...

are we really that patrotic to do anything for our motherland???

do answer...if you think we can still find a BHAGAT SINGH or RAJGURU in our midst today??/

2007-01-27 00:05:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

HUSSAIN ebn ALI was a muslim guider

2007-01-27 00:02:06 · 7 answers · asked by tania 2 in Religion & Spirituality

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