Why should I believe in Jesus? I know that he definitely existed, no question. But apart from the deeds he is reported to have done while alive (no proof outside the bible), none of the promises he gave have happened. So is he who he said he is. The same question was asked by John the Baptist. Jesus reply was that the sick were being healed and the dead were being raised. But since Jesus death, nothing! Absolutely nothing! Those who have put their faith in him have had no protection, illnesses have not been cured and certainly no one has been resurrected. Quite the opposite in fact. Christians have been tortured, beaten to death, starved to death, and imprisoned for years, murdered or simply live in fear of their lives. Jesus said (I think) look! I am with you always. He also said (Think) Do not worry about what you are to wear or eat, your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. Have you observed the lilies of the field? If He can clothe them which will be cast away tomorrow, how much more so will he care for you?Or,not one bird falls from the sky that is not noted by God, how much more will he care for you. All this is in stark contrast to the reality, from the hideous death of John the Baptist, the stoning of Stephen and the horrible deaths of the Christians thrown to the lions and eaten alive, and so I could go on.
Do I want to believe? YES! I used to. I am now 66 and believe in nothing except there is most certainly a God, but I don't believe He is interested in earth and its inhabitants anymore.
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Religion & Spirituality