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Society & Culture - 10 January 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Just wondering. This kid at my school seems nice but he goes to the special class down stares. I don't think nothing is wrong with him at all, he is not like the others.

2007-01-10 15:17:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Honestly, I can't stand babies or little kids. When someone comes up to me and wants me to look at their baby, I want to say something like, "You reproduced, I see. Um, go team!"

As for little kids, I would love to make and market a line of muzzles for children that would come with restraints and leashes. A well-behaved child is a rarity.

Is anyone else not child friendly?

2007-01-10 15:17:24 · 4 answers · asked by Bastet's kitten 6 in Other - Society & Culture

The Answer is either
William Laud.
Thomas Hobbes.
John Pym.
John Locke.
Jacques Bossuet.

2007-01-10 15:14:48 · 1 answers · asked by Ben V 1 in Royalty

Please help me with the transation of a few Polish words / word combinations. Zliczam wszystkie; jak juz ciebie zobacze to te; wyko nasz bedziemy; zrealizujesz; calusy.

Thanks you ...

2007-01-10 15:13:50 · 3 answers · asked by daffodil 5 in Languages

One side they are say prastution & dating is banned. But here its growing badly. Moreover we cannot visit porn website. What do you guys think about this kind restriction?

2007-01-10 15:13:26 · 3 answers · asked by Mr. V 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

why is it wrong if a guy loves a guy, a woman loves a woman and a guy loves men and women?its love.does it really say in the bible "man and woman is the right way of love men and men is wrong and of satan they shall die and burn in hell"?

2007-01-10 15:13:12 · 12 answers · asked by mermer2u 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Good friend

2007-01-10 15:12:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

define the scientology definitions

Engram -
Gold base-
Lafayette Ron Hubbard-
Mary sue Hubbard-
Operating Thetan -
Oxford Capacity Analysis or Emeter-
Quentin Hubbard-
Sea Org-
Total Freedom-
Wall of Fire-
Xenu or Xemu-

2007-01-10 15:12:15 · 6 answers · asked by igriffin2 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I see many people saying that if you accept Jesus then you are forgiven for your sins. There was a question asking if a rapist and killer could go to heaven and some people answered that if he accepted Jesus. Is that true? If it is, then why would one try to live a life of goodness when they could live a life doing whatever they wanted to and just believe in Jesus? I dont mean to offend, I'm just confused about this. please no disrespect thank you

2007-01-10 15:12:07 · 27 answers · asked by E.T.01 5 in Religion & Spirituality

It was either, Henry IV, Charles V, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, or Cardinal Fleury

2007-01-10 15:11:28 · 4 answers · asked by Ben V 1 in Royalty

To racists: If you really hated the group you were referring to you wouldn't be wasting time here.
First of all the life of a true racist must be tough. To constantly have to remember to be evil to a group of people for their color. You have to feel threatened by that group. You wouldn't say it in public, so you let it out here. If you do, well again tough work remembering to be evil.
Secondly if you are really that angry at a group of people that you would spend countless hours on it, you must be unfulfilled in your own life. If you were raised to be a bigot, well while that is truly unfortunate. But we all know the difference between right and wrong.
Next to people who respond to bigotry: Don't. I understand you're mad and you need to "teach him/her a lesson." But the truth is you calling them names and getting upset is exactly what they're looking for. They just want attention. They know how you'll respond and they love it.

--My mother is a psychologist.--

2007-01-10 15:10:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

if you are a christian you can do what ever you want commit as many sins as you like lived a debauched an immoral life. just repent say sorry worship god and do it all again. and you can go to heaven. but if you are an atheist or an agnostic or follow any other religion. you will go to hell. take people out of poverty improve society make a better world or save hundreds of lives you will goto hell. so why live a moral athiest life when you could live a fulfilling christian one. i ask you?

2007-01-10 15:10:32 · 25 answers · asked by fiddich59 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-10 15:10:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I've noticed on alot of dating sites that alot of lesbians had children previously by a male partner before they became a lesbian. Why is this?

2007-01-10 15:10:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

The Lord Jezus spoke to me in a vision and told me that I have a beautiful voice for singing. Has he blessed me with a gift? The gift of song?

Should I sings for Lord?

2007-01-10 15:09:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

but keep in mind "You cannot use any Prophets, Scriptures, or children/incarnations of God while explaining that God is real"

now keeping in mind that you CANNOT use those things tell me how YOU NOW that God is real???

is it like a feeling? a sense that god is there?

2007-01-10 15:09:16 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

im always getting handed pamphlets in the street telling me (basically) that im going to burn in hell if i dont accept christ.. quite frankly im getting a bit fed up of it. Im an agnostic and i gotta admit, jesus sounds like a nice guy (a little over hyped maybe) and ive got nothing against the whole christian thing, what i dont like is all this heaven and hell bull**** (because lets face it, that is exactly what it is.. someone will have a go at me for saying that but its pretty obvious the whole concept of the devil and hell was created by the church to scare people into giving tithes).. and why always christians? ive never had an attempted conversion by hindus, muslims, budhists whatever.

2007-01-10 15:09:15 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

There is this Caucasian girl in my class, and I am sorry to say but she really gets on my nerves. She tries to act Black and ghetto by going the whole nine yards; like speaking with Ebonics, dressing "thug", putting hair in cornrows, things like that. The thing is, she is a rich White kid who owns a ranch form and is trying to act like she is all hard and down with "black" people, or whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

This is just an example, but why do some people pretend to be from the "ghetto". Why would someone WANT to live i the ghetto in the first place? I think that it is rather annoying even when Middle or Upper class Black kids try to act "ghetto", but it is even more irritating when it is done by White people. No offense to anyone.

2007-01-10 15:09:10 · 8 answers · asked by Ohay 3 in Other - Society & Culture

I am 34 been married 3 times and now single, have always looked at girls..Had first lesbain sex and loved it not in a relationship casual sex..But now I am not attracted to guys in and out of bed..is it I am really a lesbian..OR has my expreince with a girl knocked out the want for guys..Confused please help..nedd to indentify wether im bi or lesbian..

2007-01-10 15:08:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-01-10 15:08:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

If women have all the power in this world, there will clearly be less violence and less horrible problems.

However, would women fight with each other like men to become the president? Would they start developing male like characteristics?

Is their any danger in ruling and leading by emotion and empathy rather than by logic?

2007-01-10 15:07:45 · 14 answers · asked by Apeman 1 in Other - Society & Culture

In 2007, Jan. 2nd President Bush declared this day to be a National Day of Mourning. Is this a National Holiday that is to be observed every year thereafter?

2007-01-10 15:07:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Holidays

if they have no Spirituality nor Religion. You don't see me answering questions on Mongolian Culture. I'm not necessarily trying to convert anyone to any particular religion, nor promoting any form of spirituality in this question. If I never had seen a car to be able to believe there was a such thing, I sure as hell wouldn't answer any automotive questions. How could I?

2007-01-10 15:07:05 · 23 answers · asked by Nep 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-10 15:06:55 · 22 answers · asked by Charles Darwin 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I am asking again.
Not interested, your like telemarketers!
Do I have to spell it out for some of you? Christian ie heaven and hell and all that, and Athiest 6 feet under, in a urn yadda yadda......Please keep me awake here I am even ready to hear the other desert religons.
It is for fun. For Contemplation. To help my world view.
As I said before, I am bored of my own thoughts too.
But my other fellow humans, please share your thoughts.

2007-01-10 15:06:43 · 4 answers · asked by Sqwrll F 2 in Religion & Spirituality

In believing everything the scientist(creation) tells you;but not believing anything God(Creator) tells you?Evan if He tells you via some of His other creations?

Is not the Creator more reliable a source than the creations?

2007-01-10 15:06:43 · 21 answers · asked by Maurice H 6 in Religion & Spirituality

What religion would you vote most "bizarre" (meaning their beliefs, traditions, ceremonies, holidays, whatever). The most off-beat and quirky religion wins! (As long as it's real and verifiable--I will do a search!) Don't bore me with too many details, but make sure to include at least two reasons why it should be considered the strangest. =) Thanks!

2007-01-10 15:05:01 · 26 answers · asked by ? 3 in Religion & Spirituality

don't you look down upon those peole and for the same reasons that us straight people look down on you. and no I am neither, so don't even bother suggesting it.

2007-01-10 15:03:53 · 18 answers · asked by michael H 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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