Truth is the "imag"ined name that "catholics" and "christians" gave to one head of their three headed pagan "god" was first spoken less then 600 years ago which was more than 1400 years after The Only True GOD and Father of The Messiah raised Him from among the dead! Now if your preference is to use the modern english transliteration of The Messiah's GOD given hebrew birth name, that name would be Joshua.......period....... However, i certainly do realize that if you tell the multitudes a lie often enough for a long period of time, that they will believe the lie and sadly, they will then reject The Truth ;-( Yet, while there is breath(spirit) there is hope! For Miracles do happen! Hope is there will be those who experience The Miracle that is "receiving a love of The Truth", for they will "see" The Messiah as He was, and always will be, and they will have naught to do with the "imag"ined "jesus" of catholic&christian lore. Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(religion) that is of this world
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Religion & Spirituality