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Society & Culture - 5 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Will U remeber people here on Earth?..and for those that already in Heaven, can they see whats going on down here on Earth?

2006-12-05 08:17:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

God the other God seems to disagree.
King Herod was another jealous God(ie sovereign lord) just like Jehovah.
thank father tiMe killed them both.
i personally refuse to nuckle under foreign rulers because Canada has it's own royal family. so no offense but patriotic duty means no worshipping here in canada of some foreign dictator named Jehovah or Herod or even Jesus.
all hail the QUEEN.
so praying for help from foreigners could be considered treason.

2006-12-05 08:16:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I was thinking about shaving "down there", front and back. How do you go about doing that (especially the backside). And is it uncomfotable afterwards?

2006-12-05 08:15:07 · 8 answers · asked by TheEverdayGay.com 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-12-05 08:15:07 · 6 answers · asked by josh_owens20 1 in Other - Society & Culture

the conflict between rational thinking and blind faith, the bible is filled with hundreds of conclusions that defy rational thinking. I will give an example. Noahs Ark since we could not built something today with all of our technology to hold 2 of a kind of each animal, how could Noah? what were the meateaters fed how did Noah get to all the countries to collect all these animals since most are unique to certain part of the world if the water covered the entire globe hundreds of feet deep where did the water drain to. This is just one example of hundreds. I need some thoughful response on how to address the conflicts that many people have when it come to religious faith.

2006-12-05 08:15:01 · 9 answers · asked by Ynot! 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Well,people often label others because they stand out of the croud;I realy don't like beeing ladeld,and I usually am...

Tell me what do you think,and do you label others?

2006-12-05 08:12:53 · 22 answers · asked by Raven 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I "unofficially" converted to Islam this weekend and I plan to officially convert when I visit my local Mosque and everything, but I'm keeping it a secret from my adoptive parents who are very religious Christians. I need to tell them eventually because I'm getting my name changed and everything, and I can't do that until I tell them. How can I tell my Christian parents who don't hold any other religions in high regard that I converted to Islam?

2006-12-05 08:12:14 · 55 answers · asked by Michael 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-05 08:11:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

why don't people act as nice healthy hard working people?

2006-12-05 08:11:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

.....Or is it always dependant on the situation?

2006-12-05 08:10:06 · 15 answers · asked by Stiletto ♥ 6 in Religion & Spirituality

why do we have some much other denominations such as baptist,7 day,Jehovah,apostolic,etc but when it comes on to that other religions like the Jews,Muslims, and so one and so forth there arent any branches just one belief?But us christians are so seperated?

2006-12-05 08:09:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why do the origins of holidays, like Halloween, not bother people????

2006-12-05 08:09:37 · 14 answers · asked by britty♥ 2 in Halloween

i have read the bible and i am sure is doesnt mention a date, why do we celebrate that day if no one knows? is that a pegan holiday?

2006-12-05 08:08:44 · 45 answers · asked by JustMe 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If it is a historical fact that Jesus was born(of a virgin), taught and 33 years later he was put to death and our beliefs are based on these events then I don't understand why christians are persecuted for believing what is true...more so than any other religion whose beliefs are usually based on one man's theories?

2006-12-05 08:08:37 · 24 answers · asked by Forever_Young 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I am being stalked now (It's been going on for 2 1/2 years and finally seems to be toning down). I have posted a question asking for help not too long ago [http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Au63frZhyt09lKKmPHit5W7sy6IX?qid=20061118214420AA4tA6V]. I want to know if there are people on Answers that have gone through similar situations and can relate. It'd be nice to have someone to talk to about this. Other people can't really understand unless they have experienced it.

2006-12-05 08:08:35 · 5 answers · asked by Artemiseos 4 in Other - Society & Culture

He initiated creation most initially and commenced it originally, without undergoing reflection, without making use of any experiment, without innovating any movement, and without experiencing any aspiration of mind. He allotted all things their times, put together their variations gave them their properties, and determined their features knowing them before creating them, realising fully their limits and confines and appreciating their propensities and intricacies.

When Almighty created the openings of atmosphere, expanse of firmament and strata of winds, He flowed into it water whose waves were stormy and whose surges leapt one over the other. He loaded it on dashing wind and breaking typhoons, ordered them to shed it back (as rain), gave the wind control over the vigour of the rain, and acquainted it with its limitations. The wind blew under it while water flowed furiously over it.

Then Almighty created forth wind and made its movement sterile, perpetuated its position, intensified its motion and spread it far and wide. Then He ordered the wind to raise up deep waters and to intensify the waves of the oceans. So the wind churned it like the churning of curd and pushed it fiercely into the firmament throwing its front position on the rear and the stationary on the flowing till its level was raised and the surface was full of foam. Then Almighty raised the foam on to the open wind and vast firmament and made therefrom the seven skies and made the lower one as a stationary surge and the upper one as protective ceiling and a high edifice without any pole to support it or nail to hold it together. Then He decorated them with stars and the light of meteors and hung in it the shining sun and effulgent moon under the revolving sky, moving ceiling and rotating firmament.

2006-12-05 08:08:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My parents came from Russia. I was not here. It is just something to blame on all whites. Some of my family starved in World War 2.
I don't care about opression because you are worshipped on tv. I will say n&&&&& when I want because you are allowed to call me cracker

2006-12-05 08:07:58 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

2006-12-05 08:07:55 · 44 answers · asked by binnynoble 1 in Religion & Spirituality

What do you think about this grave stone poem. I like it. Tell me if it gives you the chills.

Pardon me, as you pass by...
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, so you will be,
Prepare for death and follow me.

I walked passed that in a local cemetary. Maybe you've heard it before. It's on very old stones, but actually is not rare.

But it gave me the feeling, what the heck, this stone is talkin' to me.
Like the person under the stone is personally talking to you, cause they might have chosen it anyway, personally, and it is what they wanted to say.

And not just to their family! But just to anybody passing by.

I really like it.

2006-12-05 08:06:58 · 18 answers · asked by smoothsoullady 4 in Mythology & Folklore

Dynical existence, crucifixion
You will give praise to Satan
Lord of Lords, kind of kings
Spread your wings

Haunted by the righteous one, bent of my repention
Crucifixion Lucifer, save me from destruction
Holy priest that can't confirm, shun the cross of evil
Violent but undisturbed, wait for thee invertion

To break the bonds of evil
To die upon the cross
To die uncertain death
From whom you place it on

Crucifixation - Thee unholy denominations
Crucifixation - Holy termination

You will give praise to Satan

2006-12-05 08:06:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I asked this yesterday... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ApWkNEpktXI6xiHIZrkN7sTsy6IX?qid=20061204103159AAK7z3K

So I am wondering that since a few people agreed that saying Merry Christmas is a market tool... Do you think that it's alright for them to say Merry Christmas as a marketing tool? Using the birth of Christ to sell crap?

2006-12-05 08:05:26 · 11 answers · asked by NONAME 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-05 08:05:26 · 27 answers · asked by Let there be JIMBO 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Some people think the definition is straight forward, but once you start to look at it, at least from the view point of other cultures, you might be suprised.

In the west, homosexuality is generally considered to be: any sexual conduct, that arouses men, between men. A homosexual in the west, may be any man who can be aroused by other men.

However, consider this from the viewpoint of Islamic communities. Under Islamic law, homosexual conduct is punishable by death. However, Islamic scripture specifies the act of anal intercourse as the act which merits death, and thus, this is what is largely understood as "homosexuality".

In any Islamic country in the world, it is very common to see men holding hands, sitting on each others laps, or kissing generously. This is quite a bit different than what you might see in Eurpopean communities that dont stifle heterosexual norms as Islamic communities do.

2006-12-05 08:05:24 · 11 answers · asked by Thoughtful Tristan 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I dated this guy (I'm a woman) for 3 years from age 16-19. He's 29 now and just found out he had a myspace website and he claims he's gay. When we dated we kissed, made out etc.. Now he claims to be gay. Is this possible? Meaning was he born like that or do you think he just made the choice to be gay? I'm so confused about how he could be gay when he didn't seem that way years ago.

2006-12-05 08:03:59 · 12 answers · asked by Kajunfriend2006 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-12-05 08:03:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

Before starting: I'm not Christian, but a Deist, I believe in God.
Back to my question:
I understand that ALL sins are equal according to Christianity, and thinking about doing one is a sin itself. So is picturing sexual fantasies in your head, without actually doing them, is on the same level of sin with (For example) being a sadistic raper and serial killer? How fair!

2006-12-05 08:02:44 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-05 08:01:15 · 14 answers · asked by lep14 1 in Christmas


2006-12-05 08:00:19 · 10 answers · asked by Richy Rich 66 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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