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Society & Culture - 2 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2006-12-02 17:58:14 · 2 answers · asked by chuck 3 in Religion & Spirituality

if you think he is coming in the next few years, i will give you the best gambling odds ever. please let me know if your interested.

2006-12-02 17:55:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Can Life Emerge From Non-Living Matter?

No one has ever observed the creation of life from non-living matter, or spontaneous generation. Even given ideal laboratory conditions, scientists haven't been able to create life from non-living matter. Life has been found only to come from life. This has been seen so consistently that it's called the Law of Biogenesis.

Even if scientists could demonstrate spontaneous generation, it's unlikely that life on earth began this way. Two basic components of life, proteins and DNA, have characteristics that make their spontaneous generation unlikely. Proteins couldn't have evolved if the early earth had oxygen in its atmosphere, because the parts that make up proteins, amino acids, can't join in the presence of oxygen. There had to be oxygen in the atmosphere, however. Without oxygen, there could be no ozone in the upper atmosphere and without the ozone layer, the sun's ultraviolet radiation would quickly destroy life. How then, can evolution explain both ozone and life?

Scientists have also found that the long chains of amino acids necessary for life cannot be formed in water. This fact seriously impacts the theory that life began in "the waters of some unknown seacoast."

The creation of DNA, the basic building block of life presents an interesting evolutionary problem. DNA cells contain thousands of genes that direct the functioning of living beings, including inherited characteristics, growth, organ and system structure. The DNA for each species is unique. Certain protein molecules or enzymes must be present for DNA to replicate, however those enzymes can only be produced at the direction of DNA -- the DNA itself has the blueprint for the specific enzymes it needs to replicate. Each depends on the other and both must be present for replication to take place. How evolution could explain this has never been answered.

How Was the First Living Molecule Formed?

Evolutionists think that the early earth contained a primordial "soup", consisting of all the components necessary for life. Through random processes, the components combined in exactly the right way to form the first living organism. Mathematical probabilities show that for all practical purposes, it is impossible for complex living systems that consist of many inter-relating parts to come about through random processes. Let's look at the mathematical chances for life to come about in this way.

Probabilities Show Random Processes Cannot Create Life

The most basic type of protein molecule that can be called "living" has 400 linked amino acids, each composed of 4-5 chemical elements. Each chemical element consists of a unique combination of protons, electrons and neutrons. To simplify our calculations, let's look at the probability of chance formation of an even simpler system, one that would contain only 100 elements.

We'll assume that all the necessary components were readily available in the "soup" and that the components had to come together in the right order to form a functioning system. Let's call our 100 element system "Fred".

All the elements that make up "Fred" would have to combine in the correct order to get a functioning "Fred". It's likely that most of the possible combinations of the components would have to be tried before "Fred" was formed.

The gray box describes the procedure for calculating probabilities. The probability of chance formation of "Fred" would be 1 in 100 factorial (or 1 x 2 x 3 x 4...x 99 x 100) or 1 in approximately 10158 (1 followed by 158 zeros). To get an idea of how large this number is, there are only 1080 (1 followed by 80 zeros) electrons in the universe.

Insufficient Time For Creation Of Even Simplest Organisms

Evolutionists claim that the evolutionary process occurred over billions of years, so they feel there was plenty of time to make all the necessary trial combinations and eventually get the correct ones. Let's test this theory for "Fred".

Astronomers estimate the universe to be less than 30 billion years old, which is 1018 seconds. Let's assume that it takes a billionth of a second for components to combine to form a trial 100 component "Fred". Let's also assume that the number of electrons in the universe, 1080, is representative of the number of basic components available for trial combinations of "Fred". This would allow 1078 trial combinations of 100 component "Fred" to occur at a time. With these assumptions, from the origin of the universe until today, 10105 trial combinations could be made (1018 x 109 x 1078). Unfortunately, to be sure to get a functioning "Fred" we would need 10158 combinations. The chance of one of our 10105 combinations being the correct, functioning "Fred" is approximately one chance in one hundred million billion billion billion billion billion (1 in 1053). It would take over three billion billion billion billion billion billion billion years to try all the possible combinations to be sure to create Fred. Written out, that's over 3, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 years.

There hasn't been nearly enough time to create even simple "Fred" in the universe's supposed 30,000,000,000 years of existence!

2006-12-02 17:53:33 · 34 answers · asked by ? 4 in Religion & Spirituality

If there was an unknown time period in his life, it was suggested that he traveled and learned from Druid mysteries. This would also answer how he performed his magic (mysterious ways), how he was a leader of his 12 disciples (a coven?) and how he was learned of healing techniques, in the ways of herbals. He was said to travel to India as well. Maybe he learned Reiki Healing while there too?

2006-12-02 17:52:29 · 9 answers · asked by Marlevane (High Priest/Druid) 1 in Religion & Spirituality

They're upset about anything that have to involve sex...I mean how did they got their children didn't they had to have sex? or maybe they were a virgin like mary? oh I forgot they tampered with the bible and made mary some virgin...

2006-12-02 17:52:19 · 16 answers · asked by candy 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Ok this is not meant to cause any offence, but when christians or any religious people say i talked to god , do they really talk to god ? and does he reply back to you? obviously he might not directly talk to you but do you see signs or symbols that indicate he might is sending a message. When i used to talk to god, and he never responded to me. Whats happens when u lot talk to god? i'm just really interested to know? No wise crack answers either, save your energy if your gonna do that.

2006-12-02 17:51:13 · 9 answers · asked by Blackout 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I asked God what Fornication meant and got a different answer then the one i learned in Bible school--thats when i realized that i better ask HIm what things mean rather then a teacher--it really makes a difference

2006-12-02 17:49:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-02 17:48:26 · 36 answers · asked by bumpb4 2 in Other - Holidays

a guy rose from the dead 2000 years ago, b/c it says it in a book, what else can you be made to believe? I am frightened.

2006-12-02 17:47:59 · 13 answers · asked by Poo 3 in Religion & Spirituality

According to you christians, billions and billions of god's own creations, are and will continue, to burn in a lake of fire for eternity. Christians are seen by general society as a "crazy but usually nice cult members" and over half of this planet is starving to death and dying horribly of some disease. How in any shape or form is that a "crushing" from Jesus?

2006-12-02 17:45:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

a lot of people say from the study of the Bible that JESUS' birth had to be before November--that makes a lot of sense to me--when and exactly what date do u think it is?

2006-12-02 17:44:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Need some opinions on a mini-dilemma of mine.

I have a cleaning lady who comes to my house every two weeks. She's been working for me for the past 2-3 years and also worked for my house's previous owner. She does an acceptable job and she's cheap, but can sometimes be flaky and unreliable.

The last time she was here was three days ago. And tonight, I discovered that a plastic hook on the charger for my hand vac was broken. This meant that I couldn't hang the vac back on the charger anymore. I'm 99% certain that she is responsible, but she didn't let me know or leave a note. No one else has been in my house since she was here.

I'm ticked about this because the vac was a wedding gift. I plan on telling her that she should be responsible for this, since no one else could have possibly done it. If she denies it or refuses to pay for a replacement, I'm considering letting her go for someone else.

What would you do in the same situation? Please share your thoughts.

2006-12-02 17:44:30 · 21 answers · asked by PD 3 in Etiquette

Really, Why do a lot of the people ask questions about Atheists, Muslims Hindus, Christians, and Pagan when they really just want to hear some other people who agree with them say something based in total ignorance?

If you really don't want to know, why ask? If you are not truly trying to futher your knowledge, why ask?

And while I'm at it, why do people jump at the bait of the stupid questions? Let the stupid questions rattle around like a bb in a tin can with no response I say!

I see questions asked about why are people mean in here. I have answers to that question, most of them are rude.

Ok, I'm done ranting now

I would like a mature answer to the question I asked though.

2006-12-02 17:44:18 · 23 answers · asked by Black Dragon 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-02 17:41:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

2006-12-02 17:41:07 · 7 answers · asked by chuck 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I was at my gf's Christmas party with over 200 people there. The DJ played tunes that she liked, but not much stuff for me. I let her go dance by herself and she doesn't push me to dance to things I don't dance to. However, there was another couple at our table, plus 4 women that talked together in their group the whole time without approaching me. So, I walked outside in the cold to be truly by myself for a while. It hurts more having the opportunity for interaction with no success, than the opportunity not being there in the first place.

I don't expect my gf to come looking for me, as I don't have any "leash" on her, but it still bugs her when I leave. But she knows I was picked on in high school and that has left me being shy, which is why I don't approach others very often. She's quite the opposite and outgoing, (and so tolerant and understanding of me). I need help dealing with shyness, but no advice from anyone who was popular or halfway popular in HS.

2006-12-02 17:39:39 · 5 answers · asked by Eric B 3 in Etiquette

Just Curious...

Why do people believe in Satan?
What is satanic believers objective and Believes?
Do they really want to end up in Hell When they die? Why?...
How is Hell like, is it written/described in their bible?

Perhaps i see they just watch to much Scary Movie...
Just for a short term thrill perhaps...

I have a decent looking college who is in this cult..Surprising!

I tried investigate it in the bible, but it talks so little about the Lake of Fire or Hell or Satan!

2006-12-02 17:37:19 · 14 answers · asked by novkhan 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I have a girlfriend but I want to break up with her but she in my life. We go to school together we live next to each other how do I break up with her?

2006-12-02 17:37:13 · 9 answers · asked by bibye_16f 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-12-02 17:36:02 · 13 answers · asked by diney 1 in Etiquette

Also do people know where this is exactly? I thought it was in Syria, but now I see something that says it is called Tel Megiddo and is in Israel ??? I am just curious to see who knows what I am talking about and what you think.

2006-12-02 17:34:57 · 5 answers · asked by tonks_op 7 in Religion & Spirituality


2006-12-02 17:33:46 · 8 answers · asked by Jose 1 in Other - Society & Culture

I'm asking mainly to people who believe in this sort of thing. I don't know what I believe.

2006-12-02 17:33:03 · 7 answers · asked by White Male Feminist 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I was surfing the net and found these links to full versions online of the Iliad, the Odyssey, Ramayana, and Gilgamesh. I thought you might like them.





I love the internet. :)

2006-12-02 17:32:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

I just heard about Santa lending Jesus his sleigh for the Second Coming, and now people are proffering "evidence" that the two are related. Anybody what to explain this stuff??

2006-12-02 17:31:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

True prophets make known their faith in Jesus, but more is required than claiming to preach in his name

2006-12-02 17:31:23 · 12 answers · asked by Emma 3 in Religion & Spirituality

God revealed his name to the Abraham, etc. etc. And yet Islam uses a Pagan name for God, and not his revealed name ???

2006-12-02 17:31:18 · 11 answers · asked by genny_gump 3 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers