Quran 2:217 They will ask thee about fighting in the sacred month. [202] Say: "Fighting in it is an awesome thing; but turning men away from the path of God and denying Him, and [turning them away from] the Inviolable House of Worship and expelling its people there from - [all this] is yet more awesome in the sight of God, since oppression is more awesome than killing." [Your enemies] will not cease to fight against you till they have turned you away from your faith, if they can.
Why do you think the Quran creates this absurd paranoia here? What enemy of anyone, is so relentless, that they will never ever ever "cease to fight against you till they have turned you away from your faith"?
Even Satan would take a break every once in a while, if that myth were true.
Im thinking that the writer of the Quran creates this "enemy" and max's out the hatred and fear of this manufactured "enemy" because it keeps the sheep in the flock and closed off to the "enemy".
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Religion & Spirituality