I can't tell you the number of gay related questions on here that have answers filled with hatred. The amount of hatred towards gays and lesbians is simply uncalled for. What gets me is that so many people have these ideas about gays being sinners and that they are going to hell for what they are doing. Oh, and gays are an abomination of God. I guess God feels that love is only possible if if it is between the "right people." They throw out hurtful slang such as fags and dikes. Do these people honestly think that they are better people than gays? Their hatred towards gays and lesbians is the real sin. What gays and lesbians are doing is professing what they feel. All they ever did was love someone. Sure, it may not be the conventional form of love, but it is love nonetheless. All of you homophobes out their need to think twice before you make another hateful comment about gays. You're the really sinners. Sad thing is, I know I will still get hateful answers to my question.
15 answers
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender