I have heard from countless numbers of Muslims they believe in Jesus Christ as a prophet (thus making them also his followers/disciples), but I find this very perplexing.
As a prophet, then therefore a spokesperson for God. His disciples must therefore believe in all His teachings. If Muslims hold Christ as a prophet, then are they not also His disciples, believing in His words? Do Muslims really accept Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World, the Resurrection, the Son of God, Alpha and Omega, even the God of this world, the Prince of Peace, even the Great I Am? Also, how can a Muslim accept Jesus Christ as a prophet and not heed His teachings to be baptized?
"And he hath said: Repent all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, and have faith in me, that ye may be saved." (Moro. 2:2)
"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19)
Someone please help me out here.
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Religion & Spirituality