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Society & Culture - 24 August 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

do u think we have to use such kind of words in our day to day talking....to swear indiscriminately.?..some people use it so frequently.....does it portray that ur a bad person? in just ur first meeting do u tend to like a person who doesnt include foul language in his/her conversation more or a person who uses it?

2006-08-24 03:53:11 · 14 answers · asked by inspire_brilliance 1 in Languages

In india Most ladise is identify bye her mangalsutra or sindoor in her fore head or bangles of particular colours.but how to identify male whether he is bachlor or married.

2006-08-24 03:51:11 · 21 answers · asked by my jaaneman!!! 1 in Other - Society & Culture


Is it moral to kill a human?

Is it moral to be homosexual?

Is it moral to kill homosexuals?

Show your work.

2006-08-24 03:50:31 · 21 answers · asked by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I go to the place a couple times a week, and there's this girl that is really friendly and that I like a lot more than the other people working there. I have a little crush on her, but I'm not ready to date yet so I don't want to ask her out or anything.

Is it considered unapporopiate to tell her I normally refer to her as the dark haired, pretty girl when I'm asked which cashier was there?

2006-08-24 03:49:56 · 16 answers · asked by Tommy 2 in Etiquette

In the time of jesus living in the area of isreal
which in his time was syria. Thier were no one in isreal execpt for black hebrews. John 8:44
". Even If that is Wrong that jew more than only a nationality. The Bible say jesus skin was bright as bronze meaning his skin was a brown color meaning he couldent have been jew because the color of jews skin were more of a white color .Also The bible says His hair were white as snow this does not mean he was a blond you must read it correctly white mean the texture of his hair it also said his hair was like wool .

So how in the world can jesus be a jew
and his race matters because he said seek the trurth

2006-08-24 03:49:54 · 31 answers · asked by battla4life p 1 in Religion & Spirituality

How could jesus bang a hooker? Didnt he care that he was getting sloppy seconds? After all there was very little hygene back then and the pill wasnt invented yet. What did his wife do for contrception?

2006-08-24 03:49:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Because this word keeps getting thrown around and I don't understand the emotive attachment people are having with it.

2006-08-24 03:49:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Because this word keeps getting thrown around and I don't understand the emotive attachment people are having with it.

2006-08-24 03:49:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Is it only happening or beginning to happen because people are willing it to?
Surely we could argue it isn't, but since the idea of a massive catastrophe manmade or natural is on so many minds, is that what they are working towards?
Are preventitive measures possible when it seems there is no other possible alternative?
Could the religion the masses follow be accredited towards the death of life?
Could this be very frustrating to optimists?
Is victimization associated with apocalyptism(?)?

2006-08-24 03:49:38 · 5 answers · asked by Corey 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Because this word keeps getting thrown around and I don't understand the emotive attachment people are having with it.

2006-08-24 03:49:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-24 03:48:27 · 12 answers · asked by dartmouth_13 1 in Languages

2006-08-24 03:48:24 · 7 answers · asked by Love of Truth 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Why is that okay? Why do they joke about it with another "brotha" but yet the second they hear a person of another race calling them the n word- They freak out and want to start a whole violent scene? This just does not make any sense at all to me. Seems to me if you don't want to be called a certain name- then you shouldn't use that name at all in your vocabulary.

2006-08-24 03:48:14 · 30 answers · asked by Chris 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

and how to stop you're self from having sex when you get really horny and you have the all the possiblities?

2006-08-24 03:47:48 · 16 answers · asked by Prince 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-24 03:47:29 · 16 answers · asked by woniwilly 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

ok some of you gave me good responses for my dream question but last night i had another dream...i was in a church with all of my friends but also an ex bf of mine [me and him are kinna enemies because he's been spreading some nasty lies about me], well he was trying to touch me at the church and i kept pushing him away and telling him to stop and he threw a fit everyone kept looking at him even the priest when finally i got really fed up i starting hiting him with the bible! and throw some of his stuff at the back of the church! well ifnally when we took a break from praying and following the ceremony, my mother called me on my cell tleling me that the priest saw me with my ex and i explained to him wha the did to me...then my ex came for me again and everyone at the church stood up for me even the priest who came down with holy water thingy to hit him with...background: i slept great last night and had to anxiety rt panick attack...what do you think now? my life geting better?

2006-08-24 03:47:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

Will we someday go on to ravage and tame the Universe in a similar fashion as we have done here on Earth? Will we someday bring God to planet X of the green people to save their savage soles? Will we populate far regions of the galaxy and other galaxies in the great beyond? Will we someday fight terrorism on Mars? Will we move and cultivate entire planets as we see fit? Will we restructure the Universe to serve us?
?-Will we all someday be masters of the Universe-?
and could we be the pets of those who might already be the current masters of the Universe, just a seed that they planted in their pursuit to control the Universe?

2006-08-24 03:45:59 · 15 answers · asked by aaron g 2 in Other - Society & Culture

In Tibet:
The bride relatives' put her on a tree and sit under it waiting for her groom who must face the challenge of climbing the tree and escaping by his bride from the hitting of her family, if he succeeded in this, this mean that he gain her parents faith.
In cook island:
The bride walks on the backs of youth in her village until she reaches the place her groom sitting in.
Indonesai: The bride is banned from walking in her marriage day; it’s the responsibility of her father to carry her on his shoulders to her new home even if this home is too far.
In Africa:
The bride in gobos tribe is compelled to perforate her tongue, putting in it the engagement ring, sinking down from the ring a string which allowed her husband to stop her from chatter by pulling down the string.
They thought that this is a good way to get rid of women's chatter, espically in the honeymoon!!!!
In negreto tribe:
In negreto tribe we will find the easiest habit in marriage, the bride and the groomgo to the mayor of their village who only hit their heads by this the marriage is completed (accomplished).

In morytanya
The bride's friends hide her, after that the groom began to search for her, if he searched with grief this means that he loves her very much but if he lags in searching this means that he doesn't love her.
They think that this is a good way measure the groom's love to his bride!!

2006-08-24 03:45:56 · 7 answers · asked by amira m 1 in Mythology & Folklore

Isn't the core of Christianity that Jesus already paid for them?

2006-08-24 03:42:31 · 24 answers · asked by overseas and broke 2 in Religion & Spirituality

1.The pay is low.
2.The boss sucks.
3.There is no promotion potential.
4.Company is too far from home.
5.The job is too stressful.
6.You don't like the environment (coworkers, workplace...etc)
7.Company is too small.

2006-08-24 03:40:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I have a son with this man, and he does nothing when it comes to helping me support my son. He's cheated on me nurmerous times and had 3 kids while we were together, yet and still I was still by his side hoping that he would change. One day i finally got tired because I'm a beautiful woman and i know i deserve better, but it's still so hard to let go especially living in Madison; it's a small town to me because I'm always running into him with women and my son is with me most of the time. It's just embarrasing. How could you hurt somebody you love. This relationship has made it so hard for me to give someone else a chance to luv me because i don't trust men now. I know i need to love myself and not allow anyone to take advantage of me like that again. Some days are good but some days are tough especially when people bring up his name. I hate him, but i know i must forgive him because I'm a Christian woman. This has been so hard for me and my son.

2006-08-24 03:40:23 · 10 answers · asked by Ms. Mary 1 in Religion & Spirituality

with so many religions out there, whos right? whos wrong? what about heaven for people that don't have a faith, but believe in a higher power?

2006-08-24 03:40:17 · 6 answers · asked by Dr.True 2 in Religion & Spirituality

met a guy Muslim but not religious, he convinced everyone how serious he is about me and being with me for life including familly friends work collegues he went to India to talk with his familly about it came back totaly different person, brainwashed, cut off contact with everyone, left job ,turned off phones etc.
can people talking can be so powerfull that we lose control and let them manipulate us so much or at the end was it his decision to do it where is the truth?

2006-08-24 03:39:44 · 9 answers · asked by molly 1 in Religion & Spirituality

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