God created man for what purpose? Why not appear before man every so often so that we know he exists? If he is so powerfull and indestructable a true god should appear before man every so often in person. If I was god, I would let them know I existed in person. Where is he. God could never ever be to busy since he is a God. Gods never have to little time, or to little of anything. Where is He? A true God cannot become like man overworked since he is all powerfull. Can a God create imperfections, meaning can a god make mistakes as to make killlers, rapists, terrorists. God knew the future that is biblical. So how can God create imperfections. Mankind is and examples of GODS FAILURE to creaate perfection or is it? Are we perfect killers, rapitsts, terrorists in his eyes?? What is true perfection? A true God is perfect and from him should only flow perfection, for anything else to come from him would mean that he is not a GOD, but a being more advanced than mankind.
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Religion & Spirituality