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Society & Culture - 23 July 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Some are put in the form of a question when it's clearly a statement. And don't get me started on the spelling or puncuation. All I ask is that if you're going to put yourself out there for people to reply to then at least try to pretend you have a few live brain cells.

2006-07-23 17:24:54 · 15 answers · asked by meerkat momma 1 in Etiquette

I applied for a transfer and it was denied., A delay because I waited for a friend proved good.On the way to a meeting I saw the person I needed to see and talked with him.I got the transfer, thank God.On June 30,2006 during meditation I saw the locale and got three names.Later I got a fourth name.I spoke to the person in charge of housing and was telling her about the experience. She was excited about the two names and overexcited about the third name.It was her own; and I will be renting a house from her.I am packing but it is slow because I am new to moving.Additionally, I have a guest- my 87 yr old aunt who is not used to sitting around.Her life has been active.I described where I am going and she is excited.It is near a beach.I have a lot of books that are job related,photos and unpublished writing that I plan to work on in the new locale.The rental house is furnished so I have 3 weeks to dispose of furniture/ belongings.in 3 rooms and a hallway and pack.Any speed tips?

2006-07-23 17:24:42 · 6 answers · asked by Aoiffe337 3 in Other - Society & Culture

I would love to be fluent in Spanish.

2006-07-23 17:23:55 · 37 answers · asked by stickan8 3 in Languages

why dosn't he creat a descent 30 minute sitcom? or beter yet a 30 minute infomercial on cbs and explain some of these questions?
whats with the whole blind faith deal, doesn't that make us lemings? im not an agnostic, but I just dont get it; why doesn't he stop by and part the red sea and say look here is the deal?

2006-07-23 17:23:34 · 14 answers · asked by red 1 in Religion & Spirituality


2006-07-23 17:22:55 · 10 answers · asked by rue heleris 1 in Languages


For the facts, the FCC board are mostly Christians. Not bad people, but they are biased towards allowing religious villains.

Now on to Joel: He states a miracle every time he is on tv, How can this be true unless he is after money... Tonight he stated that he was in a car wreck and the truck coming at him was miraculously pushed away by "wind". How can people complain about George Carlin and fine him yet these evangelists go free…

2006-07-23 17:22:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

please dont judge me .. i wanted to see what it was like to go out with two people at the same time .. one of them knows i have a bf and they want to give it a shot .. what would you do if you were in this situation.. dont be rude please ^^

2006-07-23 17:22:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

So, that is how life is. If you desire the pleasure and enjoyment of life, animate your life with belief, and adorn it with religious obligations. Maintain it by abstaining from sins. As for the fear-some reality of death, which is demonstrated by instances of death every day, in every place and time, I shall explain it to you with a parable in the same way as I explained it to some other youths.

Let us suppose a gallows has been set up here in front of our eyes. Beside it is a lottery office, one which gives tickets for truly high prizes. We are here ten people, and willingly or unwillingly, shall certainly be invited there. They may call us (since the appointed time is unknown) at any moment, and say either, “Come and mount the gallows for execution!” or “A prize ticket worth millions of dollars has come up for you; come and collect it!” While we are waiting for either call, two people suddenly turn up. One of them is a scantily dressed woman, beautiful and alluring. She holds in her hand and offers some apparently very delicious, but in fact poisonous, sweets, which she wants us to eat. The other is an honest, solemn man. He enters behind the woman, and says:

“I have brought you a talisman, a lesson. If you study it, and if you do not eat the sweets, you will be saved from the gallows. With this talisman, you will receive your ticket for the matchless prize. You see with your own eyes that those who eat the sweets inevitably mount the gallows, and furthermore, until they mount them, they suffer dreadful stomach pains from the poison of the sweets. As for those who receive the ticket for the large prize, it seems that they too mount the gallows. But millions of witnesses testify that they are not hanged on the gallows, they use them as a step to enter the prize arena easily. So, look from the windows! The highest officials, the high-ranking persons concerned with this business announce with loud voices, ‘Just as you see clearly with your own eyes those mounting the gallows to be hanged, so also know with utmost certainty that those with the talisman receive the ticket for the prize.’”

As in the parable, the dissolute, religiously forbidden pleasures of youth, which are like poisonous sweets, are the cause of losing belief—and belief is the ticket to an eternal treasury and a document for everlasting happiness. Those who indulge in them are subject to death, which is like the gallows, and to the tribulations of the grave, which is the door to eternal darkness. The appointed hour of death is unknown, therefore, its executioner, not differentiating between young and old, may come at any time to cut off your head. Give up the religiously forbidden pleasures (which are like the poisonous sweets) and acquire the Qur’anic talisman (belief and performing religious obligations). One hundred and twenty-four thousand Prophets, upon them be peace, together with innumerable saints, have proclaimed that you will get to the treasury of eternal happiness if you do so. They have also shown the signs and evidences of it.

2006-07-23 17:20:36 · 9 answers · asked by trusolja_dareal23 1 in Religion & Spirituality

okay.. now.. i know she gave birth to jesus and all.. but WHY do u WORSHIP her and ask HER things.. but, GOD said dat he is a JEALOUS GOD.. and dat dere shall not b other gods b4 him.

2006-07-23 17:18:52 · 23 answers · asked by Dorcy Guey. 1 in Religion & Spirituality

islamic terroist are the prime cause of terror in the muslim world. muslim terror groups created the problems and now when israel is trying to fight terror why are muslims blaming israel instead of hesbollah and hamas?

2006-07-23 17:18:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I was just wondering if it's ok to be a model of you're a Christian, as long as you're not modeling for brands like Victoria's Secret, and not showing your body off?

2006-07-23 17:17:20 · 22 answers · asked by tinabobina!!! 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I went kind of funny tonight and decided to splurge on some pointless questions, and poke some fun. A serious question jarred me back to my normal yahoo answers attitude. However, I was curious to see how many people were offended by my questions, and how many were amused. Just let me know.
(I am listing this in religion and spirituality since most of my irreverent questions were there.)

2006-07-23 17:17:16 · 8 answers · asked by But why is the rum always gone? 6 in Religion & Spirituality

If you wish to understand how to enjoy, through belief, great contentment and blessing, how to experience fulfillment and ease, then listen to the following parable.

A parable to understand how belief gives contentment and brings blessing

Two men set off together on a journey for both pleasure and business. One of them who is arrogant, self-serving, goes off in one direction, the other, who is God-serving, goes off in the other direction.

Since the self-serving one is both conceited and pessimistic, he ends up in what seemed to him to be a most wicked country because of his pessimism. There he finds himself everywhere surrounded by poor and hopeless people who are tormented at the hands of bullies and their lives ruined. Wherever he goes, he sees the same scene. Everyone in that land is suffering the same misery. Then he decides to forget all such events by becoming a drunk. Everyone then seems to him like a stranger or an enemy. He has awful visions of dead bodies and orphaned children. His soul is plunged in torment.

The other man, by contrast, who is God-serving, decent of conduct and fair-minded, goes to a country which is, in his view, very excellent. This good man sees a universal festival. In every corner there is joy and happiness, and a house for the remembrance of God overflowing with rapture. He also sees the festive celebrations of a general discharge from duties accompanied by cries of good wishes and thanks. And he also hears the sound of a drum and band for the enlistment of soldiers with happy calls of ‘God is the Greatest!’ and ‘There is no deity but God!’ In contrast to the other man, who suffers on account of both himself and all the people, this good-natured man becomes happy at both his own joy and that of all the people. Moreover, he enjoys a comfortable trade and offers thanks to God.

When he meets with the other man, he understands his situation, and says to him, ‘You’ve become a crazy man. All the bad things and the ugliness you see come from, and reflect, your inner world. Because of this, you imagine laughter to be weeping, and the discharge from duties to be sack and pillage. Come to your senses, clean your heart so that this inauspicious veil is raised from your eyes and you may see the truth. For, this is an orderly country, prosperous and civilized, belonging to a powerful, compassionate and just king. So things cannot be as you see or suppose them to be.’ Then the other man comes to his senses, and is full of regrets: ‘Yes, I’ve really lost my mind on ac-count of what I have drunk. Thank you. May God be pleased with you for rescuing me from such a hellish state.’

O my soul! Know that the once arrogant man represents an unbeliever or a heedless sinner. This world means for him a general mourning. All living things appear as weeping orphans because of the hurt of separation and decay. Human beings and animals alike appear to be lonely, uncivilized creatures cut down by death. The great masses such as mountains and oceans appear in his vision as a terrible corpse without soul. His visions arising from his unbelief and misguidance breed such anxieties in his mind which torture him.

But the other man is a believer. He believes in God Almighty and affirms Him. To his way of seeing, this world is a place where people praise Him, a sort of practice arena for human beings and animals, a sort of examination hall for human beings and jinn. All kinds of animals and mankind en-joy a demobilization—that is, those who finish their duty of life travel in spiritual enjoyment to the other eternal world. This is quite simple to understand—the world needs a new generation to people it and to work in it. All kinds of animals and human beings have entered the world to carry on some particular business. All living things are as soldiers or even officers happy with the business appointed for them. And the sounds that are heard are the sounds of their praise and glorifying as they begin, or of pleasure as they work, or of thanksgiving as they finish. In the view of the believer, all things are the obedient servants, or friendly officers, or a lovable book of his Most Generous Master and All-Compassionate Owner. Many more beautiful, sublime and pleasurable truths like these arise from his belief.

This is because faith bears the seed of what is in effect a Tuba tree of Paradise. Whereas un-belief contains the seed of a Zakkum tree of Hell.

Safety and well-being are only to be found in Islam and belief. Therefore, we should continually return thanks to God, saying, ‘Praise be to God for the religion of Islam and perfect belief.’

2006-07-23 17:17:11 · 2 answers · asked by trusolja_dareal23 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Specifically historical facts on the "who, whats, & wheres" on this certain Hebrew dialect spoken by Black Hebrew Israelites. Is there any members, ex-members, or outsiders of the ISUPK, ICUPK, or ICGJC that would tell the history of this language?

2006-07-23 17:16:36 · 1 answers · asked by ben Ya'aqov 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Just curious.

2006-07-23 17:14:48 · 16 answers · asked by bradlitazole 2 in Languages

In Islam it says that Gog and Magog will come about the earth and destroy what is in their path. Only the people at the mosque in Palestine with Jesus will be saved

2006-07-23 17:13:55 · 5 answers · asked by Release Anwar Al-Awlaki NOW 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Is it rude to yell out your car window to a homeless guy that has his little "will work for food" when a McDonalds that is directly behind him has a "Now Hiring" sign? I wanted to yell and point that out to him

2006-07-23 17:13:01 · 18 answers · asked by hambone1985 3 in Etiquette

My dad he does a lot of foreign security work, and he bought a lot of news papers from america along with him, and this one newspaper from san francisco stated that israel had set a war plan with lebanan more then a year ago, i have listed a site with this information below.


Do you think there is another motive behind israels invasion?

2006-07-23 17:12:28 · 13 answers · asked by billy_uk 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-23 17:12:23 · 11 answers · asked by dr. ruth 2 in Community Service

"I keep tellin her she can't .. yeah yeah I know, but I been thinkin about it for dayz!!"

2006-07-23 17:11:22 · 9 answers · asked by some black dude with no life 1 in Other - Society & Culture


where are you?

2006-07-23 17:10:07 · 17 answers · asked by teresa l 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Every time someone makes an arguement against Christianity, they are bombarded by people going, "Uh, you like, totally know nothing about Christianity! Like, read the Bible, like, DUH." But those same people make arguements against Islam assuming the most rediculous and untrue things about Muslims. Don't they think they should, like, read the Koran before they start putting down a religion they only know about through bigoted sources?

Why won't anyone educate themselves about people who are, I promise you, NOT evil?

2006-07-23 17:09:44 · 31 answers · asked by Girl Wonder 5 in Religion & Spirituality

i am wondering - skeletal remains of early humans have been found that are not the same as our own. cave drawings have been found - does christianity recognise the fact that there were cave-men/women at a time? if so - if you dont believe in evolution and are a total creationist - do you discount or ignore the fact that there were different species of humans? if not - do you believe that they are in heaven even though they didnt know they were supposed to worship christian god? what do other no christian religions believe when it comes to creation - is christianity the only religion that has such a problem with evolution - also - would it be so far fetched to combine the two? like that god set a chain of events into action?

2006-07-23 17:08:15 · 11 answers · asked by kokoarteest 2 in Religion & Spirituality

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