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Psychology - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

Where Bias Begins: The Truth About Stereotypes

"Psychologists once believed that the only bigoted people used stereotypes. Now the study of unconscious bias is revealing the unsettling truth: We all use stereotypes, all the time, without knowing it. We have met the enemy of equality, and the enemy is us."

Full article: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1175/is_n3_v31/ai_20526120

2007-05-27 18:32:35 · 9 answers · asked by Abi 2

Perhaps, I do need a vacation. I just want to see something different. I work, I sleep and I see my family. I need a change of "momentary" setting.

2007-05-27 17:48:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not that I see a problem with it but I was just wondering, I've been noticing a lot of it lately...

2007-05-27 17:37:34 · 17 answers · asked by kittyxxx123 2

Life form?

2007-05-27 17:28:54 · 20 answers · asked by Cristea I 1

mine is now.....like keeps getting more complex...

2007-05-27 15:38:43 · 15 answers · asked by Carlos 4

2007-05-27 14:58:22 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4

And go barefoot while wearing a sign for 24 hours in public which reads I AM A TOTAL NUTCASE...................?

2007-05-27 14:55:03 · 30 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4

2007-05-27 14:38:01 · 9 answers · asked by little_fella 2

2007-05-27 13:56:08 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

That you find yourself?

2007-05-27 13:47:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

if they don't like a certain part of their body and can't change it until later in life, how can you cope with it and feel beautiful? (ah, i hope you guys know what i mean...)

2007-05-27 13:20:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can anyone give me a list of words that, played backwards, sounds like other words? very appreciated

2007-05-27 12:43:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm going through a particularly depressing time in my life, and I cut myself a couple of times back in March.Unfortunatly, my parents discovered the scars, and brought me to a psychologist, because they thought it would help, which it didn't! I said I would stop doing it, which I did, but it really pisses me off (I know that's a disturbing thing to say)
Ever since then, I can't stop thinking about cutting,and more recently,hurting myself in any way possible.Every day, I think about it, in school, with my friends, anywhere. I used to do it to distract myself from emotional pain, but now I feel I deserve the pain. I have a massive hatred for myself, and feel that I have to hurt myself to make up for annoying people.
I don't want to talk to my parents, and I mentioned how I missed cutting to my friend, which disturbed her,so apparently I'm on my own,but I don't know what to do.
I'm not sure if I'll even do anything,but I can't stop obsessing about this stuff,any advice would be great.

2007-05-27 12:32:14 · 8 answers · asked by xenos2084 3

we are now 21, when we were in high school (17 yrs old) I was very pretty and attractive.. She was too. Then I moved away for a few years when we met again she was gorgeous I was still pretty then I moved away and I came back last vacation she was much more attractive than me...

I love this girl she is like my sister and I don't wish her to be less attractive or anything.. the thing is I lost weigh so now my face is thin, pale and she already has bigger eyes..mine are so small... she has more attractive features, her smile is feminine, I smile like a dumb shy kid

I am not ugly I am beautiful too. When I'm alone or with other girls I get so many guys but whenever she's with me they just ignore me or talk to me as a second choice if she doesn't feel like it. Even my mom when she saw our pictures, said "she's prettier than you honestly"... "but you're pretty too"

Oh my GOD I just hate myslef for envying her I love her and I want the best for her I don't wanna compete with her..

2007-05-27 12:22:24 · 14 answers · asked by leave me alone 1

For mature people only, I will report those who aren't.

Ok, I almost feel like I shouldn't ask this question because so many people are going to criticize me.
I like really kinky sex, sometimes rough and physical, but it is only in the bedroom and nowhere else. I have never been beaten or abused, neglected, nothing of that sort, I just like it, and I don't feel horrible when doing it, I don't feel like it's bad for me, I don't think that it is bad for me because it doesn't bother me, but I would like to know if this is something that is normal? I mean, usually a girl will only be this way for having a terrible past, but that's not my case, I just like it and I don't want to feel alone and wierd and sick.
It also doesn't happen all the time, so it's not something that is continual. I have a wonderful fiance, whom wouldn't dare do it outside the bedroom, and we have a very passionate relationship beyond this. I am otherwise very normal in my point of view and others.

2007-05-27 12:20:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was seriously in the heat of the moment and in return I bit her shoulder (pretty hard) and she let out a scream....This all happened within 3 seconds, and she was acting like I was weirdo for biting her...My eye was practically swollen shut and she said it was an accident (how could balling up your fist and hitting someone in the face be an accident?) Now she is treating me like I am the one with a weird violent sexual fetish....How do we get over this?

2007-05-27 09:12:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is weird. It is an unexplainable feeling. It's like a force. I feel as if me and this other person were destined to be together, but it is beyond emotions, somehow. I don't just think that because I have feelings for this person. There's something else there. The bizarre thing is, even before I liked this person, I felt this. And it's like when I picture the future, this person is the only one who seems to fit. Can you... feel your destiny?

2007-05-27 08:52:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

and returned on friday but was only gone 3 days, how?

2007-05-27 08:11:59 · 20 answers · asked by zail 3

2007-05-27 07:51:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

There's this person who just keeps trying to wake me up with reality. Apparently I have lil foolish dreams of everyone becoming friends. I am also told that I have black and white point of view.. Only one person told me but I think he's right when I look back on things where I wish I knew better... Whenever I say something.. he quickly reacts talking and talking and I can barely assemble it all in my mind and then I just end up saying more stupid things and just starting a whole new arguement so I feel stupid again. He is different from anyone I have ever talked to... What can I do??

2007-05-27 06:13:35 · 8 answers · asked by tanjarine 2

If you need to make your brain recall certain informations or program it to do certain things like wake up at certain time or remember certain thing at certain times when you need it. Or achieve a sense of confident when you are playing sport game or speaking in public,etc..

2007-05-27 05:59:48 · 5 answers · asked by gerlooser 3

when we were dating he was normal. it didnt last long. a couple months down the line he turned into a different person. he treats me like a dog. i love him but i dont know what to do. do you think i missed the signs or was he that good at covering it up?

2007-05-27 05:57:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

and i am a virgin LOL. i think im having too many fantasies! but i would not be willing to actually "do it" right now. i still want to keep my virginity for longer!!!! whats wrong with me???

2007-05-27 05:53:43 · 12 answers · asked by ILoveGreen ZipZapZop 4

When I'm about to hit the floor/sea/bottom of cliff, I wake up. Just before opening my eyes, I fell a flump as if I fell on the bed! Is this natural? Or could I be sleepwalking?

2007-05-27 05:40:01 · 4 answers · asked by Akilesh - Internet Undertaker 7

I wrote this quite some time ago for someone who was down and out...... It is sometimes my habit to be
cryptic........ to stimulate the "thinking process" - rather than putting everything out in plain sight. This
poem is an except from one that has over 800 lines. I wrote it in german...... it is extremely hard to translate
regarding rhyming and finding the proper words that convey the same meaning as my original intent was.
Not that I have problems with that - but it takes a lot more time.


What can I really say to you
The things I see - which will come true
It's that what I at times acquired
What between day and night transpired
It's is not however - what I was dreaming
If you can - now find the meaning
See the way the future's leaning
See what is behind the actions
Of innermost revealed reflections......
In times when deafness strikes the ear
But diff'rent ones begin to hear
In times when blindness strikes one's eyes
Another opens - and this relies
On what is not perceived as matter
Familiar landscapes then all shatter
Unsteady then is time advancing
Dormant senses are enhancing
The spirits gather for the cast
The haste of day is dead at last
The chase, the hunt - it can begin
With-out there's silence - but sound within.

From hollow bones a muted song
First so weak, now getting strong
The bones the shape trumpets, flutes
A haunting song - some still eludes
The sorrowful, arresting tones.
Lost dreams reflect, a soul bemoans
At times a change to suff'ring groans
Not snappy they reverberate
They fade, then swell, proliferate
They freeze the senses, scare and hound
From hollow bones the muted sound.

"What's this" a soul asks in distress
Confused - it felt the cold of death
"Whose realm is this - incorporeal -
Where shadows dreadful things conceal
Where three converge to one - then none
The none and all converge - are one
The cradle which contains the spark
Primaeval ground , archaic, dark
Surpreme and firm its awesome power
Which does create - which does devour"
"Come, Your journey soon has to adjourn
The way is long, there's much to learn
What's true and false - find separation
The light will shine - your destination."

"What is ", was asked - "Where is your courage -
What causes you so much demurrage
All you want is confirmation .......
False truth, the I, exposed as lies
The fire burns, consumes - then dies
Escape - there's none - though fools may think
Who have not found the proper link ......
Ensnared, entangled in their web
Death does not kill - is but a step
Learn you soul, there is no hiding
It's only time that you are biding
Your path in darkness hides crevices
You'r left - that is - to your devices
Look back - There you have been!
And there - still faint - it can be seen
Is always light there - in the end
On that you surely can depend"


2007-05-27 05:31:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to know how....

2007-05-27 04:46:24 · 10 answers · asked by J. Z 1

I've got some homework and I've been looking everyhwere for the answer, so it would be great if you can help me with the question what is Aspergers and how do you talk to people with Aspergers? I'd really apreciate the help so thanks very much!!!!!

2007-05-27 04:38:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

natural flow while making a long drawn out gurning sound. What would Freud and Jung make of it?

2007-05-27 04:25:16 · 15 answers · asked by Johnno 2

fedest.com, questions and answers