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Psychology - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

I know have a big fear of them but I don't know what the name for it is, if there's even one.

2007-02-17 15:02:08 · 11 answers · asked by April A 1

Lately I have just felt like no one appricates what I do. I cry all the time. When I wake up, when I'm going to bed, and there's times where I have woke up during the night and crying and not stopping. Does anyone have any thing that I can do for it?

2007-02-17 15:01:39 · 6 answers · asked by Jessica P 1

2007-02-17 15:01:23 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

A guy told me that if you get too into music(trance for example) it's dangerous. Not while you are on drugs or alchohol. But it'll put you into a new state or whatever.

Is that true? How can you get into that trance state or whatever?

2007-02-17 14:56:58 · 4 answers · asked by Butterfly 1

When I was in kdg I had this teacher named Ms. Squasha. It was the last day of school and all the other kids were giving her gifts and I felt bad I didn't have anything for her. So I attempted to give her my favorite pink crayon. She just said 'what am I going to do with that? Go sit down.' I almost cried. Another time when I some other kid was telling her about a boy punching her and when I asked her what the girl was telling her about she said 'Mind your own beeswax' in a really hateful tone. I was only six on both of these occurances. I really don't think this lady should've been a teacher. I went to catholic kdg and the my teacher (who was a nun) was actually very nice. I can see why she was teacher. I never understood why she was so mean to me. Some thoughts of her mean remarks pop up when ever I succeed at something. It's like she taunting me. Why does this happen?

2007-02-17 14:39:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-17 14:36:35 · 15 answers · asked by sabrine 2

Imagin you are walking down the street suddenly you see yourself among the group of gang....
if youll be there what will you do??? what you wanna say???

2007-02-17 14:21:25 · 6 answers · asked by mr_michaelj 1

2007-02-17 14:01:06 · 7 answers · asked by Shelb-N-Ator [[H!ATD]] 3

What if what I see is different than what you see, so what I look like isnt what I think what you think I look like its how you think I look like and vica versa.

2007-02-17 13:49:06 · 4 answers · asked by eric j 1

Help.. I think i have anger issues coz i get irritated too easily

2007-02-17 13:18:44 · 10 answers · asked by ramzi 2

Hi everyone, I am feeling wierd these days...I have been facing many pressures, and still, financial, emotonal, etc... These days I feel restless, unable to cocentrate and do my tasks...I feel my body weak many times and want to sleep...Besides, I have a blank mind many times, and I developed a pessimistic attitude towards life and sometimes tell myself 'regardless of everything you gonna fail in your love and professional life'. I wnat to cry but I can't...I have also experienced bad chest pain that I thought to be a heart attack, and tight throat. I can't enjoy being happy because something tells me I gonna be sad afterwards or something bad is gonna happen to me. I know that it is all psychologicall but I thought it is better to release it telling someone, telling yahoo users for instance. Were you in my shoes, what would you have done ? Sometimes I feel I am thinking about 100 things at the same time, which makes me stressed. thank you all

2007-02-17 13:16:48 · 14 answers · asked by LaRoseJaune 1

My friend and I were bored so we decided to ride in our submarine in the Atlantic Ocean. But we started taking on water, and now the sub is sinking. I have no idea what to do and I am so scared. Someone please help. I am on the verge of tears. To top it all off it's my time of the month, and blood is mixing with the steadily rising water. What do I do? I am crying. I don't want to drown in pink water. Someone please help. Keep in mind time is of the essence here.

2007-02-17 13:16:37 · 7 answers · asked by MonkeeBizness 2

2007-02-17 13:15:31 · 2 answers · asked by Didgeridude 4

any girls that think they can.

2007-02-17 13:15:28 · 3 answers · asked by Jon 6

Or is the best you can hope for is to disengage from it?

2007-02-17 13:13:51 · 5 answers · asked by Didgeridude 4

2007-02-17 13:03:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been trying to research on it, and have found nothing.
Does a full moon effect a persons behavior?
I've heard that we have chemicals in our brain and that the gravitational pull of the moon pulls on the chemicals and effects their behavior.
Is it true?

2007-02-17 12:56:06 · 15 answers · asked by couvanburaco 1

2007-02-17 12:51:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

there are these dreams that i keep having that are about a lake. i dont know what they are telling me if anything.. but it has been happening for about a year now.. i dont know!! they are always about ponds, rivers, woods, and bridges.. tell me!! does this mean anything? or an i going insane?? a lot of things have happened to me in the past year and i dont know if the dremas have anything to contibute to it or not.. but i want to know.. if by having these dreams means that something else is going to happen to me again.. if you can help me.. please do..
again.. the list of what it is basically been about is..

1) water
2) my best friends (2)
3) bridges
4) family

ps.. i have a bad feeling about this!

2007-02-17 12:48:36 · 7 answers · asked by Brittany 2

What should i do???

2007-02-17 12:47:57 · 6 answers · asked by birthdayboy1009 1

serious question. How do u know love from limerence and infatuation?

2007-02-17 12:46:47 · 3 answers · asked by sohini 1

then why do you not see it reversed top to bottom?

2007-02-17 12:40:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone famous once said that true evil is not when bad men do bad things, but when it is when good men do nothing. Or something of that nature. I have always strong advocat of that saying, and have lived trying to help my fellow man, i guess thats why i get on here. But I what i dont understand is how good men can sit and whatch the world go bye and not help try to make it better. Tonight, near my nieghborhood, the was an explosion... you could see smoke and flames from my house. And from the sound of it, i was told by my family, that it might have been a plane crashing. Which makes sense because the is an airfield near by. Now my first instinct was and still is to go help. Now mind you i am an ex-soldier trained in first aid and and burn injuries, so i think i could be of some aid til help arrived. My family on the other hand was content to be on lookers and willing to wiat for the news to find out what happened... they have been this way my whole life. I just dont understand how...

2007-02-17 12:18:54 · 8 answers · asked by Smurfy 3

when i am conversing with someone, generally chilling out or in a peaceful atmosphere, i tend to end up having a recurring lucid vision in which i see a favourite place of mine and it sounds like someone else is talking to me. it sounds nuts but it seems to be a regular occurance. don't worry i'm not a stoner or anything. is it a brain chemical issue or something???

2007-02-17 12:14:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

One day the bad effects of drugs will be gone, but would u really want to live in a world where every ones just happy? Not achieving or fighting, just drug induced happiness and peace (or in other words the 60’s! but with out the bad results e.g addiction and mental and physical harm) in a world where we could just choose to be in a state of happiness that you didn’t have to leave, would that be so bad? We wouldn’t ‘do’ any more (no struggle, stress or pain), we would just ‘be’ happy and content or if we wanted- deliriously happy.
P.S. I’m also assuming we have made a pill for all our food and drink needs and still have children.

2007-02-17 12:13:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

...half to death twice?

2007-02-17 12:05:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was assaulted last week. Some crack head man tried to rob me. He snuck up behind me and started hitting me in my head several times with an unknown object. I had to have 7 staples in my head i am grateful to even be alive. He didnt even get any money from me. He stole my purse and i had a nice sum of money in there only he took the wallet out and threw my purse down with money still in purse. I also do not keep my credit cards or id or anything in my wallet only thing in there was my insurance cards and ss card. I know it could have been worse and i am happy that it wasnt but i am so nervous to go anywhere anymore. It was 11:30 am that this happened..broad daylight!

2007-02-17 11:46:54 · 14 answers · asked by JAY 3

How do I know if I am not a ghost?

2007-02-17 11:46:02 · 12 answers · asked by Matt Strobyl 1

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