This question has been asked many times already on Yahoo Answers, but I would like to ask it again, and request only serious answers. You may think I am asking this so that I can try to make money from the answers; you will have to take my word that I am not. I am fascinated by the evolution of the internet in the last decade. As far as I am concerned, the internet revolution started with the advent of Yahoo and then Google. From there we have seen MySpace create a world of online communities, the only real succesful clone being Facebook. YouTube introduced the world to the idea of video blogging, and made every single user famous in their own right. This years TIME Person of the Year is you, and me, and every other human being, because websites like MySpace, Facebook and YouTube have made the average Joe an internet celebrity. What are your thoughts? Where will the internet take us next?
6 answers
asked by
Tim K