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Psychology - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

I use to be a simple gal who loves everyone and smile always. After an incident happened to me last year made me having a serious negative protection.

I refuse to talk to others even give expression. I feel that if i start to talk and get close with human, they will hurt me. It was too pain to try it on. I did get advice from doctor, my condition is better and better.

How can i overcome this condition to think positive always?

2007-01-15 19:06:45 · 12 answers · asked by Blur Gal... 1

My new boyfriend wants me to meet him at a specific place (a campfire by a dark calm ocean) in our dreams. This is VERY important to him and I have been able to make it to the beach in a hypnogogic state, but then I lose the vision when I enter a full dream state. Any suggestions?

2007-01-15 19:00:00 · 9 answers · asked by NightShade13 1

I'm talking about REALLY young, like perhaps 3 or 4 months old or younger than a year old...?

2007-01-15 18:36:02 · 23 answers · asked by ~mizifuza~ 1

When you question another's perspective, you get to challenge your own.

2007-01-15 18:32:18 · 5 answers · asked by rachel z 1

I sometimes wake up seeing things in my bed with me (a beaver, a boat about to fall on me, spiders, little blue tiny running me, scorpians, ect. ) Well last night , (I was completely asleep) I jumped on top of my husband, grabbed a hold of his hair, yanked it take and shouted "try to get past me now" . Well my husband is paranoid or something cause startling him in his sleep puts him in fighting mode. The first time I did this he about punched me in the face. this time cause I said something , he knew it was me so he just jumped on me and shouted whats the matter with you.

My question is What is wrong with me? Any suggestions to keep me from being punched when I do this?

2007-01-15 18:24:15 · 12 answers · asked by Peggy Pirate 6

I work for the county jail, and yesterday an inmate was giving me problems and called me a dumb *** N word. I replied back, I am not black. With that responds, the inmate called me a racist.

He stated, so you have to be black to be called the N word. Then another jumped in the convseration, and said the defination of the "N" word means a person who is a dummy.

Anyway, make long story short, he ended up talking to my Sgt, who is black about what happened.

I want to know is my responds made me sound like a racist?

2007-01-15 18:23:40 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dearest Sexy,

Thank you again for being so good to me. You have a long history of sending very nice, poetic, thoughtful emails. I am not as creatively inclined but I'd like to tell you some things from the heart. You are full of kindness. I can trust you, and I have immense confidence in you. You have personal integrity which I find admirable, respectable, and endlessly attractive.

My life revolves around Nessa most of the time, and you have never made me feel bad about not being able to give you my full attention. I always knew I had to be extra careful in choosing who to spend time with because of having an impressionable, vulnerable young person in my care. Therefore I did not want to get in over my head too quickly, and lose sight of what is important. But I've gotten to know you over the past many months, and since I have a moment, I wanted to take the time to make sure you know how much I appreciate you.

First of all I want to thank you again for being so flexible and understanding. You see that I do not have the freedom of a single person, and even though you do not have a child of your own you understand as if you did. In fact you work together as a team when we're all together, especially the little details such as holding a door or helping with a jacket. Those things you do I deeply appreciate and make you a hero to me. I know you well enough to know that you're not just putting on an act, you are just a naturally helpful soul. Plus you set such a good example in front of my girl, and you can't even put a value on something like that especially when there has never been a good example like that in her life before. The fact you treat me well reflects back to her so it's a double good deed.

If I never got mixed up with a bad guy many years ago, if history could be changed I simply wish I could have had a child with you instead. Had we somehow been able to meet a decade ago, wouldn't things be different. The imagination can crank out endless possibilities but perhaps the right time never was back then, for either of us. We only have today, and the mystery of the future to work with. Fantasizing about what could have happened in the past is useless, so that leaves fantasizing about the future.

I don't believe in fate or destiny, I feel that what happens in life is largely influenced by acting upon what you want to happen. In a way I think it's a mistake to lay back and think "this was meant to be," because then people stop putting forth an effort and don't have to make decisions. And that line of thinking can also wrongly justify staying in a bad situation, such as in abuse-- such if someone already has it in their head that "this was meant to be," and is too stubborn to see things falling apart. So, even though it is romantic to think that you and I were "meant to be," I think it is far more more beautiful to know that some things really are in our control. I want you. (Not just sexually.) Today, and tomorrow, and thereafter, and I am willing to work for it and work with you to achieve mutual goals.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life. Thank you for coming into the New Year with me. This is very special to me. You are very special to me. You have given me hope and a sense of belonging. Sometime I feel like only now my life has really begun since I met you. Instead of trapping me, you have freed me. Since I do not have to rely on wishful thinking, I do not have to call you the man of my dreams. You are not a fantasy, you are a reality.

Love Pumpkin

2007-01-15 18:20:14 · 16 answers · asked by xxx_death_kiss_xxx 1

I have been have VERY unusual dreams lately. Down right bizarre. Why am I all of a sudden having strange dreams. Almost every night I dream and I remeber them. Often times I dream something and I comes true(to an extent) So I normally have very logical dreams. Whats going on?

P.S. It has been going on for several months now

2007-01-15 18:11:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you get ur self to stop blushing? I get embarrased alot, even if it was only a little thing i did. But i hate it cause my face get's really red, really fast which makes me even more embarrased.

2007-01-15 18:10:11 · 7 answers · asked by Tizmo 2

What facial or bodily features really put you off someone?

2007-01-15 17:58:03 · 29 answers · asked by Kate 1

My theropist asked me the same question and i lied and this has been going on for a long time probably since i was 8 years old i'm 19 now. What does it mean thanks for the help

2007-01-15 17:56:41 · 11 answers · asked by Seinfeld 4

2007-01-15 17:55:18 · 10 answers · asked by beat_this_program 1

This is a very true and serious question. Since I have been dreaming,anything I dream I see it on t.v or it happens. At first I though it was just by coencident, but its all the time I dream. ITs always small stuff like fires, accidents,etc. but when I awake, I either see it on the news or outside, I'm starting to think I'm psychic, but I don't believe in that.

2007-01-15 17:50:38 · 9 answers · asked by empress29 2

How do you define "Hapiness"? Some people get happiness seeing other people suffer. Everyone has different definations of happiness, but what is the MOST common defined "Happiness"? Some people get happy seeing their wealth grow and multiply. Some people get happy helping others physically, emotionally or financially. Some people feel happy being getting married. I need to know your answer.

2007-01-15 17:46:56 · 13 answers · asked by aramaiya 3

2007-01-15 17:34:34 · 5 answers · asked by leela krishna sarma t 1

ishe stabbed me when i was 7 and i couldnt tell no one fo fear ill get killed i used to be a good kid until about 12 when i started selling and smoking weed. then she just responded by doing little kid **** like putting me in the corner. then when i was 13 she hit me over the head with a vase when i was cleaning the house for her(my daily chore) i was knocked out for an hour then woke up not knowing what waqs going on. the next thing i knew i was on a plane to my fathers house in new mexico. i always listened to her except for that stupid phase when i was 12 but she now is trying to say shes sorry by emailing me and calling em but ended up critisizing me more. what should i do? we cant change our number because its my grandpas house and he refuses so what should i do?

2007-01-15 17:28:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let us make it realistic and straight from what comes first in your mind ;)

2007-01-15 17:25:04 · 8 answers · asked by the wanderer 3

I read the Bible all the time and the prophecy's in it are becoming more and more real. With the wars and the dumbest president i've ever seen in my life who started a war that he can't even finish and the whether is taking really strange turns and circles God is coming back are you ready?

2007-01-15 16:53:32 · 16 answers · asked by Lovely 2

we dated for 2 yrs in the past but broke up because we argued too much. and his parents raised him like a king so he's... a tad bit spoiled. ANYWAY he dated this new girl afterwards for about a month, but when he got in a fight with her, he lied to me by telling me he was going to dump her, and used me to cheat on her (the next day he changed his mind about dumping her). this is the big reason why i'm posting this question. after she dumped him (bc they also argued) he started dating someone new. then she ended up going for her ex. after a couple weeks, he wants me back. he says he's going to change... but i don't know what to think. we got back together... but there was a time when he was already moving on without me. i wanted to be friends with benefits, but he started putting my pictures on his dorm wall and being really nice like he was when we used to be serious. and now he says that he won't have sex with me unless we have a relationship. i love him but i'm confused as he**.

2007-01-15 16:50:30 · 7 answers · asked by stelze 1

we dated for 2 yrs in the past but broke up because we argued too much. and his parents raised him like a king so he's... a tad bit spoiled. ANYWAY he dated this new girl afterwards for about a month, but when he got in a fight with her, he lied to me by telling me he was going to dump her, and used me to cheat on her (the next day he changed his mind about dumping her). this is the big reason why i'm posting this question. after she dumped him (bc they also argued) he started dating someone new. then she ended up going for her ex. after a couple weeks, he wants me back. he says he's going to change... but i don't know what to think. we got back together... but there was a time when he was already moving on without me. i wanted to be friends with benefits, but he started putting my pictures on his dorm wall and being really nice like he was when we used to be serious. and now he says that he won't have sex with me unless we have a relationship. i love him but i'm confused as he**.

2007-01-15 16:46:19 · 16 answers · asked by stelze 1

Everyone talks about if a women is more complicated than a man, but what makes that person complicated, whether man or women?

2007-01-15 16:44:14 · 10 answers · asked by J.Jai 1

..my fear of talking infront of people! I have a geography project that I will be presenting infront of my classmates tomorrow & I'm really nervous. Whenever I am obligated to talk infront of my fellow pupils, I so nervous my hands have the tendency to shake and sometimes I even stutter. Do you have any suggestions to help overome my anxiety problem? and please don't say "picture them in their underwear" . It doesn't work. Trust me, I know from experience, haha.

2007-01-15 16:28:20 · 9 answers · asked by CHA0TIK 3

How would you support that statement?

2007-01-15 16:23:42 · 2 answers · asked by rachel z 1

The more sexual content teens see on TV, the more likely they are to have sex.

2007-01-15 16:17:17 · 7 answers · asked by ♫♫♫ 1

Are there some people that really need it and if so who would they be? How would we know them? What about them would be different? Why are drugs the best treatment for them?

2007-01-15 16:09:23 · 7 answers · asked by Friend 6

2007-01-15 15:46:54 · 2 answers · asked by my angel is 2 1/2 now:) 1

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