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Psychology - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

Lets say that your a doctor and your brother is terminal and nothing can be done to save him, if left alone to die it would be very long and painfull, would you give him an over dose of morphine in his sleep so he dies peacfully.

2006-11-12 11:00:46 · 9 answers · asked by adam p 1

I have a degree in Business Management/Marketing, but hate sitting in an office all day. I also sold media. The job was very lucrative and I functioned well in that capacity, however it was to much pressure and I was never home (family is important to me.) I went to school for teaching, but after a year I decided that the job market and salary would not meet my needs. I am very artistic. I love to draw, read, write, decorate my home and bake. I enjoy helping and taking care of others when they are sick or listening when they need advice. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty and although I know nothing about automobiles, I have no problem opening up the hood and trying to figure out what is going on (my husband does not appreciate this). I really like to garden and plant flowers. I get bored easily and enjoy variety. Unfortunately, most of the jobs that I would like do not pay very well. Most people do not understand why I would rather make $5/hr deliveri

2006-11-12 11:00:07 · 4 answers · asked by Julia 2

According to all of the so-called prefesionals depression is a chemical embalance that can be correted with the right medication, not a feeling of circumstance that you can just snap out of.

Well i was in an accedent in Aug. where i broke 14 bones in the left side of my body. I was laying in a hospital for a total of 5 weeks and couldn't walk around til just a week ago(still need a walker)... The second week in the hospital a psychiatrist came to my room to put me on zolof even though i wasn't irrationally depressed... i was ticked off because i 1) couldn't talk - so how could she tell i was depressed, 2) when the nurses would change my sheets they would constintly role me on to my left side which had those 14 broken bones plus chuncks of muscle torn out of my leg and skin graphs on the leg and arm - i think i had a reason to be upset by way of extreme pain

ill write more in the aditional details...

2006-11-12 10:57:38 · 4 answers · asked by TJ815 4

im young i should be enjoying myself!!! but i jsut dont want to go out. when my friends go out i always find an excuse to sit at home and watch tv. i dont have anything to look forward to!! can so mebody help please

2006-11-12 10:54:56 · 11 answers · asked by khoshgel 1

25/ female/ London /waiting for my first true love/ broke/ not thin enough/ in a big city alone/ tired of meeting pretentious people/ stuck in a rut/ not sure if i've chosen the right career/ sexually frustrated but don't want a casual shag/ wouldn't mind company tonight/ 50 names in my phone book but no-one to call...

2006-11-12 10:49:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

remembering the right letters for spoken words, or remembering the right names for things?

The person I'm speaking of has a problem with acronyms like VCR or DVD (they will call it VCV or DVC or VRC...).

She also has problems with names like restaurant names (the restaurant will be called "el palacio" but she constantly calls it by every other mexican restaurant name imaginable).

It seems vaguely like dislexia, but not quite the same... Is there a name for this problem? And if so, is there a way to treat it or make it more managable?

2006-11-12 10:42:57 · 4 answers · asked by Dysthymia 6

If fish is so good for brain development, why is it that fish have such bad memories (allegedly)???

2006-11-12 10:40:57 · 7 answers · asked by sarahjanec 3

and isolated tonight, wondering how im gonna achieve my ambitions in life. how im going to get over my psychological probs..my psychiatrist said last week i have a personality disorder not a mental illness, he said he wouldnt perscribe me any medication because alot of its addictive and once i got used to it it wouldnt work....i have problems with anger to work through inner rage, my self esteem is very low, paranoid ideas, racing thoughts. high anxiety and panic..im 29 now and i wonder how im going to find security and love in my life, how im going to find employment, and live in a nice place...how im going to face and deal with reality? i dont even wanna stay here in britain i would like to emmegrate, but at the moment i feel trapped that my ambitions will never happen..or their to far away from me. i dont want this..i live in a small flat on benifits in a rough area i dont like, and i wonder how im going to achieve what i really want?? i wish i could be rescued from this

2006-11-12 10:37:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some one tells you something that you don't know, then you see it everywhere the next day. Last night, I was waiting for my friends to get out of the theater. I was smoking in front of a toy store in Tucson called "Mrs. Tiggy Winkles." I had never heard of her before. Today, on Yahoo answers, some one asked "what kind of animal is Mrs Tiggy Winkles?" This, from my staindpoint is a very obscure reference. What do you call this kind of coincidence?

2006-11-12 10:35:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

for about a month i have been on a product called st johns wort. i take 2 in the morning. sometimes one in the evening around 4 or 5 if i think this may be more of a highly charged day. for some of us we can self talk our way into feeling better. for people like me i have to fight to self talk myself. it shouldnt be that hard. sometimes the stress wins over all the self talk and we crash. now i by no mean am i trying to shove a pill down all your throats. this is coming from someone who has lived enough to know that some things are out of our control sometimes. like our minds.
i came to a point in my life where i couldnt afford the medication that helped me. so for a while me and my mind have been at war. then recently i heard of an herbal extract called st. johns wort. i was like right, how can a vitamin make me feel better.well it did. right away. it quieted my mind down totally. i can go with the flow now when before i would have been uncomfortable. try it. ill bet youll like it

2006-11-12 10:29:40 · 4 answers · asked by solas lethe 3

Anyone in Canada knows the details of study required to become a Child Psychologist in Ontario, Canada, in terms of what specific qualifications need to get? If any information or pointers, in whatever details, is so much appreciated. The reason I ask is I am looking at BA(4-year) Child & Youth Care program at Ryerson Unviersity, and thinking of doing Master Degree after that, then PhD. I want to avoid the BA of Psychology program in whatever university, as the program usually is just theoretical for 4 years, without any internship or hands-on practice. So I'm not sure if BA in CYC can allow me to move on to become a Child Psychologist eventually. Have asked Universities, but can't get advice much from them.

2006-11-12 10:27:56 · 3 answers · asked by Rivermoon 2

2006-11-12 10:22:10 · 6 answers · asked by MaryBeth 7

2006-11-12 10:14:45 · 5 answers · asked by Jerse 3

hi,I am an Indian and 22 years old.My dream is to start a manufacturing firm of my own. Recently my grandfather gave me about 25 crore rupees which a little more than $5 million and asked me to go for it. I know i should not have accepted it but I guess my urge to get to my dream misguided me.I know that my parents would be deeply hurt if they find out about this.They have always wanted me to be a self made man.I want to be a self made man.My grandfather has not told anyone about and this morning he promised he wouldnt tell anybody .That is when I started feeling shamefull.I regret the fact that I accepted it.It may not be a very big amount but I still feel I've made a mistake.I tried returning it to my grandfather but he never accepted it.He is now 90+ years old and he wants to see my success before his time. I completely understand that. But i simply dont have the means to earn that much money.
I am confused .I am stuck between my parents ,my grandfather and my consience.This could

2006-11-12 10:07:37 · 6 answers · asked by confused 1

Pretty self-explanatory. How would you rate your own intelligence, 5 being average, 10 being Stephen Hawking, 0 being like being so high you no longer know your own name, only permanent.

2006-11-12 10:04:30 · 13 answers · asked by Wise1 3

I feel really bad latly. Im 18 years old i attend college, i cant seem to make friends too well i always fight with them or i lose interest, i cant get a gf, i dont have my license or a job, im bored, im tired, and annoyed with myself, i want to badly have a successful career i think about that alot, what should i do with my self??

2006-11-12 09:59:00 · 9 answers · asked by marcel r 1


i have gone to look for myself, if I should return before I get back please ask myself to wait for me.

Think you can handle that?

2006-11-12 09:37:27 · 7 answers · asked by fpaulk1 3

i have this dream at least once a week sometimes more. i am driving on a curvy exit ramp from a highway the destination is always different (mall, friends house etc..) but the road is always the same.

2006-11-12 09:35:48 · 11 answers · asked by guitar_lady81 4

I am doing a M.Ed in counselling psychology (with a BA in psych). Does anyone have any info for me about what kinds of jobs they have gotten with such a degree? What would be a good place for me to do an internship?

2006-11-12 09:34:20 · 5 answers · asked by elviraelixir 1

I have a degree in Business/Marketing, but HATE business. I went to school for teaching, but after a year I changed my mind. I also droped out of hair school. I am very artistic. I love to draw, read, write, decorate my home and make beautiful pastry. I am also very carying and nurturing. I love to help others and take care of others. I always try to put everyone before myself. I like listening to others and trying to help them with them work out problems. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty and enjoy fixing things. I am not a machanic, but I have no problem opening up the hood and trying to find out what is going on or fixing the pipes unders the sink. I also I am 35 years old and my girls are in high school. I have been struggled financially all of my life and would like to have a job that will provide me with more financial security. I also would like a job that I will not dread every day. I get bored easily and need a job with variety.

2006-11-12 09:33:16 · 8 answers · asked by Julia 2

Can u explain behavior of my 55 years old mother because it is weird. When she see on movie two couples kissing, she does not like that? why?I know for one fact that she is extremely devoted to catholic religion. It is so very important for her to go to church, but it does not matter whetver it brings good outcomes that proves that she is really good catholic. She is very intolernat. and for example she doesn't like when young people at church don't sign. But the point is u can't force someone against his/her will to do something. IF someone doesn't want then don't. It is voluntary. And today I let her to lend my cell phone. I gave her, as she talked she is gonna talk only 15 min. Well I agreed, but I am expecting someone to call me. And when I came to her room to ask for phone because I expect call, she ignored me and still continued to talk for long time. Personally I receive this as rude and selfish. What should I do?

2006-11-12 09:31:02 · 9 answers · asked by master343 3

i cant always remember what i dreamt but i wake up knowing that they were very vivid and they seem so real./ also they are strange. does this mean im clairvoyant or developing psychic powers?

2006-11-12 09:27:51 · 4 answers · asked by guitar_lady81 4

hi,I am an Indian and 22 years old.My dream is to start a manufacturing firm of my own. Recently my grandfather gave me about 25 crore rupees which a little more than $5 million and asked me to go for it. I know i should not have accepted it but I guess my urge to get to my dream misguided me.I know that my parents would be deeply hurt if they find out about this.They have always wanted me to be a self made man.I want to be a self made man.My grandfather has not told anyone about and this morning he promised he wouldnt tell anybody .That is when I started feeling shamefull.I regret the fact that I accepted it.It may not be a very big amount but I still feel I've made a mistake.I tried returning it to my grandfather but he never accepted it.He is now 90+ years old and he wants to see my success before his time. I completely understand that. But i simply dont have the means to earn that much money.
I am confused .I am stuck between my parents ,my grandfather and my consience.This could

2006-11-12 09:19:29 · 15 answers · asked by confused 1

2006-11-12 09:18:06 · 6 answers · asked by marina_malak 1

It's healthy to vent, whine, and get worked up over the the everyday hoops we all have to jump through.

It's the start of a new week, christmas is right around the corner, winter is coming, and we're all realizing this past New Year's resolutions were wishful thinking.

Here's your opportunity to let it all out. What really bugs the crap out of you?

2006-11-12 08:56:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

have YOU ever approached a cute stranger to flirt/ask for his number, etc.? (as opposed to *being* approached.)

if yes,
1) were you really scared?
2) got any tips? horror stories? any guy body language to watch for (& what it means)? anything to avoid?

thanks girls!

2006-11-12 07:57:54 · 10 answers · asked by melon_rose 2

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