i don't really belive in the big bang, i beilve that god spoke let it be, and it was, the point is that umm.. well no matter wut (what don't type all that) ( there is a feather pokin' out of your pillow) (i know, it does that, it is anoyin') (hey the big bang, remember?) (i never end anything w/ a g exept for thing) (COWS GO MOO!!!!) (copyright<---) (come on let's just start typin' agianhappy<---(no g)) k bake to the thing (evolution is so stupid) (we ain't talkin' bout evolution!put the smilie things alisha!) back to subject (agian) k as i was sain' (more like i was sayin' it!) (wait wut were we talkin' bout agian?) the point is, god made it happen, it can't start off on it's own, basically god created everything!!
(sry bout the umm, crud wut are they called?parinthisisyah the parinthisis, it is 3 teen girls talkin' at the (-fart-crud i farted agian, agian) well yah, the really kool one, is me(you know the COWS GO MOO one!) (sry if we got off subject, but hey(gross did you fart agian?maybe....darn your feathers are pokin' me agian!wait, wait i got it!, i got the feather!) yah you might take this as a way to laugh at our big bang thing,(big bang thing, it ryhims!!!) and tell your friends, ha told you i was right! (and you won't guess wut time it is right now... well let me help, 2:02 am!) (looki! chocolates!y they swimin' n' water?) (all three...eww)
(-smack-chocolates can't swim, they fly!oh thanx!)
(i promise we ain't stupid! dumbs not blond!i mean yah w/e!)
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