Have you ever been telling someone your music interests and they immediately butt-in with their laundry list of "underground, super-secret" bands? Or when you are talking about a specific band and they start rattling on about "they were good on that album but that other album sucked"?
Example: I'm listening to my iPod in my car, the past few songs that have played were Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, and All-American Rejects. So my friend in my car says, "Oh man have you ever heard of 'Gorilla Jumpsuit', 'Three Marbles of Insanity', ect.? (I made those names up, but you get the point) They were out WAY before these bands, before "emo" was cool and popular. I was listening to them back in middle school, but these new bands just suck."
What is this need to feel superior by quoting obscure bands from the past, or 'underground' albums from artists who are popular now? You just come off sounding like a dick. Stop it.
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