In order to keep improving concentration on work you must really like what you are working on. If you don`t truly have a great belief in what you are doing than it is probable that you wont advance far. Just take several minutes a day to clear your mind and then focus on what tasks are at hand. Never stress too much, it will inhibit your mind from coming up with a answer due to the fact that just thinking about the problem is causing such stress then the mind might think an answer will just lead to another more stressful situation.
2006-07-28 03:27:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's easy to become unfocused on things so a few pointers that are simply good habits:
1.) Make a to do list. Even if it's short, make one and make it SPECIFIC.
2. Address everything on your todo list. Don't skip things or avoid them because of potential outcomes.
3. Eat breakfast. This may sound over obvious but diet has a huge impact on your mental energy levels.
4. Don't rely on memory - write things down. Even if you have a good memory the act of writing things down will reinforce it that much more (hence improving your concentration).
5. Do you have uncertainties about something your doing at work? Ask the right person about it - Always ask questions.
Hope that helps.
2006-07-28 10:33:42
answer #2
answered by Rumplestilskin 2
It helps to love what you do at work, so one way is to change jobs to a carreer that you love more than the one you have.
Have yourself checked to be sure you don't have Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder. If you do, you can be treated with medication. In addition to treating or ruling out disdorders:
Eat right, 5 to 6 small meals a day, none later than 7 pm. Go to bed early and rise earlier than you need to making sure you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Make your sleeping pattern a routine that you do not change even on weekends. In the extra time you have in the morning, eat your first meal of the day, prepare yourself physically, showering, dressing, then before you go to work prepare yourself mentally.
Start thinking about your tasks at work. Write a list of your tasks for the day before you leave. As you commute, review the list and think of strategies that you will use to accomplish the tasks. Decide what is first to do. When you arrive, start on it right away. A lot of getting things done is just starting them. Go straight to work right when you get there. When you accomplish things, you feel better about yourself and it inspires you to do more and it spirals upward. This makes you love your work more and you make yourself concentrate better.
Avoid excessive alchol consumption. Exersize for 30 min to 1 hour ending an hour before you retire at night. You will sleep better. If you eat right, exersize and you still do not have a restful sleep, you may consider a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea. Even mild cases interrupt your sleep and make you tired all day and that makes it difficult to sleep. If you have sleep apnea it is treatable. Talk to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor.
Good Luck!
2006-07-31 01:37:59
answer #3
answered by Ken C. 6